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Datatypes>'refid' attribute is invalid for a <{0}> datatype declaration.>'id' is a required attribute for a <{0}> datatype declaration.sChild element type {0} is not assignable to the type of the underlying array ({1} for property {2} for <{3} ... />.+'{0}' is a required element of <{1} ... />.3Attribute '{0}' for <{1} ... /> is deprecated. {2}D'{0}' is a required framework configuration setting for <{1} ... />.oBuildElementArrayAttribute cannot be applied to read-only array-based properties. '{0}' element for <{1} .../>.BuildElementArrayAttribute cannot be applied to read-only property with uninitialized collection-based value '{0}' element for <{1} ... />.uBuildElementArrayAttribute cannot be applied to write-only collection-based properties. '{0}' element for >{1} .../<.eChild element type {0} cannot be added to collection {1} for underlying property {2} for <{3} ... />.3 times>'{0}' is not a valid value for attribute '{1}' of <{2} ... />.BuildElementArrayAttribute and BuildElementCollectionAttribute should have an element type assigned that derives from Element for <{0} .../>.YNo name was assigned to the base element '{0}' for collection element {1} for <{2} .../>..Unexpected attribute \"{0}\" on element <{1}>.BuildElementCollectionAttribute cannot be applied to read-only property with uninitialized collection-based value '{0}' element for <{1} ... />.vUse BuildElementArrayAttributes to have array like elements! There must be at most one '{0}' element for <{1} ... />.BuildElementArrayAttribute and BuildElementCollection attributes must be applied to array or collection-based types '{0}' element for <{1} .../>.AThe <{0}> type does not support the nested build element \"{1}\".-'{0}' is a required attribute of <{1} ... />.4Element <{0}... /> for <{1}... /> is deprecated. {2}JElement Required! There must be a least one '{0}' element for <{1} ... />.DOperator '*' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.DOperator '>' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.EOperator '==' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.DOperator '/' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.6Unary minus not supported for arguments of type '{0}'.DOperator '+' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.EOperator '!=' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.Attempt to divide by zero.$Too few actual parameters for '{0}'.-Cannot convert {0} to '{1}' (value was null).%Too many actual parameters for '{0}'.DOperator '%' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.DOperator '-' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.EOperator '<=' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.EOperator '>=' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.DOperator '<' cannot be applied to arguments of type '{0}' and '{1}'.Unknown function '{0}'. Property '{0}' has not been set.OThe 'System.dll' assembly does not exist in framework assembly directory '{0}'.DThere is no version of Visual Studio .NET that corresponds with {0}.*Root element in '{0}' must be named '{1}'.>NAnt currently does not support this platform ({0}, ID = {0}).@Invalid path '{0}'. The '{1}' scheme is not supported for paths.The NAnt configuration file does not contain a framework definition for the current runtime framework (family '{0}' clrversion '{1}')._The current runtime framework '{0}' is not correctly configured in the NAnt configuration file.Property name '{0}' is invalid.Property '{0}' already exists.+Property value must be a string, was '{0}'.-Property '{0}' does not exist.", name), "name1Read-only property \"{0}\" cannot be overwritten.MCannot resolve expanded value '{0}' of 'unless' attribute to a Boolean value.ICannot resolve expanded value '{0}' of 'if' attribute to a Boolean value.0Invalid element <{0}>. Unknown task or datatype.Duplicate target named '{0}'!EConfiguration value {0} for task {1} was not considered valid by {2}.'{0}' is a required framework configuration setting for the '{1}' build element that should be set in the NAnt configuration file.{0} Generated Exception'{0}' is a required framework configuration setting for the '{1}' build element that should be set in the NAnt configuration file. Filter <{0}> is deprecated. {1}Unknown element <{0}>.Unknown filter <{0}>.Unknown task <{0}>.Type <{0}> is deprecated. {1}Task <{0}> is deprecated. {1} Function {0} is deprecated. {1}&Cannot resolve '{0}' to boolean value.'Cannot resolve '{0}' to DateTime value.8Cannot resolve '{0}' to integer between '{1}' and '{2}'.&Cannot resolve '{0}' to integer value.'Cannot resolve '{0}' to a string value.BuildElementArrayAttribute cannot be applied to read-only property with uninitialized collection-based value '{0}' element for <{1} ... />.eChild element type {0} cannot be added to collection {1} for underlying property {2} for <{3} ... />.,Environment variable \"{0}\" does not exist.,\"{0}\" is not a valid framework identifier.Target \"{0}\" does not exist. Property '{0}' has not been set.Task '{0}' is not available.Package \"{0}\" does not exist.*Cannot set attributes for directory '{0}'.