/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __CgFxScriptLoader_H__ #define __CgFxScriptLoader_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreSingleton.h" #include "OgreStringVector.h" #include "OgreScriptLoader.h" #include "OgreCgPrerequisites.h" #include "OgreTexture.h" #include "OgreTextureUnitState.h" #include "OgreGpuProgram.h" namespace Ogre { /** Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them. Alo manages the creation of OverlayContainers and OverlayElements, used for non-interactive 2D elements such as HUDs. */ class CgFxScriptLoader : public Singleton, public ScriptLoader, public ScriptCompilerAlloc { public: protected: /** we want to comply to FXCompositor - this list is the enum FXComposer.Core.FXSemanticID that existing in C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\FX Composer 2.5\FXComposer.Core.dll if you reference if from managed project you can see the list. description is from C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\FX Composer 2.5\Plugins\scene\render\Data\fxmapping.xml (open with a text editor and not with the browser) and from C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\FX Composer 2.5\FXComposer.Core.xml */ enum FXSemanticID { FXS_NONE, FXS_UNKNOWN, FXS_POSITION, // desc="A position vector." datatypes="float3" FXS_DIRECTION, // desc="A direction vector." datatypes="float3" FXS_COLOR, FXS_DIFFUSE, // desc="Color value to be used as the diffuse color. The fourth channel represents diffuse alpha." datatypes="float4,float3,texture" FXS_SPECULAR, // desc="Color value to be used as the specular color. The fourth channel represents specular alpha." datatypes="float4,float3,texture" FXS_AMBIENT, // desc="Color value to be used as the ambient color. The fourth channel represents ambient alpha." datatypes="float4,float3,texture" FXS_EMISSION, FXS_EMISSIVE, // desc="Color value to be used as the emissive color. The fourth channel represents emissive alpha." datatypes="float4,float3,texture" FXS_SPECULARPOWER, // desc="Power to use for the specular exponent." datatypes="float,float3,float4" FXS_REFRACTION, // desc="A refraction map that give the coefficents to determine the norma for an environment map lookup" datatypes="texture" FXS_OPACITY, // desc="Opacity of the object." datatypes="texture" FXS_ENVIRONMENT, // desc="An environment map." datatypes="texture" FXS_ENVIRONMENTNORMAL, // name="environmentnormal" desc="An environment normal map." datatypes="texture" FXS_NORMAL, // desc="Normal for the element or texture" datatypes="texture" FXS_HEIGHT, // desc="Height for the element when using bump mapping." datatypes="texture" FXS_ATTENUATION, // desc="Light attenuation." datatypes="float3" FXS_RENDERCOLORTARGET, // desc="Defines the texture as the render target of a pass in the effect." datatypes="texture" FXS_RENDERDEPTHSTENCILTARGET, // desc="Defines the texture as the render target of a pass in the effect." datatypes="texture" FXS_VIEWPORTPIXELSIZE, // desc="Size of the viewport in pixels" datatypes="float2" FXS_CAMERAPOSITION, // desc="Viewer position in world space (replaced by position with space=view annotation)." datatypes="float3" FXS_TIME, // desc="The current time (see units annotation for scale)." datatypes="float" FXS_ELAPSEDTIME, // desc="The time between adjacent frames (see units annotation for scale)." datatypes="float" FXS_ANIMATIONTIME, FXS_ANIMATIONTICK, FXS_MOUSEPOSITION, // desc="The mouse position on screen (x,y,time)" datatypes="float3" FXS_LEFTMOUSEDOWN, // desc="The left mouse down state, and its position at that time ( x, y, isdown, timedown)" datatypes="float4" FXS_WORLD, // desc="world-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEW, // desc="view matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_PROJECTION, // desc="projection matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDTRANSPOSE, // desc="world-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWTRANSPOSE, // name="worldviewtranspose" desc="world-view-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_PROJECTIONTRANSPOSE, // name="viewprojectiontranspose" desc="view-projection-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEW, // desc="world-view matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWPROJECTION, // desc="world-view-projection matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDINVERSE, //desc="world-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWINVERSE, // desc="view-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_PROJECTIONINVERSE, // desc="projection-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE, // desc="world-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE, // desc="view-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_PROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE, // desc="projection-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWINVERSE, // desc="world-view-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWTRANSPOSE, // desc="world-view-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE, // desc="world-view-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE, // desc="world-view-projection-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE, FXS_WORLDVIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE, // name="worldviewprojectioninversetranspose" desc="world-view-projection-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWPROJECTION, // desc="view-projection matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWPROJECTIONTRANSPOSE, // desc="view-projection-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWPROJECTIONINVERSE, // desc="world-view-projection-inverse matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_VIEWPROJECTIONINVERSETRANSPOSE, // desc="world-view-projection-inverse-transpose matrix." datatypes="matrix" FXS_FXCOMPOSER_RESETPULSE, // desc="A pulsed boolean, reset on window resize or from the FX Composer user interface." datatypes="bool" FXS_STANDARDSGLOBAL, // desc="Standards version and global annotations" datatypes="float" FXS_UNITSSCALE, // desc="Defines the modeling proportions to the current unit/space." datatypes="float" FXS_POWER, // Power factor FXS_DIFFUSEMAP, // A diffuse texture map FXS_SPECULARMAP, // A specular texture map FXS_ENVMAP, // An env map FXS_LIGHTPOSITION, // light position FXS_TRANSFORM, // A transform FXS_USER, // User Semantics - Semantics Remapper Special FXS_CONSTANTATTENUATION, FXS_LINEARATTENUATION, FXS_QUADRATICATTENUATION, FXS_FALLOFFANGLE, FXS_FALLOFFEXPONENT, FXS_BOUNDINGRADIUS }; enum GlobalStateType { GST_UNKNOWN, GST_ALPHABLENDENABLE, //AlphaBlendEnable GST_ALPHAFUNC, //AlphaFunc GST_ALPHAREF, //AlphaRef GST_BLENDOP, //BlendOp GST_BLENDEQUATION, //BlendEquation GST_BLENDFUNC, //BlendFunc GST_BLENDFUNCSEPARATE, //BlendFuncSeparate GST_BLENDEQUATIONSEPARATE, //BlendEquationSeparate GST_BLENDCOLOR, //BlendColor GST_CLEARCOLOR, //ClearColor GST_CLEARSTENCIL, //ClearStencil GST_CLEARDEPTH, //ClearDepth GST_CLIPPLANE, //ClipPlane GST_CLIPPLANEENABLE, //ClipPlaneEnable GST_COLORWRITEENABLE, //ColorWriteEnable GST_COLORMASK, //ColorMask GST_COLORVERTEX, //ColorVertex GST_COLORMATERIAL, //ColorMaterial GST_COLORMATRIX, //ColorMatrix GST_COLORTRANSFORM, //ColorTransform GST_CULLFACE, //CullFace GST_CULLMODE, //CullMode GST_DEPTHBOUNDS, //DepthBounds GST_DEPTHBIAS, //DepthBias GST_DESTBLEND, //DestBlend GST_DEPTHFUNC, //DepthFunc GST_ZFUNC, //ZFunc GST_DEPTHMASK, //DepthMask GST_ZWRITEENABLE, //ZWriteEnable GST_DEPTHRANGE, //DepthRange GST_FOGDISTANCEMODE, //FogDistanceMode GST_FOGMODE, //FogMode GST_FOGTABLEMODE, //FogTableMode GST_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE, //IndexedVertexBlendEnable GST_FOGDENSITY, //FogDensity GST_FOGSTART, //FogStart GST_FOGEND, //FogEnd GST_FOGCOLOR, //FogColor GST_FRAGMENTENVPARAMETER, //FragmentEnvParameter GST_FRAGMENTLOCALPARAMETER, //FragmentLocalParameter GST_FOGCOORDSRC, //FogCoordSrc GST_FOGVERTEXMODE, //FogVertexMode GST_FRONTFACE, //FrontFace GST_LIGHTMODELAMBIENT, //LightModelAmbient GST_AMBIENT, //Ambient GST_LIGHTINGENABLE, //LightingEnable GST_LIGHTENABLE, //LightEnable GST_LIGHTAMBIENT, //LightAmbient GST_LIGHTCONSTANTATTENUATION, //LightConstantAttenuation GST_LIGHTATTENUATION0, //LightAttenuation0 GST_LIGHTDIFFUSE, //LightDiffuse GST_LIGHTLINEARATTENUATION, //LightLinearAttenuation GST_LIGHTATTENUATION1, //LightAttenuation1 GST_LIGHTPOSITION, //LightPosition GST_LIGHTQUADRATICATTENUATION, //LightQuadraticAttenuation GST_LIGHTATTENUATION2, //LightAttenuation2 GST_LIGHTSPECULAR, //LightSpecular GST_LIGHTSPOTCUTOFF, //LightSpotCutoff GST_LIGHTFALLOFF, //LightFalloff GST_LIGHTSPOTDIRECTION, //LightSpotDirection GST_LIGHTDIRECTION, //LightDirection GST_LIGHTSPOTEXPONENT, //LightSpotExponent GST_LIGHTPHI, //LightPhi GST_LIGHTRANGE, //LightRange GST_LIGHTTHETA, //LightTheta GST_LIGHTTYPE, //LightType GST_LOCALVIEWER, //LocalViewer GST_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS, //MultiSampleAntialias GST_MULTISAMPLEMASK, //MultiSampleMask GST_PATCHSEGMENTS, //PatchSegments GST_POINTSCALE_A, //PointScale_A GST_POINTSCALE_B, //PointScale_B GST_POINTSCALE_C, //PointScale_C GST_POINTSCALEENABLE, //PointScaleEnable GST_RANGEFOGENABLE, //RangeFogEnable GST_SPECULARENABLE, //SpecularEnable GST_TWEENFACTOR, //TweenFactor GST_VERTEXBLEND, //VertexBlend GST_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE, //AmbientMaterialSource GST_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE, //DiffuseMaterialSource GST_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE, //EmissiveMaterialSource GST_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE, //SpecularMaterialSource GST_CLIPPING, //Clipping GST_LIGHTMODELCOLORCONTROL, //LightModelColorControl GST_LINESTIPPLE, //LineStipple GST_LINEWIDTH, //LineWidth GST_LOGICOP, //LogicOp GST_MATERIALAMBIENT, //MaterialAmbient GST_MATERIALDIFFUSE, //MaterialDiffuse GST_MATERIALEMISSION, //MaterialEmission GST_MATERIALEMISSIVE, //MaterialEmissive GST_MATERIALSHININESS, //MaterialShininess GST_MATERIALPOWER, //MaterialPower GST_MATERIALSPECULAR, //MaterialSpecular GST_MODELVIEWMATRIX, //ModelViewMatrix GST_MODELVIEWTRANSFORM, //ModelViewTransform GST_VIEWTRANSFORM, //ViewTransform GST_WORLDTRANSFORM, //WorldTransform GST_POINTDISTANCEATTENUATION, //PointDistanceAttenuation GST_POINTFADETHRESHOLDSIZE, //PointFadeThresholdSize GST_POINTSIZE, //PointSize GST_POINTSIZEMIN, //PointSizeMin GST_POINTSIZEMAX, //PointSizeMax GST_POINTSPRITECOORDORIGIN, //PointSpriteCoordOrigin GST_POINTSPRITECOORDREPLACE, //PointSpriteCoordReplace GST_POINTSPRITERMODE, //PointSpriteRMode GST_POLYGONMODE, //PolygonMode GST_FILLMODE, //FillMode GST_LASTPIXEL, //LastPixel GST_POLYGONOFFSET, //PolygonOffset GST_PROJECTIONMATRIX, //ProjectionMatrix GST_PROJECTIONTRANSFORM, //ProjectionTransform