# encoding: utf-8 require 'xcpretty' require 'fixtures/constants' module XCPretty describe Formatter do before(:each) do @formatter = Formatter.new(true, true) end it "initializes with unicode" do @formatter.use_unicode?.should == true end it "initializes with color" do @formatter.colorize?.should == true end it "outputs to new lines by default" do @formatter.optional_newline.should == "\n" end it "formats cocoapods errors" do @formatter.format_error("The sandbox is not in sync...").should == "\n#{@formatter.red("❌ The sandbox is not in sync...")}\n\n" end it "formats compiling errors" do @formatter.format_compile_error("file", "path/to/file", "expected valid syntax", "[a should", " ^").should == %Q( #{@formatter.red('❌ ')}path/to/file: #{@formatter.red("expected valid syntax")} [a should #{@formatter.cyan(" ^")} ) end it "formats file missing errors" do @formatter.format_file_missing_error("error: no such file or directory:", "/path/to/file.swift").should == "\n#{@formatter.red( '❌ error: no such file or directory:' )} /path/to/file.swift\n\n" end it "formats compiling warnings" do reason = "format specifies type 'id' but the argument has type 'int' [-Wformat]" @formatter.format_compile_warning("file", "path/to/file", reason, %Q( NSLog(@"alsdkflsakdj %@", 1);), %Q( ~~ ^)).should == %Q( #{@formatter.yellow('⚠️ ')}path/to/file: #{@formatter.yellow(reason)} NSLog(@"alsdkflsakdj %@", 1); #{@formatter.cyan(" ~~ ^")} ) end it "formats linker warnings" do @formatter.format_ld_warning("ld: embedded dylibs/frameworks only run on iOS 8 or later").should == "#{@formatter.yellow("⚠️ ld: embedded dylibs/frameworks only run on iOS 8 or later")}" end it "formats linker undefined symbols by default" do @formatter.format_undefined_symbols("Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64", '_OBJC_CLASS_$_CABasicAnimation', 'objc-class-ref in ATZRadialProgressControl.o').should == %Q( #{@formatter.red("❌ Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64")} > Symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_CABasicAnimation > Referenced from: objc-class-ref in ATZRadialProgressControl.o ) end it "formats linker duplicate symbols by default" do @formatter.format_duplicate_symbols("duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_$ClassName._ivarName in", ['/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-arcyyktezaigixbocjwfhsjllojz/Build/Intermediates/App.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/App.build/Objects-normal/i386/ClassName.o', '/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-arcyyktezaigixbocjwfhsjllojz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libPods.a(DuplicateClassName.o)']).should == %Q( #{@formatter.red("❌ duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_$ClassName._ivarName in")} > ClassName.o > libPods.a(DuplicateClassName.o) ) end it "formats will not be code signed warnings" do @formatter.format_will_not_be_code_signed(SAMPLE_WILL_NOT_BE_CODE_SIGNED).should == "#{@formatter.yellow("⚠️ FrameworkName will not be code signed because its settings don't specify a development team.")}" end it "formats failures per suite" do Syntax.stub(:highlight) { |snippet| snippet.contents } first_path = File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/NSStringTests.m:46') second_path = File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/NSStringTests.m:57') failures = { 'CarSpec' => [{ file_path: first_path, reason: "just doesn't work", test_case: 'Starting the car' }], 'StringSpec' => [{ file_path: second_path, reason: "doesn't split", test_case: 'Splitting the string' }], 'UI spec' => [{ file_path: ":0", reason: "ui test failed", test_case: 'yolo' }] } @formatter.format_test_summary(SAMPLE_EXECUTED_TESTS, failures).should == %Q( CarSpec Starting the car, #{@formatter.red("just doesn't work")} #{@formatter.cyan(first_path)} ``` it(@"converts snake_cased to CamelCased", ^{ [[[@"snake_case" camelCase] should] equal:@"SnakeCase"]; }); ``` StringSpec Splitting the string, #{@formatter.red("doesn't split")} #{@formatter.cyan(second_path)} ``` it(@"-strip strips whitespaces and newlines from both ends", ^{ [[[@" Look mo, no empties! " strip] should] equal:@"Look mo, no empties!"]; }); ``` UI spec yolo, #{@formatter.red("ui test failed")} #{@formatter.cyan(":0")} #{@formatter.red(SAMPLE_EXECUTED_TESTS)}) end end end