%Cannot set attributes for file '{0}'.9Unable to determine whether directory '{0}' is available.4Unable to determine whether file '{0}' is available.6The 'tofile' and 'todir' attribute cannot both be set.7'flatten' attribute requires that 'todir' has been set..The 'file' attribute and the element7Either the 'tofile' or 'todir' attribute should be set.:The 'todir' should be set when using the element!Failed to create directory '{0}'.Cannot copy '{0}' to '{1}'."Could not find file '{0}' to copy.Cannot delete directory '{0}'.Cannot delete file '{0}'.. element cannot be combined.WTarget framework could not be changed. \"{0}\" is not a valid framework identifier. {1}-No match found for expression '{0}' in '{1}'.0Invalid value \"{0}\" for \"pattern\" attribute.7Failed setting environment variable \"{0}\" to \"{1}\".5No source files indicated; use \"in\" or \"infiles\".>The \"out\" attribute is not allowed when \"infiles\" is used.%Stylesheet file '{0}' does not exist.%Unable to find source XML file '{0}'.FCould not perform XSLT transformation of '{0}' using stylesheet '{1}'.Cannot touch file '{0}'.!Could not peek at XML file '{0}'.XML file '{0}' does not exist.2Failed to select node with XPath expression '{0}'.3No matching nodes found for XPath expression '{0}'. Nodeindex '{0}' is out of range.&Failed to load the XML document '{0}'.!Could not poke at XML file '{0}'.3Failed to select nodes with XPath expression '{0}'.)Failed to save the XML document to '{0}'. for {1}Including file {0}.NAnt schema generated at {0}Setting value: {2}.{0} = {1} Skipping {0} for {1}Starting '{1} ({2})' in '{0}'Task.Execute() for '{0}'Total time: {0} seconds.Valid values are: {0}.#Validating <{1} {2}='...'> with {0} Default Target: Main Targets: Sub Targets: BSJB v1.0.3705lL#~#Stringsx#US4:#GUIDD:Z#BlobW? 32^-Oo vA' (!|!!!!D1k1 !M ! !Q ! - 19 1E 1h 1 W!!+!-1V1J-@!1!!sgg S !!& !2 ] ! "!#F$!=&')`- +/ 225188:p::p::p::!B;p:;p: ==$ADCC D2 $I2WJ!xJ! O-OOOS1S1YU!V1)Y_! 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eratorSystem.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.IDictionary.RemoveSystem.Collections.IDictionary.ContainsClearSystem.Collections.IDictionary.Addget_IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.IDictionary.get_ItemSystem.Collections.IDictionary.set_Itemget_Valuesget_Keysget_IsFixedSizeArraySystem.Collections.ICollection.CopyToget_IsSynchronizedget_Countget_SyncRootSystem.ICloneable.CloneContainsKeyContainsValueSynchronizedInheritInnerHashValuesKeysIsFixedSizeIsSynchronizedCountSyncRoot_innerEnumeratorSystem.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_KeySystem.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_ValueDictionaryEntryget_EntryEntry_includes_excludes_includePatterns_excludePatterns_includeNames_excludeNames_fileNames_directoryNames_searchDirectories_scannedDirectories_searchDirIsRecursivecachedCaseSensitiveRegexescachedCaseInsensitiveRegexesConvertPatternsParseSearchDirectoryAndPatternIsCaseSensitiveFileSystemScanDirectoryTestRegexIsPathIncludedCleanPathToRegexPatternIsRecursive_evalMode_tokenizerCheckSyntaxSyntaxCheckOnlyParseExpressionParseBooleanOrParseBooleanAndParseRelationalExpressionParseAddSubtractParseMulDivParseConditionalBuildParseErrorSafeConvertGetSimpleTypeNameEvaluateFunctionParameterInfoGetFunctionParametersEvaluatePropertyUnexpectedTokenParseOnly_state_visitingGetPropertyValue_startPos_endPosget_StartPosget_EndPosStartPosEndPosget_IgnoreWhitespaceset_IgnoreWhitespaceget_SingleCharacterModeset_SingleCharacterModeget_CurrentTokenget_TokenTextget_CurrentPositionInitTokenizerGetNextTokenIsKeywordPeekCharSkipWhitespace_text_position_tokenStartPosition_tokenType_tokenText_ignoreWhiteSpace_singleCharacterModecharToTokenTypecharIndexToTokenTypeIgnoreWhitespaceSingleCharacterModeCurrentTokenTokenTextCurrentPosition_charIndexget_CharIndexCharIndexBOFEOFNumberKeywordEQNELTGTLEGEPlusMinusMulDivModLeftParenRightParenLeftCurlyBraceRightCurlyBraceNotPunctuationWhitespaceDollarCommaDotDoubleColonchtokenType_family_version_clrVersion_frameworkDirectory_sdkDirectory_frameworkAssemblyDirectory_runtimeEngine_taskAssembliesget_Familyget_Versionget_ClrVersionget_VisualStudioVersionget_FrameworkDirectoryget_RuntimeEngineget_FrameworkAssemblyDirectoryget_SdkDirectoryget_TaskAssembliesFamilyClrVersionVisualStudioVersionFrameworkDirectoryRuntimeEngineFrameworkAssemblyDirectorySdkDirectoryTaskAssemblies_fileName_lineNumber_columnNumberUnknownLocationInitget_LineNumberget_ColumnNumberLineNumberColumnNumber_fileMapFileIsMappedGetXPathFromNodeColumnInfoWarningErrorget_Exceptionset_Exceptionget_Targetget_Task_exceptionBuildStartedBuildFinishedTargetStartedTargetFinishedTaskStartedTaskFinishedMessageLoggedFlushOutputMessageCreateBuildEvent_buildReportsErrorsWarningsStartTime_projectStackIFormatProviderWriteWriteLineget_OutputLevel_outputLevelOutputLevel_unscannedNamesIsMonoPInvokeOKIsVolumeCaseSensitiveGetVolumeInformationGetVolumeInformationWrapperRootXmlProjectNameAttributeProjectDefaultAttribteProjectBaseDirAttributeTargetXmlWildTargetVisitingVisitedNAntPlatformNAntPlatformNameNAntPropertyFileNameNAntPropertyVersionNAntPropertyLocationNAntPropertyProjectNameNAntPropertyProjectBuildFileNAntPropertyProjectBaseDirNAntPropertyProjectDefaultNAntPropertyOnSuccessNAntPropertyOnFailureadd_BuildStartedremove_BuildStartedadd_BuildFinishedremove_BuildFinishedadd_TargetStartedremove_TargetStartedadd_TargetFinishedremove_TargetFinishedadd_TaskStartedremove_TaskStartedadd_TaskFinishedremove_TaskFinishedadd_MessageLoggedremove_MessageLogged_projectName_defaultTargetName_indentationSize_buildListeners_buildTargets_locationMap_frameworkNeutralProperties_currentTarget_frameworks_runtimeFramework_configurationNode_doc_dataTypeReferencesget_IndentationSizeget_ProjectNameget_BuildFileUriget_Frameworksget_RuntimeFrameworkset_RuntimeFrameworkget_PlatformNameget_CurrentTargetget_BuildFileLocalNameget_Documentget_ConfigurationNodeget_DefaultTargetNameget_BuildTargetsget_FrameworkNeutralPropertiesget_DataTypeReferencesget_BuildListenersget_LocationMapOnBuildStartedOnBuildFinishedOnTargetStartedOnTargetFinishedOnTaskStartedOnTaskFinishedOnMessageLoggedRunCreateTaskCreateDefaultLoggerIndentUnindentDetachBuildListenersAttachBuildListenersCtorHelperInitializeProjectDocumentLoadBuildFileConfigurePlatformPropertiesUpdateTargetFrameworkPropertiesGetConfigurationNodeTopologicalTargetSortCreateCircularExceptionIndentationSizeProjectNameBuildFileUriFrameworksRuntimeFrameworkPlatformNameCurrentTargetBuildFileLocalNameDocumentConfigurationNodeDefaultTargetNameBuildTargetsFrameworkNeutralPropertiesDataTypeReferencesBuildListenersScannedTasksProcessSettingsProcessPlatformProcessFrameworksProcessGlobalPropertiesProcessFrameworkEnvironmentVariablesGetXmlAttributeValueOnClearOnSetOnInsertOnValidateAddReadOnlyMarkDynamicIsReadOnlyPropertyIsDynamicPropertyEvaluateEmbeddedExpressionsCheckDeprecationValidatePropertyNameValidatePropertyValue_readOnlyProperties_dynamicProperties_ifCondition_unlessCondition_dependencies_executedget_Executedget_IfConditionset_IfConditionget_UnlessConditionset_UnlessConditionset_DependsListStringget_DependenciesExecutedIfConditionUnlessConditionDependsListStringDependenciesFindget_TaskName_taskNameTaskName_taskBuilders_dataTypeBuilders_filterBuilders_methodInfoCollection_projectsget_TaskBuildersget_DataTypeBuildersget_FilterBuildersScanAssemblyScanDirAddProjectMethodInfoLookupFunctionCreateDataTypeUpdateProjectWithBuilderScanTypeForTasksScanTypeForDataTypesScanTypeForFunctionsScanTypeForFiltersTaskBuildersDataTypeBuildersFilterBuildersUnknownInvalidRemovableFixedRemoteCDRomRamDiskCaseSensitiveCompressedPersistentAclsPreservesCaseSupportsEncryptionSupportsFileCompressionSupportsNamedStreamsSupportsObjectIdsSupportsQuotasSupportsReparsePointsSupportsSparseFilesSupportsUnicodeOnVolumeNAMESIZEMAX_PATHValidateURINetworkPathhIconiIcondwAttributesszDisplayNameszTypeNameUniversal_stopWatchStackStringWriterXmlTextWriter_xmlWriterWriteDurationStripFormattingIsJustWhiteSpaceWriteErrorNodeIsValidXmlStripCDataWriteNameAttributeBuildResultsStatusAssemblyKeyNameAttributeAssemblyDelaySignAttributeAssemblyInformationalVersionAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeAssemblyCultureAttributeAssemblyTrademarkAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyConfigurationAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyTitleAttributeCLSCompliantAttributeSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesComVisibleAttributeDebuggableAttributeAttributeUsageAttributeAttributeTargetsvalueget_InvariantCultureConvertnameArgumentNullExceptionget_LengthArgumentOutOfRangeExceptioncollectionNamechildNameObsoleteAttributeprefixcategoryminValuemaxValueToInt32Int32typeRegexIsMatchEmptyop_InequalitySerializableAttributeNonSerializedAttributeeGetTypeelementNodemessageLevelmessageargsParamArrayAttributeclonepropertiesframeworkInvalidOperationExceptionWarnattributeNameConcatSelectSingleNodeparentchildNodebuildElementelementTypeXmlAttributeCollectionget_AttributesXmlAttributeget_ItemOfIsAssignableFromConstructorInfoGetConstructorRuntimeTypeHandleGetTypeFromHandleMemberInfoGetCustomAttributeMethodBaseGetCurrentMethodget_DeclaringTypeLogManagerGetLoggerelementtargetFrameworkXmlNamedNodeMapXmlNodeTypeget_NodeTypeget_NamespaceURILookupNamespaceEqualsBindingFlagsGetPropertiesIsSubclassOfpropertyInfoget_InnerTextget_FullNameget_IsErrorget_CanWriteget_PropertyTypeGetCustomAttributesget_CanReadGetMethodsop_EqualityGetParametersget_ParameterTypeBinderGetValueActivatorget_OwnerDocumentXmlElementget_DocumentElementget_ChildNodesStringEnumeratorpropInfxmlGetSetMethodGetGetMethodget_IsAbstractInvalidCastExceptionattributeTypeget_IsEnumattributeNodepropertySystem.ComponentModelTypeDescriptorTypeConverterGetConverterEnumConverterConvertFromGetValuesGetEncodingNotSupportedExceptionChangeTypeparentChainedReaderbaseReaderGCSuppressFinalizeobjectmethodcallbackresultclassNameassemblyFileNameSystem.Security.PermissionsReflectionPermissionAttributeSecurityActionGetExecutingAssemblyget_CurrentDomainGetAssembliesLoadFromDefaultMemberAttributeindexIListget_ListfilterNameitemitemstaskNamearrayargumentsphysicalTextReadertextReaderget_CharsIndexOutOfRangeExceptionMathMaxchainedReaderstartCharstreamEndedOutAttributenonMatchingCharsAcquireCharchar1char2ChartokenNotFoundunknownTokenset_LengthprojectassemblyFileassemblyassemblyNameget_CodeBaseget_EscapedCodeBasesBooleanpropDictdateget_Yearget_Monthget_Dayget_Hourget_Minuteget_Secondget_Millisecondget_TicksDayOfWeekget_DayOfWeekget_DayOfYearyearmonthDaysInMonthpathFileSystemInfoDoublefolderget_MachineNameget_OSVersionGetEnvironmentVariablefilesrcFiletargetFileget_InnerExceptionBadImageFormatExceptionFileLoadExceptionfileNamefileVersionInfoget_CompanyNameget_FileMajorPartget_FileMinorPartget_FileBuildPartget_FilePrivatePartget_ProductNameget_ProductMajorPartget_ProductMinorPartget_ProductBuildPartget_ProductPrivatePartInt64GetEntryAssemblyoperatingSystemget_Platformpath1path2extensionpackageversionminVersionmaxVersionMemoryStreamset_PositionReadLineReadToEndstreamStreamWriterstrstartIndexlengths1s2CompareInfoget_CompareInfoIsPrefixIsSuffixoldValuenewValuesourceCompareOptionstotalWidthpaddingCharget_TotalDaysget_TotalHoursget_TotalMinutesget_TotalSecondsget_TotalMillisecondsget_Daysget_Majorget_Minorget_Buildget_Revisionget_NewLinetaskNodeIsDefinedfileAttributesSetAttributesFileNotFoundExceptionDirectoryNotFoundExceptionget_ExistsCollectionsUtilCreateCaseInsensitiveHashtableop_GreaterThanDirectorySeparatorCharCreateDirectorylastWriteTimeGetFileSystemEntriesGetDirectoriesGetFilesDeleteverboseRefreshSystem.ThreadingThreadStartThreadget_StandardOutputget_StandardErrorWaitForExitget_HasExitedKillget_IsAliveAbortprocessProcessStartInfoget_StartInfoset_Argumentsset_RedirectStandardOutputset_RedirectStandardErrorset_UseShellExecuteset_CreateNoWindowMonitorEnterExitGetAttributesWebResponseGetResponseGetResponseStreamFileStreamFileModeBinaryWriterByteHttpWebRequestHttpWebResponseget_LastModifiedWebExceptionWebExceptionStatusget_Statusget_ResponseHttpStatusCodeget_StatusCodeIOExceptiontouchDateTimeset_LastWriteTimeurlfileLastModifiedget_SchemeUriSchemeHttpUriSchemeHttpsTimeZoneget_CurrentTimeZoneGetUtcOffsetAddSecondsSubtractset_IfModifiedSinceSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509CertificatesX509CertificateCollectionget_ClientCertificatesX509CertificateCreateFromCertFileWebProxyGetMembersnodePushLoadPopget_InstalledUICultureget_DefaultSplitToCharArraypropValsfilenameOpenTextMailMessageset_Bccset_Ccset_BodyFormatset_BodyMailAttachmentSmtpMailset_SmtpServerSendOpenReadMoveFileIOPermissionFileIOPermissionAccessSystem.SecurityCodeAccessPermissionAssertFileAccessFileShareOpenToArraytasksdataTypestargetNSget_IsCompiledrequiredXmlSchemaUseset_UseminmaxXmlSchemaParticleset_MinOccursset_MaxOccursset_MaxOccursStringtextXmlTextCreateTextNodeXmlSchemaObjectSystem.Xml.SerializationXmlSerializerNamespacesXmlSchemaFormset_ElementFormDefaultHybridDictionaryXmlSchemaAnnotationXmlSchemaDocumentationset_MarkupXmlSchemaObjectCollectionget_Particleset_ParticleXmlSchemaGroupBaseXmlSchemaTypeXmlSchemaElementset_SchemaTypeValidationEventHandlerincludeProjectLevelItemsXmlSchemaChoiceXmlQualifiedNameget_QualifiedNameset_SchemaTypeNamesenderXmlSeverityTypeget_SeverityXmlSchemaExceptionget_SourceSchemaObjectidtFieldInfoget_FieldTypebuildFileMatchget_EmptyGroupNameFromNumberGroupCollectionget_GroupsGroupCaptureDllImportAttributekernel32.dlllpNamelpValuelibcoverwriteExpandEnvironmentVariablesmillisSleepget_LocalNameget_DirectoryNameSetCurrentDirectorySystem.Xml.XPathXPathDocumentSystem.Xml.XslXsltArgumentListAddParamAddExtensionObjectXslTransformIXPathNavigableTransformXmlTextReaderfilepathGetEnvironmentVariablesToLongDateStringToLongTimeStringSetLastWriteTimemilliSecondsxpathdocumentnodeIndexXmlNameTableget_NameTableAddNamespaceget_InnerXmlnsMgrnodesset_InnerXmlSaveargumentNetworkCredentialfsAppendFormattargetLastWriteTimefileNamesPathSeparatorpathElementIsLetterset_BypassProxyOnLocalGlobalProxySelectionget_SelecttaskResolveEventHandleradd_AssemblyResolveAssemblyLoadEventHandleradd_AssemblyLoadremove_AssemblyResolveremove_AssemblyLoadget_LoadedAssemblyattributedestinationNameObjectCollectionBaseGetstringDataget_SuccessCallingConventionsParameterModifierGetMethodget_IsClassargumentTypeinnerExceptioninfocontextFlagsAttributeargumentSpecificationsupportsResponseFileGetCallingAssemblyget_Productget_InformationalVersionAddDaysget_Configurationget_Copyrightget_CompanyToShortDateStringsourceStringdelimiters$$struct0x600058d-1$$method0x600058d-1System.Runtime.CompilerServicesRuntimeHelpersRuntimeFieldHandleInitializeArrayIndexOfAnyConsolesourceFileNamedestFileNamefilterChaininputEncodingoutputEncodingCopyget_CurrentEncodingRemoveAtInvalidPathCharsSystem.Runtime.RemotingObjectHandleCreateInstanceFromUnwrapdisposingUnloadSystem.Security.PolicyEvidenceget_EvidenceAppDomainSetupget_SetupInformationCreateDomainSystem.Runtime.Remoting.LifetimeILeaseLeaseStateget_CurrentStateZeroset_InitialLeaseTimeGetPublicKeyTokenget_GlobalAssemblyCacheRuntimeEnvironmentFromGlobalAccessCachetypeNamethrowOnErrorMethodImplAttributeMethodImplOptionsculturedtProviderop_SubtractioncseparatorstringCollectionlocationSecurityPermissionAttributeAddValueconfigContextget_CurrentDirectoryget_ErrorbuildDocGetManifestResourceStreamXmlParserContextSetAttributedirectorysearchPatternfindInParentextensionAssembliesTypeLoadExceptioncmdlineOptionsget_OutparserdataTypeNameoriginaldictionarycapacityloadFactorcodeProvidercomparerkeynonSyncenumerablenantPatternsregexPatternsnonRegexFilesaddSearchDirectoriesisIncludeoriginalNAntPatternsearchDirectoryrecursiveisRegexregexPatternVolumeSeparatorCharCompareentrycaseSensitiveincludedPatternsexcludedPatternsnantPathbaseDirectorynantPatterntokenizerToInt64IComparableCompareToop_AdditionOverflowExceptiondescp0p1exreturnTypedescriptionToObjectfunctionNamepropertyNamestatevisitingget_IsStaticTargetInvocationExceptioninnerposstartPosendPosIsWhiteSpaceIsDigitIsLetterOrDigitkStructLayoutAttributeLayoutKindcharIndexfamilyclrVersionframeworkDirsdkDirframeworkAssemblyDirruntimeEngineIsInternedlineNumbercolumnNumberget_LocalPathfileOrUriget_AbsoluteUridocget_BaseURIget_DepthRemoveRangeget_LinePositionXPathNavigatorCreateNavigatorMoveToParentMoveToFirstChildIsSamePositionMoveToNextXPathNodeTypelinecolumntargetindentationLengthstartTimeset_BodyEncodingdefaultValueoutputLevelformatProviderget_UTF8charsget_CapacityPathNameVolumeNameBufferVolumeNameSizeVolumeSerialNumberMaximumComponentLengthFileSystemFlagsFileSystemNameBufferFileSystemNameSizeDelegatethresholdindentLevelNameTableconfigurationNodeuriOrFilePathget_IsFileHexEscapetargetNameforceDependenciesFatalinputlistenersCreateAttributeHasAttributeGetAttributeXmlExceptionConfigurationSettingsGetConfigget_ConfigurationFileroottargetsexecuteTargetsendstackget_DefaultNamespaceplatformNodeXmlWriterWriteStartDocumentget_OuterXmlWriteRawpropertyNodesenvironmentNodesxmlNodeGetNamedItemget_Dictionaryexcludes$$method0x60007bd-1FormatExceptionGetTypesGetReferencedAssembliesfailOnErrorWeakReferencemethodNameprojptbTrueStringget_Assemblyget_AssemblyQualifiedNamevolUriuriMarshalAsAttributeUnmanagedTypestopWatchStackWriteStartElementWriteAttributeStringWriteEndElementXmlConvertWriteElementStringWriteCDataCaptureCollectionget_Capturesexceptionget_StackTraceXmlValidatingReaderStrings.resourcesProjectHelp.xslt NA1088 name[A zero-length string is not an allowed value.ElementTypechildName NA1089 prefixcategory NA1091 NA1090 NA1092=An empty value is not allowed.SString {0} does not match expression {1}.KElement has invalid Project property.ULocation of Element node could be located.3 and parent::task[@name="";descendant::attribute[@name="]7frameworks/platform[@name=")"]/framework[@name=""]!frameworks/tasks refidgDatatype references cannot contain an id attribute.A{0} reference '{1}' not defined.}Attempting to use a <{0}> reference where a <{1}> is required. typeelementelementNodeproperties nant NA1027 NA1032 NA1015+String_FoundAttribute1String_SkippingAttribute NA1014 NA1033'String_SettingValue1String_ValidatingElement NA1022 NA1031 NA1016 NA1019Add NA1140 nant: NA1021 NA1034 NA1026qThere must be a least one '{0}' element for <{1} ... />. NA1030 NA1035 NA1012 NA1020 NA1093 NA1029 NA1013w<{0} ... /> does not support multiple '{1}' child elements.There must be a least one <{0} .../> child element for <{1} .../>.<{0} ... /> could not be initialized as its backed by type '{1}' which does not derive from Element.Property "{0}" for class "{1}" is backed by "{2}" which does not derive from "{3}".Property {0} cannot return null (if there is no set method) for class {1}{0}_get() returned null; will go the route of set method to populate.=Abstract type: {0} for {2}.{1}DataType child element '{0}' in class '{1}' must define a set method.'{0}' is not a valid value for attribute '{1}' of <{2} ... />. Valid values are: , ="{0}" is not a valid encoding.q"{0}" encoding is not supported on the current platform.An empty string is not a valid value for attribute '{0}' of <{1} ... />.'parentChainedReader1Argument can not be nullbaseReaderParent property should be set on types deriving from DataTypeBase to determine whether the type is declared on a valid level. NA1010 NA1009 NA1008c can only be declared at Project or Target level.5A base filter must be used?End of output has been reached.${APeek currently is not supported.}One or more tokens and replacement values should be specified. NA1095 NAnt9No target is being executed. NA1097 NA1099 NA1053 NA1096 NA1100--variable=" --libs--cflags--modversion'--atleast-version="#--exact-version="--max-version="--existspkg-config[] %String_TaskExecute NA1077 NA1075'{0}' is a required framework configuration setting for the '{1}' build element that should be set in the NAnt configuration file. NA1074)Validation Exception)Validation failed on;Invalid configuration value "Q". Valid values for this attribute are: [Setting file attributes for {0} files to {1}.]Setting attributes for {0} directories to {1}.ONo matching files or directories found. NA1102 NA1101EAn invalid type {0} was specified.QNo resource check is implemented for {0}/Unable to find {0} {1}. NA1104 NA1103+Circular dependency: <- KCall task cannot call its own parent.o'flatten' attribute requires that 'todir' has been set.The 'todir' should be set when using the <fileset> element to specify the list of files to be copied.The 'file' attribute and the <fileset> element cannot be combined.oEither the 'tofile' or 'todir' attribute should be set.mThe 'tofile' and 'todir' attribute cannot both be set.ECould not find file '{0}' to copy.CFailed to create directory '{0}'.1Created directory '{0}'.;Copying {0} file{1} to '{2}'.s9Skipping self-copy of '{0}'./Copying '{0}' to '{1}'.7Cannot copy '{0}' to '{1}'.Cannot specify both 'file' and 'dir' attribute in the same <delete> task.Cannot specify both 'file' or 'dir' attribute and use <fileset> in the same <delete> task. NA11153Deleting directory '{0}'.'Deleting {0} files. NA11131Deleted {0} directories.)Deleting file '{0}'. NA1114%Deleting file {0}.Inline content and the message attribute are mutually exclusive in the <echo> task.GAn invalid level {0} was specified. NA1116 NA1118 NA1119Execution ErrorY{0}: {1} had errors. Please see log4net log."{0}" {1}/String_Starting_Program NA1121 NA1120 .exe NA1124 NA1122 NA1117Inline content and the message attribute are mutually exclusive in the <fail> task.No message.IDestination file '{0}' is read-only.The <proxy> child element and the 'httpproxy' attribute are mutually exclusive.;Local file time stamp is {0}. NA1125gUnable to open connection to '{0}' (try {1} of 3): 5Retrieving '{0}' to '{1}'.5Number of bytes read: {0}.7'{0}' last modified on {1}.]'