=== 0.1.5 * Gem is now deprecated, see [RDF::RDFa](http://github.org/gkellogg/rdf-rdfa) === 0.1.4 * Reduce dependence on HTML namespace in RDFa parser. * Add RDFa tests for HTML4 and HTML5 === 0.1.3 * Added rdfa-test-suite as sub-module and refactored RDFa tests to use them. * Fix but in white-space separated attributes * Downcase XHTML reserved words * Check complete xmlns prefix for validity === 0.1.2 * Move most test-case logic into rdfa_helper. * Separate approved and unreviewed tests. * Allow for soft failure of unreviewed tests by catching Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError. * Integrate rdfa-test-suite and create test cases in the same manner. (Causing SPARQL problems with XMLLiterals) === 0.1.1 2009-10-25 * Added VERSION constant by reading VERSION file from gem root. * Fix [] parsing to not return a resource (TC 0121 and 0122). * Improve test-case manifest file parsing to extract expectedResults and use in matchers. === 0.1.0 2009-10-17 * First gem release, all XHTML1 approved test cases pass at http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/ === 0.0.5 2009-10-17 * Fixed generation of RDF/XML for XML Literals. * Update Specs for style * Add eql? and hash methods to BNode and URIRef to allow for uniq * Added test based on 0017 to find BNode XML output problems. * Allow empty BNodes to be considered to be named * Add xml:lang to XMLLiterals as necessary * Don't add existing namespace definition to XML Literal * Special output for XML Literal to treat xml:lang within string. Add on create. * Added Namespace#xmlns_hash * Use XML Parser, not HTML (this should probably vary on doc type). HTML parser was removing namespace declarations from XMLLiterals. * Added _profile_ option to RdfaParser#parse to set parsetype to xhtml1, html4, or html5. Right now only xhtml1 is used. * Use to_html when re-serializing XMLLiterals, whitespace was being destroid otherwise. * All specs pass! === 0.0.4 2009-10-16 * Fixed namespace bug in RDF/XML generation from Graph * Fixed URI generation from namespace, which failed when suffix was a defined method of Namespace (use ns + suffix) === 0.0.3 2009-10-12 * Added --quiet option to executable * BNode RDF/XML output * Output all default namespaces in RDF/XML === 0.0.2 2009-10-10 * Switch to jeweler from newgem/hoe * RdfaParser.new just creates parser, allowing a different graph to be substituted. * parser.parse() performs parse. * Added Graph.to_rdfxml to output graph in XML serialization === 0.0.1 2009-09-26 * Previous versions based on original work by Ben Adida. * Spec tests use Redland/Rasqal to check results. * Version 0.9.16 of Rasqal does not support UNION, so those tests are compared against NTriples * Passes most XHTML+RDFa tests. Of those that don't pass: * NTriple BNode production differences. * XMLLiteral attribute/namespace ordering differences (requires deep XML compare, not in Nokogiri). * Unexplained failures: * Test0102: XMLLiteral with explicit namespace and xml:lang; not overwriting existing langs * Test0103: XMLLiteral with explicit namespace; not overwriting local namespaces * Test0105: inner @rel neither CURIE nor LinkType * Test0106: chaining with empty value in inner @rel * Test0121: "[]" is a valid safe CURIE * RDFa parser seems to be working correctly, but Nokogiri parses embedded <p> incorrectly