= MongoDB plugin for {Fluentd}[http://github.com/fluent/fluentd]
fluent-plugin-mongo provides input and output plugins for {Fluentd}[http://fluentd.org] ({GitHub}[http://github.com/fluent/fluentd])
= Requirements
|fluent-plugin-mongo| fluentd | ruby |
| >= 1.0.0 | >= 0.14.12 | >= 2.1 |
| < 1.0.0 | >= 0.12.0 | >= 1.9 |
= Installation
== Gems
The gem is hosted at {Rubygems.org}[http://rubygems.org]. You can install the gem as follows:
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mongo
= Plugins
== Output plugin
=== mongo
Store Fluentd event to MongoDB database.
==== Configuration
Use _mongo_ type in match.
@type mongo
# You can choose two approaches, connection_string or each parameter
# 1. connection_string for MongoDB URI
connection_string mongodb://fluenter:10000/fluent
# 2. specify each parameter
database fluent
host fluenter
port 10000
# collection name to insert
collection test
# Set 'user' and 'password' for authentication.
# These options are not used when use connection_string parameter.
user handa
password shinobu
# Set 'capped' if you want to use capped collection
capped_size 100m
# Other buffer configurations here
For _connection_string_ parameter, see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/ article for more detail.
=== mongo(tag mapped mode)
Tag mapped to MongoDB collection automatically.
==== Configuration
Use _tag_mapped_ parameter in match of _mongo_ type.
If tag name is "foo.bar", auto create collection "foo.bar" and insert data.
@type mongo
database fluent
# Set 'tag_mapped' if you want to use tag mapped mode.
# If tag is "forward.foo.bar", then prefix "forward." is removed.
# Collection name to insert is "foo.bar".
remove_tag_prefix forward.
# This configuration is used if tag not found. Default is 'untagged'.
collection misc
# Other configurations here
=== mongo_replset
Replica Set version of mongo.
==== Configuration
===== v0.8 or later
@type mongo_replset
database fluent
collection logs
nodes localhost:27017,localhost:27018
# The replica set name
replica_set myapp
# num_retries is threshold at failover, default is 60.
# If retry count reached this threshold, mongo plugin raises an exception.
num_retries 30
# following optional parameters passed to mongo-ruby-driver.
# See mongo-ruby-driver docs for more detail: https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/tutorials/ruby-driver-create-client/
# Specifies the read preference mode
#read secondary
===== v0.7 or ealier
Use _mongo_replset_ type in match.
@type mongo_replset
database fluent
collection logs
# each node separated by ','
nodes localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019
# following optional parameters passed to mongo-ruby-driver.
#name replset_name
#read secondary
#refresh_mode sync
#refresh_interval 60
#num_retries 60
== Input plugin
=== mongo_tail
Tail capped collection to input data.
==== Configuration
Use _mongo_tail_ type in source.
You can also use _url_ to specify the database to connect.
This allows the plugin to read data from a replica set.
You can save last ObjectId to tail over server's shutdown to file.
Or Mongo collection can be used to keep last ObjectID.
Make sure the collection is capped. The plugin inserts records but does not remove at all.
== replace_dot_in_key_with and replace_dollar_in_key_with
BSON records which include '.' or start with '$' are invalid and they will be stored as broken data to MongoDB. If you want to sanitize keys, you can use _replace_dot_in_key_with_ and _replace_dollar_in_key_with_.
# replace '.' in keys with '__dot__'
replace_dot_in_key_with __dot__
# replace '$' in keys with '__dollar__'
# Note: This replaces '$' only on first character
replace_dollar_in_key_with __dollar__
== Broken data as a BSON
NOTE: This feature will be removed since v0.8
Fluentd event sometimes has an invalid record as a BSON.
In such case, Mongo plugin marshals an invalid record using Marshal.dump
and re-inserts its to same collection as a binary.
If passed following invalid record:
{"key1": "invalid value", "key2": "valid value", "time": ISODate("2012-01-15T21:09:53Z") }
then Mongo plugin converts this record to following format:
{"__broken_data": BinData(0, Marshal.dump result of {"key1": "invalid value", "key2": "valid value"}), "time": ISODate("2012-01-15T21:09:53Z") }
Mongo-Ruby-Driver cannot detect an invalid attribute,
so Mongo plugin marshals all attributes excluding Fluentd keys("tag_key" and "time_key").
You can deserialize broken data using Mongo and Marshal.load. Sample code is below:
# _collection_ is an instance of Mongo::Collection
collection.find({'__broken_data' => {'$exists' => true}}).each do |doc|
p Marshal.load(doc['__broken_data'].to_s) #=> {"key1": "invalid value", "key2": "valid value"}
=== ignore_invalid_record
If you want to ignore an invalid record, set _true_ to _ignore_invalid_record_ parameter in match.
# ignore invalid documents at write operation
ignore_invalid_record true
=== exclude_broken_fields
If you want to exclude some fields from broken data marshaling, use _exclude_broken_fields_ to specfiy the keys.
# key2 is excluded from __broken_data.
# e.g. {"__broken_data": BinData(0, Marshal.dump result of {"key1": "invalid value"}), "key2": "valid value", "time": ISODate("2012-01-15T21:09:53Z")
exclude_broken_fields key2
Specified value is a comma separated keys(e.g. key1,key2,key3).
This parameter is useful for excluding shard keys in shard environment.
== Buffer size limitation
Mongo plugin has the limitation of buffer size.
Because MongoDB and mongo-ruby-driver checks the total object size at each insertion.
If total object size gets over the size limitation, then
MongoDB returns error or mongo-ruby-driver raises an exception.
So, Mongo plugin resets _buffer_chunk_limit_ if configurated value is larger than above limitation:
- Before v1.8, max of _buffer_chunk_limit_ is 2MB
- After v1.8, max of _buffer_chunk_limit_ is 8MB
= Tool
You can tail mongo capped collection.
$ mongo-tail -f
= Test
Run following command:
$ bundle exec rake test
You can use 'mongod' environment variable for specified mongod:
$ mongod=/path/to/mongod bundle exec rake test
Note that source code in test/tools are from mongo-ruby-driver.
= Copyright
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011- Masahiro Nakagawa
License:: Apache License, Version 2.0