{0}' not downloaded. Not modified since {1}.7Touching file {0} with {1}.Error: {0}. NA1126CUptodatefile(s) do(es) not exist.-{0} is newer than {1}.At least one if condition must be set (test, propertytrue, targetexists, etc...): NA1180 NA1128 NA1179 NA1127/String_DuplicateInclude'Including file {0}.5File '{0}' does not exist. NA1129 NA1132 NA1131 NA1130Both asssembly and path attributes are set. Use one or the other./Property is readonly! :Invalid foreach1Nothing to work with...!in NA1134UOnly one property is valid for item="File"1Must use <do> with <in>.YOnly one property is valid for item="Folder"Delimiter(s) must be specified if multiple properties are specified NA1133iOnly one property may be specified for item="String"[Delimiter must be specified for item="String"-Too many items on lineIAn invalid format {0} was specified.There must be at least one name in the "tolist", "cclist" or "bcclist" attributes of the <mail> task. NA1135 NA1136)Sending mail to {0}.YError enountered while sending mail message.1Make sure that mailhost= is valid'Error sending mail:localhost3Creating directory '{0}'. NA11375Skipping self-move of {0}.AMoving directory '{0}' to '{1}'.-Moving '{0}' to '{1}'.GRemoving '{0}' before moving '{1}'.5Failed to move {0} to {1}.!{0} files moved.-Wrote schema to '{0}'.+-_unboundedI to fixup complextype with children. Particle is not XmlSchemaSequence Targetdependsdescriptionif unlessprojectdefaultbasedir targetWARNING: ERROR: {0}CMethod should have one parameter.IMember Type != Field/Property/Method NA1141KNo matching build files found to run.{0} {1}nant.filenamenant.locationnant.onsuccessnant.onfailure)nant.project.basedir-nant.project.buildfile)nant.project.default#nant.project.namenant.versionuNested build failed. Refer to build log for exact reason.=nant.settings.currentframeworkETarget framework changed to "{0}".=Target framework set to "{0}".%String_ValidValues NA1143_Read-only property "{0}" cannot be overwritten.Property "{0}" already exists, and "overwrite" is set to false. NA1145 NA1144ASetting property '{0}' to '{1}'.Either the "name" attribute or at least one nested <variable> element is required.YSetting environment variable "{0}" to "{1}".GSetenv not defined on this platformeError setting environment variable "{0}" to "{1}".SNegative sleep periods are not supported.=Sleeping for {0} milliseconds. paramThe usage of the <param> element is deprecated. Please use the <parameters> collection instead.expression NA1148 NA1147 NA1149. NA1150/Loading XML file '{0}'.3Loading stylesheet '{0}'.5Processing '{0}' to '{1}'. NA1151 htmlYSetting system information properties under *clr.versionos.platformos.version3os.folder.applicationdata?os.folder.commonapplicationData9os.folder.commonprogramFiles5os.folder.desktopdirectory-os.folder.programfiles!os.folder.systemos.folder.tempos env.Property could not be created for environment variable '{0}' : {1} = sys.{0} {1}.tstamp.dateyyyyMMddtstamp.time{0} = {1}.Cannot specify 'millis' and 'datetime' in the same <touch> task.Cannot specify both 'file' attribute and use <fileset> in the same <touch> task.?Touching file '{0}' with '{1}'.?Creating file '{0}' with '{1}'. NA1152'01/01/1970 00:00:00KDestination file(s) do(es) not exist.[Peeking at '{0}' with XPath expression '{1}'. NA1154 NA1153 NA1158 NA1155 NA1156eFound '{0}' nodes with the XPath expression '{1}'. NA1157 NA1159]Attempting to load XML document in file '{0}'._XML document in file '{0}' loaded successfully.YSelecting nodes with XPath expression '{0}'.eFound '{0}' nodes matching XPath expression '{1}'.sNo matching nodes were found with XPath expression '{0}'. NA1161AUpdating nodes with value '{0}'.)Updating node '{0}'.?Updated all nodes successfully.SAttempting to save XML document to '{0}'.SXML document successfully saved to '{0}'. NA1162Either set the path using the "path" attribute or the <path> element. You cannot set both.'Including AsIs='Including FromPath=#Including pattern#Excluding pattern%Including Pattern=Excluding=kFile '{0}' does not exist (and is not newer than {1})1'{0}' was newer than {1} **/*~ **/#*# **/.#* **/%*% **/CVS**/CVS/****/.svn**/.svn/****/_svn**/_svn/****/.cvsignore**/SCCS**/SCCS/****/vssver.scc**/_vti_cnf/**Base path: {0} AsIs: Files:PathFiles: Dirs:/Error creating FileSet. NA1164File '{0}' no longer exist (so the target might need to be updated)?'{0}' list could not be opened.sAt least "file", "directory" or "path" must be specified.y"file", "directory" and "path" cannot be specified together.\/:%Dropping path element '{0}' as it could not be resolved to a full path. {1} NA1166 NA1168 NA1167Version=Resolved assembly '{0}' from loaded assemblies using full name.uResolved assembly '{0}' from loaded assemblies using name.gResolved assembly '{0}' from cache using full name.]Resolved assembly '{0}' from cache using name.IAssembly '{0}' could not be located.OAdded assembly '{0}' to assembly cache.CMissing required argument '-{0}'. NA1171 but is not initialized and does not allow thecollection to be initialized. NA1169 NA1173 NA1175 NA1172%(\w+[^=]*)=(\w*.