GST_SCISSOR, //Scissor GST_SHADEMODEL, //ShadeModel GST_SHADEMODE, //ShadeMode GST_SLOPSCALEDEPTHBIAS, //SlopScaleDepthBias GST_SRCBLEND, //SrcBlend GST_STENCILFUNC, //StencilFunc GST_STENCILMASK, //StencilMask GST_STENCILPASS, //StencilPass GST_STENCILREF, //StencilRef GST_STENCILWRITEMASK, //StencilWriteMask GST_STENCILZFAIL, //StencilZFail GST_TEXTUREFACTOR, //TextureFactor GST_STENCILOP, //StencilOp GST_STENCILFUNCSEPARATE, //StencilFuncSeparate GST_STENCILMASKSEPARATE, //StencilMaskSeparate GST_STENCILOPSEPARATE, //StencilOpSeparate GST_TEXGENSMODE, //TexGenSMode GST_TEXGENSOBJECTPLANE, //TexGenSObjectPlane GST_TEXGENSEYEPLANE, //TexGenSEyePlane GST_TEXGENTMODE, //TexGenTMode GST_TEXGENTOBJECTPLANE, //TexGenTObjectPlane GST_TEXGENTEYEPLANE, //TexGenTEyePlane GST_TEXGENRMODE, //TexGenRMode GST_TEXGENROBJECTPLANE, //TexGenRObjectPlane GST_TEXGENREYEPLANE, //TexGenREyePlane GST_TEXGENQMODE, //TexGenQMode GST_TEXGENQOBJECTPLANE, //TexGenQObjectPlane GST_TEXGENQEYEPLANE, //TexGenQEyePlane GST_TEXTUREENVCOLOR, //TextureEnvColor GST_TEXTUREENVMODE, //TextureEnvMode GST_TEXTURE1D, //Texture1D GST_TEXTURE2D, //Texture2D GST_TEXTURE3D, //Texture3D GST_TEXTURERECTANGLE, //TextureRectangle GST_TEXTURECUBEMAP, //TextureCubeMap GST_TEXTURE1DENABLE, //Texture1DEnable GST_TEXTURE2DENABLE, //Texture2DEnable GST_TEXTURE3DENABLE, //Texture3DEnable GST_TEXTURERECTANGLEENABLE, //TextureRectangleEnable GST_TEXTURECUBEMAPENABLE, //TextureCubeMapEnable GST_TEXTURETRANSFORM, //TextureTransform GST_TEXTUREMATRIX, //TextureMatrix GST_VERTEXENVPARAMETER, //VertexEnvParameter GST_VERTEXLOCALPARAMETER, //VertexLocalParameter GST_ALPHATESTENABLE, //AlphaTestEnable GST_AUTONORMALENABLE, //AutoNormalEnable GST_BLENDENABLE, //BlendEnable GST_COLORLOGICOPENABLE, //ColorLogicOpEnable GST_CULLFACEENABLE, //CullFaceEnable GST_DEPTHBOUNDSENABLE, //DepthBoundsEnable GST_DEPTHCLAMPENABLE, //DepthClampEnable GST_DEPTHTESTENABLE, //DepthTestEnable GST_ZENABLE, //ZEnable GST_DITHERENABLE, //DitherEnable GST_FOGENABLE, //FogEnable GST_LIGHTMODELLOCALVIEWERENABLE, //LightModelLocalViewerEnable GST_LIGHTMODELTWOSIDEENABLE, //LightModelTwoSideEnable GST_LINESMOOTHENABLE, //LineSmoothEnable GST_LINESTIPPLEENABLE, //LineStippleEnable GST_LOGICOPENABLE, //LogicOpEnable GST_MULTISAMPLEENABLE, //MultisampleEnable GST_NORMALIZEENABLE, //NormalizeEnable GST_POINTSMOOTHENABLE, //PointSmoothEnable GST_POINTSPRITEENABLE, //PointSpriteEnable GST_POLYGONOFFSETFILLENABLE, //PolygonOffsetFillEnable GST_POLYGONOFFSETLINEENABLE, //PolygonOffsetLineEnable GST_POLYGONOFFSETPOINTENABLE, //PolygonOffsetPointEnable GST_POLYGONSMOOTHENABLE, //PolygonSmoothEnable GST_POLYGONSTIPPLEENABLE, //PolygonStippleEnable GST_RESCALENORMALENABLE, //RescaleNormalEnable GST_SAMPLEALPHATOCOVERAGEENABLE, //SampleAlphaToCoverageEnable GST_SAMPLEALPHATOONEENABLE, //SampleAlphaToOneEnable GST_SAMPLECOVERAGEENABLE, //SampleCoverageEnable GST_SCISSORTESTENABLE, //ScissorTestEnable GST_STENCILTESTENABLE, //StencilTestEnable GST_STENCILENABLE, //StencilEnable GST_STENCILTESTTWOSIDEENABLE, //StencilTestTwoSideEnable GST_STENCILFAIL, //StencilFail GST_TEXGENSENABLE, //TexGenSEnable GST_TEXGENTENABLE, //TexGenTEnable GST_TEXGENRENABLE, //TexGenREnable GST_TEXGENQENABLE, //TexGenQEnable GST_WRAP0, //Wrap0 GST_WRAP1, //Wrap1 GST_WRAP2, //Wrap2 GST_WRAP3, //Wrap3 GST_WRAP4, //Wrap4 GST_WRAP5, //Wrap5 GST_WRAP6, //Wrap6 GST_WRAP7, //Wrap7 GST_WRAP8, //Wrap8 GST_WRAP9, //Wrap9 GST_WRAP10, //Wrap10 GST_WRAP11, //Wrap11 GST_WRAP12, //Wrap12 GST_WRAP13, //Wrap13 GST_WRAP14, //Wrap14 GST_WRAP15, //Wrap15 GST_VERTEXPROGRAMPOINTSIZEENABLE, //VertexProgramPointSizeEnable GST_VERTEXPROGRAMTWOSIDEENABLE, //VertexProgramTwoSideEnable GST_GEOMETRYPROGRAM, //GeometryProgram GST_VERTEXPROGRAM, //VertexProgram GST_FRAGMENTPROGRAM, //FragmentProgram GST_VERTEXSHADER, //VertexShader GST_PIXELSHADER, //PixelShader GST_ALPHAOP, //AlphaOp GST_ALPHAARG0, //AlphaArg0 GST_ALPHAARG1, //AlphaArg1 GST_ALPHAARG2, //AlphaArg2 GST_COLORARG0, //ColorArg0 GST_COLORARG1, //ColorArg1 GST_COLORARG2, //ColorArg2 GST_COLOROP, //ColorOp GST_BUMPENVLSCALE, //BumpEnvLScale GST_BUMPENVLOFFSET, //BumpEnvLOffset GST_BUMPENVMAT00, //BumpEnvMat00 GST_BUMPENVMAT01, //BumpEnvMat01 GST_BUMPENVMAT10, //BumpEnvMat10 GST_BUMPENVMAT11, //BumpEnvMat11 GST_RESULTARG, //ResultArg GST_TEXCOORDINDEX, //TexCoordIndex GST_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS, //TextureTransformFlags GST_TWOSIDEDSTENCILMODE, // TwoSidedStencilMode GST_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE, // SeparateAlphaBlendEnable GST_NORMALIZENORMALS, // NormalizeNormals GST_LIGHTING, // Lighting GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANTB, // PixelShaderConstantB GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANTB, // VertexShaderConstantB GST_COLORWRITEENABLE1, // ColorWriteEnable1 GST_COLORWRITEENABLE2, // ColorWriteEnable2 GST_COLORWRITEENABLE3, // ColorWriteEnable3 GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANT1, // PixelShaderConstant1 GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANT1, // VertexShaderConstant1 GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANTF, // PixelShaderConstantF GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANTF, // VertexShaderConstantF GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANT2, // PixelShaderConstant2 GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANT2, // VertexShaderConstant2 GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANT3, // PixelShaderConstant3 GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANT3, // VertexShaderConstant3 GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANT, // PixelShaderConstant GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANT, // VertexShaderConstant GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANT4, // PixelShaderConstant4 GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANT4, // VertexShaderConstant4 GST_PIXELSHADERCONSTANTI, // PixelShaderConstantI GST_VERTEXSHADERCONSTANTI, // VertexShaderConstantI GST_SAMPLER, // Sampler GST_TEXTURE, // Texture GST_ADDRESSU, // AddressU GST_ADDRESSV, // AddressV GST_ADDRESSW, // AddressW GST_BORDERCOLOR, // BorderColor GST_MAXANISOTROPY, // MaxAnisotropy GST_MAXMIPLEVEL, // MaxMipLevel GST_MINFILTER, // MinFilter GST_MAGFILTER, // MagFilter GST_MIPFILTER, // MipFilter GST_MIPMAPLODBIAS, // MipMapLodBias GST_BLENDOPALPHA, // BlendOpAlpha GST_SRCBLENDALPHA, // SrcBlendAlpha GST_DESTBLENDALPHA, // DestBlendAlpha GST_COUNT }; #define GST_FIRST (GlobalStateType) (GST_UNKNOWN + (GlobalStateType)1) enum SamplerStateType { SST_UNKNOWN, SST_TEXTURE, // Texture SST_ADDRESSU, // AddressU SST_ADDRESSV, // AddressV SST_ADDRESSW, // AddressW SST_WRAPS, // WrapS SST_WRAPT, // WrapT SST_WRAPR, // WrapR SST_MIPFILTER, // MipFilter SST_MIPMAPLODBIAS, // MipMapLodBias SST_LODBIAS, // LODBias SST_SRGBTEXTURE, // SRGBTexture SST_MINFILTER, // MinFilter SST_MAGFILTER, // MagFilter SST_BORDERCOLOR, // BorderColor SST_MINMIPLEVEL, // MinMipLevel SST_MAXMIPLEVEL, // MaxMipLevel SST_MAXANISOTROPY, // MaxAnisotropy SST_DEPTHMODE, // DepthMode SST_COMPAREMODE, // CompareMode SST_COMPAREFUNC, // CompareFunc SST_GENERATEMIPMAP, // GenerateMipmap SST_COUNT }; #define SST_FIRST (SamplerStateType) (SST_UNKNOWN + (SamplerStateType)1) // some simple types to make working with CGstateassignment easier struct Vector1b { bool x; Vector1b(); Vector1b( bool iX ); Vector1b( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); operator bool() const; }; struct Vector2b { bool x, y; Vector2b(); Vector2b( bool iX, bool iY , bool iZ, bool iW ); Vector2b( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector3b { bool x, y, z; Vector3b(); Vector3b( bool iX, bool iY , bool iZ, bool iW ); Vector3b( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector4b { bool x, y, z, w; Vector4b(); Vector4b( bool iX, bool iY , bool iZ, bool iW ); Vector4b( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector1i { int x; Vector1i(); Vector1i( int iX ); Vector1i( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); operator int() const; }; struct Vector2i { int x, y; Vector2i(); Vector2i( int iX, int iY ); Vector2i( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector3i { int x, y, z; Vector3i(); Vector3i( int iX, int iY, int iZ ); Vector3i( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector4i { int x, y, z, w; Vector4i(); Vector4i( int iX, int iY, int iZ, int iW ); Vector4i( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector1f { float x; Vector1f(); Vector1f( float iX, float iY, float iZ ); Vector1f( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); operator float() const; }; struct Vector2f { float x, y; Vector2f(); Vector2f( float iX, float iY, float iZ ); Vector2f( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector3f { float x, y, z; Vector3f(); Vector3f( float iX, float iY, float iZ ); Vector3f( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; struct Vector4f { float x, y, z, w; Vector4f(); Vector4f( float iX, float iY, float iZ, float iW ); Vector4f( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // simple types end class CgStateListener : public GeneralAllocatedObject { protected: CGstate mCgState; CGtype mCgType; CGcontext mCgContext; static CGbool cgCallBackSet( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); static CGbool cgCallBackReset( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); static CGbool cgCallBackValidate( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); virtual CGstatecallback getCgCallBackSet(); virtual CGstatecallback getCgCallBackReset(); virtual CGstatecallback getCgCallBackValidate(); virtual void createState() = 0; void addStateEnumerant( int value, const char *name ); CGparameter getCgParameter( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgStateListener( CGtype cgType ); virtual ~CgStateListener(); virtual void init(); CGstate getCgState() const; }; typedef vector::type CgStateListenerVector; class CgGlobalStateListener : public CgStateListener { protected: const GlobalStateType mGlobalStateType; virtual void createState(); public: CgGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType, CGtype cgType ); virtual ~CgGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Bool class CgBoolGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector1b getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgBoolGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Bool4 class CgBool4GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector4b getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgBool4GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float class CgFloatGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector1f getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgFloatGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float2 class CgFloat2GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector2f getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgFloat2GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float3 class CgFloat3GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector3f getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgFloat3GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float4 class CgFloat4GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector4f getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgFloat4GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float4x2 class CgFloat4x2GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgFloat4x2GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float4x3 class CgFloat4x3GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgFloat4x3GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float4x4 class CgFloat4x4GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgFloat4x4GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Int class CgIntGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector1i getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgIntGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Int2 class CgInt2GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector2i getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgInt2GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Int3 class CgInt3GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector3i getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgInt3GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Int4 class CgInt4GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { protected: const Vector4i getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgInt4GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Sampler class CgSamplerGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgSamplerGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Sampler2 class CgSampler2GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgSampler2GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Sampler3 class CgSampler3GlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgSampler3GlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// SamplerCube class CgSamplerCubeGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgSamplerCubeGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// SamplerRect class CgSamplerRectGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgSamplerRectGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Texture class CgTextureGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgTextureGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Program class CgProgramGlobalStateListener : public CgGlobalStateListener { public: CgProgramGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// BlendEquation class CgBlendEquationGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum BlendEquationType { BET_FUNCADD, // FuncAdd BET_FUNCSUBTRACT, // FuncSubtract BET_MIN, // Min BET_MAX, // Max BET_LOGICOP // LogicOp }; virtual void createState(); public: CgBlendEquationGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// DepthFunc class CgDepthFuncGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum DepthFuncType { DFT_NEVER, // Never DFT_LESS, // Less DFT_LEQUAL, // LEqual DFT_EQUAL, // Equal DFT_GREATER, // Greater DFT_NOTEQUAL, // NotEqual DFT_GEQUAL, // GEqual DFT_ALWAYS // Always }; virtual void createState(); public: CgDepthFuncGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// FogDistanceMode class CgFogDistanceModeGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum FogDistanceModeType { FDMT_EYERADIAL, // EyeRadial FDMT_EYEPLANE, // EyePlane FDMT_EYEPLANEABSOLUTE // EyePlaneAbsolute }; virtual void createState(); public: CgFogDistanceModeGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// FogMode class CgFogModeGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum FogModeType { FMT_LINEAR, // Linear FMT_EXP, // Exp FMT_EXP2 // Exp2 }; virtual void createState(); public: CgFogModeGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// LightModelColorControl class CgLightModelColorControlGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum LightModelColorControlType { LMCCT_SINGLECOLOR, // SingleColor LMCCT_SEPARATESPECULAR // SeparateSpecular }; virtual void createState(); public: CgLightModelColorControlGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// LogicOp class CgLogicOpGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum LogicOpType { LOT_CLEAR, // Clear LOT_AND, // And LOT_ANDREVERSE, // AndReverse LOT_COPY, // Copy LOT_ANDINVERTED, // AndInverted LOT_NOOP, // Noop LOT_XOR, // Xor LOT_OR, // Or, LOT_NOR, // Nor LOT_EQUIV, // Equiv LOT_INVERT, // Invert LOT_ORREVERSE, // OrReverse LOT_COPYINVERTED, // CopyInverted LOT_NAND, // Nand LOT_SET // Set }; virtual void createState(); public: CgLogicOpGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// PointSpriteCoordOrigin class CgPointSpriteCoordOriginGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum PointSpriteCoordOriginType { PSCOT_LOWERLEFT, // LowerLeft PSCOT_UPPERLEFT // UpperLeft }; virtual void createState(); public: CgPointSpriteCoordOriginGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// PointSpriteRMode class CgPointSpriteRModeGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum PointSpriteRModeType { PSRMT_ZERO, // Zero PSRMT_R, // R PSRMT_S // S }; virtual void createState(); public: CgPointSpriteRModeGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// ShadeModel class CgShadeModelGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum ShadeModelType { SMT_FLAT, // Flat SMT_SMOOTH // Smooth }; virtual void createState(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgShadeModelGlobalStateListener(); }; /// TexGenMode class CgTexGenModeGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum TexGenModeType { TGMT_OBJECTLINEAR, // ObjectLinear TGMT_EYELINEAR, // EyeLinear TGMT_SPHEREMAP, // SphereMap TGMT_REFLECTIONMAP, // ReflectionMap TGMT_NORMALMAP // NormalMap }; virtual void createState(); public: CgTexGenModeGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType globalStateType ); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// TextureEnvMode class CgTextureEnvModeGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum TextureEnvModeType { BET_MODULATE, // Modulate BET_DECAL, // Decal BET_BLEND, // Blend BET_REPLACE, // Replace BET_ADD // Add }; virtual void createState(); public: CgTextureEnvModeGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// MinFilter class CgMinFilterGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum MinFilterType { MFT_NEAREST, // Nearest MFT_LINEAR, // Linear MFT_LINEARMIPMAPNEAREST, // LinearMipMapNearest MFT_NEARESTMIPMAPNEAREST, // NearestMipMapNearest MFT_NEARESTMIPMAPLINEAR, // NearestMipMapLinear MFT_LINEARMIPMAPLINEAR // LinearMipMapLinear }; virtual void createState(); public: CgMinFilterGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// MagFilter class CgMagFilterGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum MagFilterType { MFT_NEAREST, // Nearest MFT_LINEAR // Linear }; virtual void createState(); public: CgMagFilterGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// FrontFace class CgFrontFaceGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum FrontFaceType { FFT_CW, // CW FFT_CCW // CCW }; virtual void createState(); public: CgFrontFaceGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// CullFaceGlobal - CullFace class CgCullFaceGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum CullFaceType { CFT_FRONT, // Front CFT_BACK, // Back CFT_FRONTANDBACK // FrontAndBack }; virtual void createState(); public: CgCullFaceGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// FogCoordSrcGlobal - FogCoordSrc class CgFogCoordSrcGlobalStateListener : public CgIntGlobalStateListener { protected: enum FogCoordSrcType { FCST_FRAGMENTDEPTH, // FragmentDepth FCST_FOGCOORD // FogCoord }; virtual void createState(); public: CgFogCoordSrcGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // AlphaFuncGlobal - float2 - reference then value class CgAlphaFuncGlobalStateListener : public CgFloat2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum AlphaFuncType { AFT_NEVER, // Never AFT_LESS, // Less AFT_LEQUAL, // LEqual AFT_EQUAL, // Equal AFT_GREATER, // Greater AFT_NOTEQUAL, // NotEqual AFT_GEQUAL, // GEqual AFT_ALWAYS // Always }; virtual void createState(); public: CgAlphaFuncGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // BlendFuncGlobal - Int2 - src_factor, dst_factor class CgBlendFuncGlobalStateListener : public CgInt2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum BlendFuncType { BF_ZERO, // Zero BF_ONE, // One BF_DESTCOLOR, // DestColor BF_ONEMINUSDESTCOLOR, // OneMinusDestColor BF_SRCALPHA, // SrcAlpha BF_ONEMINUSSRCALPHA, // OneMinusSrcAlpha BF_DSTALPHA, // DstAlpha BF_ONEMINUSDSTALPHA, // OneMinusDstAlpha BF_SRCALPHASATURATE, // SrcAlphaSaturate BF_SRCCOLOR, // SrcColor BF_ONEMINUSSRCCOLOR, // OneMinusSrcColor BF_CONSTANTCOLOR, // ConstantColor BF_ONEMINUSCONSTANTCOLOR, // OneMinusConstantColor BF_CONSTANTALPHA, // ConstantAlpha BF_ONEMINUSCONSTANTALPHA // OneMinusConstantAlpha }; virtual void createState(); public: CgBlendFuncGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // BlendFuncSeparate - int4 (rgb_src, rgb_dst, a_src, a_dst) class CgBlendFuncSeparateGlobalStateListener : public CgInt4GlobalStateListener { protected: enum BlendFuncSeparateType { BFST_ZERO, // Zero BFST_ONE, // One BFST_DESTCOLOR, // DestColor BFST_ONEMINUSDESTCOLOR, // OneMinusDestColor BFST_SRCALPHA, // SrcAlpha BFST_ONEMINUSSRCALPHA, // OneMinusSrcAlpha BFST_DSTALPHA, // DstAlpha BFST_ONEMINUSDSTALPHA, // OneMinusDstAlpha BFST_SRCALPHASATURATE, // SrcAlphaSaturate BFST_SRCCOLOR, // SrcColor BFST_ONEMINUSSRCCOLOR, // OneMinusSrcColor BFST_CONSTANTCOLOR, // ConstantColor BFST_ONEMINUSCONSTANTCOLOR, // OneMinusConstantColor BFST_CONSTANTALPHA, // ConstantAlpha BFST_ONEMINUSCONSTANTALPHA // OneMinusConstantAlpha }; virtual void createState(); public: CgBlendFuncSeparateGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // BlendEquationSeparate - int2 (rgb,alpha) class CgBlendEquationSeparateGlobalStateListener : public CgInt2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum BlendEquationSeparateType { BEST_FUNCADD, // FuncAdd BEST_FUNCSUBTRACT, // FuncSubtract BEST_MIN, // Min BEST_MAX, // Max BEST_LOGICOP // LogicOp }; virtual void createState(); public: CgBlendEquationSeparateGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int2 class CgColorMaterialGlobalStateListener : public CgInt2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum ColorMaterialType { CMT_FRONT, // Front CMT_BACK, // Back CMT_FRONTANDBACK, // FrontAndBack CMT_EMISSION, // Emission CMT_AMBIENT, // Ambient CMT_DIFFUSE, // Diffuse CMT_SPECULAR, // Specular CMT_AMBIENTANDDIFFUSE // AmbientAndDiffuse }; virtual void createState(); public: CgColorMaterialGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int2 class CgPolygonModeGlobalStateListener : public CgInt2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum PolygonModeType { PMT_FRONT, // Front PMT_BACK, // Back PMT_FRONTANDBACK, // FrontAndBack PMT_POINT, // Point PMT_LINE, // Line PMT_FILL // Fill }; virtual void createState(); public: CgPolygonModeGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int3 class CgStencilFuncGlobalStateListener : public CgInt3GlobalStateListener { protected: enum StencilFuncType { SFT_NEVER, // Never SFT_LESS, // Less SFT_LEQUAL, // LEqual SFT_EQUAL, // Equal SFT_GREATER, // Greater SFT_NOTEQUAL, // NotEqual SFT_GEQUAL, // GEqual SFT_ALWAYS // Always }; virtual void createState(); public: CgStencilFuncGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int3 class CgStencilOpGlobalStateListener : public CgInt3GlobalStateListener { protected: enum StencilOpType { SOT_KEEP, // Keep SOT_ZERO, // Zero SOT_REPLACE, // Replace SOT_INCR, // Incr SOT_DECR, // Decr SOT_INVERT, // Invert SOT_INCRWRAP, // IncrWrap SOT_DECRWRAP // DecrWrap }; virtual void createState(); public: CgStencilOpGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int4 class CgStencilFuncSeparateGlobalStateListener : public CgInt4GlobalStateListener { protected: enum StencilFuncSeparateType { SFST_FRONT, // Front SFST_BACK, // Back SFST_FRONTANDBACK, // FrontAndBack SFST_NEVER, // Never SFST_LESS, // Less SFST_LEQUAL, // LEqual SFST_EQUAL, // Equal SFST_GREATER, // Greater SFST_NOTEQUAL, // NotEqual SFST_GEQUAL, // GEqual SFST_ALWAYS // Always }; virtual void createState(); public: CgStencilFuncSeparateGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int2 class CgStencilMaskSeparateGlobalStateListener : public CgInt2GlobalStateListener { protected: enum StencilMaskSeparateType { BET_FRONT, // Front BET_BACK, // Back BET_FRONTANDBACK // FrontAndBack }; virtual void createState(); public: CgStencilMaskSeparateGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // int4 class CgStencilOpSeparateGlobalStateListener : public CgInt4GlobalStateListener { protected: enum StencilOpSeparateType { BET_KEEP, // Keep BET_ZERO, // Zero BET_REPLACE, // Replace BET_INCR, // Incr BET_DECR, // Decr BET_INVERT, // Invert BET_INCRWRAP, // IncrWrap BET_DECRWRAP // DecrWrap }; virtual void createState(); public: CgStencilOpSeparateGlobalStateListener(); virtual void updatePass( Pass * ogrePass, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; class CgSamplerStateListener : public CgStateListener { protected: SamplerStateType mSamplerStateType; virtual void createState(); public: CgSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType, CGtype cgType ); virtual ~CgSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Int class CgIntSamplerStateListener : public CgSamplerStateListener { protected: const Vector1i getValue( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgIntSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType ); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Bool class CgBoolSamplerStateListener : public CgSamplerStateListener { public: CgBoolSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType ); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float class CgFloatSamplerStateListener : public CgSamplerStateListener { public: CgFloatSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType ); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Float4 class CgFloat4SamplerStateListener : public CgSamplerStateListener { public: CgFloat4SamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType ); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// Texture class CgTextureSamplerStateListener : public CgSamplerStateListener { protected: TextureType parseTextureType( CGparameter cgParameter, TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState ); void parseTextureName( CGparameter cgParameter, TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState ); public: CgTextureSamplerStateListener(const SamplerStateType samplerStateType); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; // Wrap = TextureAddressingMode class CgWrapSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum WarpType { WT_REPEAT, // Repeat WT_CLAMP, // Clamp WT_CLAMPTOEDGE, // ClampToEdge WT_CLAMPTOBORDER, // ClampToBorder WT_MIRROREDREPEAT, // MirroredRepeat WT_MIRRORCLAMP, // MirrorClamp WT_MIRRORCLAMPTOEDGE, // MirrorClampToEdge WT_MIRRORCLAMPTOBORDER // MirrorClampToBorder }; virtual void createState(); TextureUnitState::TextureAddressingMode getOgreTextureAddressingMode( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); public: CgWrapSamplerStateListener(const SamplerStateType samplerStateType); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// CompareMode class CgCompareModeSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum CompareModeType { CMT_NONE, // None CMT_COMPARERTOTEXTURE // CompareRToTexture }; virtual void createState(); public: CgCompareModeSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// CompareFunc class CgCompareFuncSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum CompareFuncType { CFT_NEVER, // Never CFT_LESS, // Less CFT_LEQUAL, // LEqual CFT_EQUAL, // Equal CFT_GREATER, // Greater CFT_NOTEQUAL // NotEqual }; virtual void createState(); public: CgCompareFuncSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// DepthMode class CgDepthModeSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum DepthModeType { DMT_ALPHA, // Alpha DMT_INTENSITY, // Intensity DMT_LUMINANCE // Luminance }; virtual void createState(); public: CgDepthModeSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// MinFilter class CgMinFilterSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum MinFilterType { MINFT_NEAREST, // Nearest MINFT_LINEAR, // Linear MINFT_LINEARMIPMAPNEAREST, // LinearMipMapNearest MINFT_NEARESTMIPMAPNEAREST, // NearestMipMapNearest MINFT_NEARESTMIPMAPLINEAR, // NearestMipMapLinear MINFT_LINEARMIPMAPLINEAR // LinearMipMapLinear }; virtual void createState(); public: CgMinFilterSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// MagFilter class CgMagFilterSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum MagFilterType { MAGFT_NEAREST, // Nearest MAGFT_LINEAR // Linear }; virtual void createState(); public: CgMagFilterSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// MipFilter class CgMipFilterSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum MipFilterType { MIPFT_NONE = 0, // filtering disabled (valid for mip filter only) MIPFT_POINT = 1, // nearest MIPFT_LINEAR = 2, // linear interpolation MIPFT_ANISOTROPIC = 3, // anisotropic MIPFT_PYRAMIDALQUAD = 6, // 4-sample tent MIPFT_GAUSSIANQUAD = 7 // 4-sample gaussian }; virtual void createState(); public: CgMipFilterSamplerStateListener(); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; /// TextureAddress class CgTextureAddressSamplerStateListener : public CgIntSamplerStateListener { protected: enum TextureAddressType { TAT_WRAP = 1, // Wrap TAT_MIRROR, // Mirror TAT_CLAMP, // Clamp TAT_BORDER, // Border TAT_MIRRORONCE // MirrorOnce }; virtual void createState(); public: CgTextureAddressSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType samplerStateType ); virtual void upateTextureUnitState( TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState, CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment ); }; typedef map::type CgGlobalStateToListenerMap; typedef map::type CgSamplerStateToListenerMap; CgGlobalStateToListenerMap mCgGlobalStateToListenerMap; CgSamplerStateToListenerMap mCgSamplerStateToListenerMap; CgStateListenerVector mCgStateListenerVector; CgStateListenerVector mCgSamplerStateListenerVector; StringVector mScriptPatterns; // for getScriptPatterns(void) CGcontext mCgContext; CGcontext getCgContext() const; void parseCgEffect( CGeffect cgEffect, MaterialPtr ogreMaterial ); void parseCgEffectTechniques( CGeffect cgEffect, MaterialPtr ogreMaterial ); void parseCgTechnique( CGtechnique cgTechnique, Technique * ogreTechnique ); void parseCgPass( CGpass cgPass, Pass * ogrePass ); void parseSamplerParameters(CGpass cgPass, Pass * ogrePass); void parsePassStateAssignments( CGpass cgPass, Pass * ogrePass ); void parseCgProgram( CGpass cgPass, Pass * ogrePass, const GpuProgramType ogreProgramType ); void parseCgProgramParameters( CGpass cgPass, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr ogreProgramParameters ); void parseCgProgramParameter( CGparameter cgParameter, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr ogreProgramParameters, const String& ogreParamName ); void parseTextureUnitState( CGstateassignment cgStateAssignment, TextureUnitState * ogreTextureUnitState ); void parseFloatCgProgramParameter( CGtype cgParamType, CGparameter cgParameter, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr ogreProgramParameters, const String& ogreParamName ); void parseIntCgProgramParameter( CGtype cgParamType, CGparameter cgParameter, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr ogreProgramParameters, const String& ogreParamName ); bool parseAutoConstantParam( CGparameter cgParameter, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr ogreProgramParameters, const String& ogreParamName ); bool cgSemanticToOgreAutoConstantType( const char * cgParamSemantic, const char * uiNameValue, GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantType & ogreAutoConstantType, size_t & extraInfo ); FXSemanticID cgSemanticStringToType( const char * cgParamSemantic ); void buildStateNameStringToTypeMap(); const char * getGlobalStateNameTypeToString( const GlobalStateType cgStateName ); const char * getSamplerStateNameTypeToString( const SamplerStateType cgStateName ); CgGlobalStateListener * createCgGlobalStateListener( const GlobalStateType type ); CgSamplerStateListener * createCgSamplerStateListener( const SamplerStateType type ); public: CgFxScriptLoader(); virtual ~CgFxScriptLoader(); /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getScriptPatterns const StringVector& getScriptPatterns(void) const; /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::parseScript void parseScript( DataStreamPtr& stream, const String& groupName ); /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getLoadingOrder Real getLoadingOrder(void) const; /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static CgFxScriptLoader& getSingleton(void); /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static CgFxScriptLoader* getSingletonPtr(void); private: }; } #endif