*) NA1174 NA1170UExpected name/value pair (<name>=<value>).Invalid value {0} for command-line argument '-{1}'. Valid values are:  ParseSProperty {0} is not a strong-typed array.]Property {0} is not a strong-typed collection.gInvalid commandline argument type for property {0}.+argumentSpecification%String_BuildBannerUsage :  [options] <> ...Options : :<text> [+|-]:<filename>:<number>:<name>=<value> -{0,-30}{1}+ (Short format: /{0}) {0,-31}{1}@<file>]Insert command-line settings from a text file.destinationType of destination does not match type of argument specification.#-Unknown argument '{0}' NA1177Warning: Commandline argument '-{0}' cannot be combined with other arguments.Eunable to open response file "{0}" path1 path2.. pathAThe path is not of a legal form.GacCacheDomainStrings valueLocation{0}:{1}{2}Buildfile has already been loaded! Using new value '{0}'; discarding old project file '{1}'EInvalid framework '{0}' specified.wThere are no supported frameworks available on your system.1Possible values include: {0} ({1})Stacktrace:KTry 'nant -help' for more informationBUILD FAILEDFor more information regarding the cause of the build failure, run the build again in debug mode.INTERNAL ERRORFor more information regarding the cause of the build failure, run the build again in verbose mode.Please send a bug report (including the version of NAnt you're using) to!ProjectHelp.xsltUMissing 'ProjectHelp.xslt' Resource Streamxmlns:nant* NA1001 Use -buildfile:<file> to specify the build file to execute or create a file. NA1007 NA1004 NA10067{0} does not implement {1}. NA1005 NA1003 NA1002ONAnt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certainconditions set out by the GNU General Public License. A copy of the licenseis available in the distribution package and from the NAnt web site.A file ending in .build will be used if no buildfile is specified. **/* **\*Y**/* pattern may not produce desired results**\\\.$\$^\^{\{\[(\()\)\+MONOBUG72166?[^]? (?<=)\*(?=($|))]+ (.|?)?.|(?<=^| (?=$|).|.|]*.*^.*.*$SUnexpected token at the end of expressionOthe left hand side of the 'or' operatorQthe right hand side of the 'or' operatororQthe left hand side of the 'and' operatorSthe right hand side of the 'and' operatorand=The '=' operator is no longer supported to check for equality. Use the '==' operator instead. NA1038 NA1042 NA1051 NA1037 NA1049 NA1050 NA1041 NA1048 NA1036 NA1043 NA1039 NA1047'(' expected.5the conditional expression',' expected.')' expected.3Fractional part expected.uValue was either too large or too small for type 'double'.qValue was either too large or too small for type 'long'. NA1040not=the argument of 'not' operator true false::/Function name expected. NA10467argument {1} ({0}) of {2}() NA1044+Function call failed.7Property evaluation failed. NA1045iCannot convert {0} to '{1}' (actual type was '{2}').int long double string booldatetimetimespan/Unexpected token '{0}'. NA1052VISITINGVISITEDstartPos endPos?Cannot read past end of stream.MIdentifier cannot end with a dash: {0}!===<=>==Framework name not configured.versionWVersion not configured for framework '{0}'.frameworkDiroFramework directory not configured for framework '{0}'.)frameworkAssemblyDirFramework assembly directory not configured for framework '{0}'.SFramework directory '{0}' does not exist.System.dll NA1054eFramework assembly directory '{0}' does not exist.IRuntime engine '{0}' does not exist. NA1055({0},{1})WXML document '{0}' has already been mapped.child::node()[;Xml node has not been mapped. RootBUILD SUCCEEDED+String_BuildSucceeded%String_BuildFailedPlease send bug report to!String_TotalTime {0}:  failuresuccess.notifybody.encoding FailureBuild SuccessmailhostCMailLogger failed to send e-mail!MailLogger.?Missing required parameter {0}. PATHSystem.MonoTypeqError creating URI in project constructor. Moving on... Invalid base directory '{0}'. The project base directorymust be rooted. win32 unix NA1060+Target(s) specified: Buildfile: {0}+Target framework: {0} None)Base Directory: {0}.Build failed.nant.failureThe 'nant.failure' property has been deprecated. You should use '{0}' to designate the target that should be executed when the build fails. NA1061doc xmlnshttp://none NA1059KAdding a {0} reference with id '{1}'. NA10711Error loading'nant.platform.win32Mnant.settings.currentframework.versionUnant.settings.currentframework.descriptioncnant.settings.currentframework.frameworkdirectoryWnant.settings.currentframework.sdkdirectorysnant.settings.currentframework.frameworkassemblydirectoryYnant.settings.currentframework.runtimeengineThe NAnt configuration settings in file '{0}' could not be loaded. Please ensure this file is available and contains a 'nant' settings node.7Build sequence for target ` ' is GUnexpected node in visiting state: 7Complete build sequence is Target 'C' does not exist in this project.1It is used from target ''.WUnexpected internal error: expected to pop  but got Knant:frameworks/nant:platform[@name=''];nant:properties/nant:property1platform-task-assemblies)nant:task-assembliesnet mononant:framework familyclrversionnant:projectI<project> node has not been defined.runtimeengine%frameworkdirectory5frameworkassemblydirectorysdkdirectory3nant:environment/nant:env1internal-task-assemblies NA1063 NA1181 NA1182 NA1062 auto NA1178 NA1068 NA1065?Property name must be a string.key NA1067'}' expectedExpression: Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use assembly::get-location(nant::get-assembly()) expression instead. Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the assemblyname::get-version(assembly::get-name(nant::get-assembly)) expression instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the nant::get-base-directory() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the project::get-base-directory() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the project::get-name() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the project::get-buildfile-uri() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the project::get-default-target() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the platform::get-name() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the platform::is-win32() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the platform::is-unix() function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the framework::get-description(framework::get-target-framework()) function instead. Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the framework::get-framework-directory(framework::get-target-framework()) function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the framework::get-sdk-directory(framework::get-target-framework()) function instead. Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the framework::get-assembly-directory(framework::get-target-framework()) function instead.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the framework::get-runtime-engine(framework::get-target-framework()) function instead.nant.tasks.Built-in property '{0}' is deprecated. Use the task::exists(string) function instead.=^[_A-Za-z0-9][_A-Za-z0-9\-.]*$ NA1064 NA1066;Circular property reference: NA1070 NA1069Null Target!'String_AddingTarget NA1073OScanning assembly "{0}" for extensions. Assembly "{0}" is built using version {1} of NAnt. If any problems arise, then try using a version that is built for NAnt version {2}.eScanning directory "{0}" for extension assemblies. *.dllUFailure scanning "{0}" for extensions: {1} tasks NA1087taskNode proj NA1083 NA1086 parent NA1082 NA1079 NA1081 NA1085.location?Creating TaskBuilder for "{0}".5Adding "{0}" from {1}:{2}.EWeakReference for project is dead.yWeakReference is not a project! This should not be possible.CFailure scanning "{0}" for tasks.EString_CreatingDataTypeBaseBuilder+String_AddingDataTypeMFailure scanning "{0}" for data types.iIgnoring functions in type "{0}": no prefix was set.KFailure scanning "{0}" for functions.CCreating FilterBuilder for "{0}".CAdding filter "{0}" from {1}:{2}.GFailure scanning "{0}" for filters.qVolume information could not be retrieved for the path ''. Verify that the path is valid and ends in a trailing backslash, and try again.OutputWriter BufferThresholdProjectStackbuildresultsXmlLogger.filelog.xml9Unable to write to log file. taskdurationmessage level<\?.*\?>?(?ms)^[\s\0]*?\[[\s\w\d]+\](.+)^[\s\0]*$builderrorinternalerrorlocationfilenamelinenumbercolumnnumberstacktrace ^<.*>+^<\?xml\sversion.*\?><!\[CDATA\[ \]\]>A㉞@^\&Exz\V4      (( e ee(e    (< < <(<Xim2@|hq P  X X ` m m i i       i` i PPiPee((X(`(m(i( Pi` P  E u Pie Pui` XeP`Ey(P((E iPux| t }                 (( (     ((         ((   D   D D  ((D  X`                   l           (       (( L LL(L     y(((y  ( U  U U  ((U (< < <    (<( @i ix       x x ((((x?_ :  (ee i5 ee  e ee   e e(] ](]  (8 8 8  (8(dX d X  U(d(X   (        ( L L L  (L m            (( (  L L    E(L((((, , ,(,                 ( (   (          $ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 ((((( ((( X 4EX   H H H H H H H P H(H(H H(H X T T T T T T T \ T(T(T T(T d ` ` ` ` ` ` ` h `(`(` `(` @  @ tu u e tueueut(u  ( x p p p p p p p | p(p(p p(p I ! e  tuxp % %(%(e)- -  EEE  I ( iEX0, X           (( (  5 5 15 515 15 5 15  15 y  A       9 9   ((9A =((=   E]E   ]]((      I e  A X`y   I  ((       X (           (  i i ' d I I d @dI(I(d(@ $ $   $ $ $  ` @ , , , , , , D ,(, ,(, @ E   E      projectnamedefaultbasedir target*VISITINGVISITEDnant.platform$nant.platform.namenant.filenamenant.versionnant.location",nant.project.buildfile(nant.project.basedir(nant.project.defaultnant.onsuccessnant.onfailure( (@h     i    i I   h @  @  d  i @id  hh hyh (I( (((h(@(  i  `E y( d d  p l l l l l l l t l(l(l l(lpp@ @@X MX @iX iP iX Xle@p I @PII QU buildresultsmessagetask status level  T Inherited-E EI T Inheritede E&T InheritedT AllowMultipleSMPlease use a BuildElement attribute instead. This class will be removed soon.&@T InheritedT AllowMultipleEI<EIX`mi I%T im iiPiii   e e e e$$Pe e$qe  iPE u euuu e#ii,e|X M A m i9e   -e- -@eMA9iPIMMMAM    i e  7yyMMAEiMeP=MAPP M MMPePXX ee9e   I III 8I eEIif unless e$  -%  Item %   =$id refid filterchain2filterTP ElementTypeNAnt.Core.Filters.Filter encoding=7The input encoding should now be specified on the task.,e]iMMMAMexpandproperties      replacestringfromTRequiredT AllowEmptytoTRequiredT AllowEmpty ignorecaseTRequired replacetokensD DD   begintoken endtoken token tabstospaces tablength"TMinValueTMaxValuedassemblyAssemblyload-from-file get-full-name get-name  assemblynameAssembly get-codebaseget-escaped-codebase get-versionget-assembly-namebool Conversion parse to-string Econvert Conversion to-int5/Use type-specific conversion functions instead. to-double  to-datetime to-booleandatetime Date/Timenow get-year get-month get-day get-hour get-minute get-secondget-millisecond get-ticks get-day-of-week =get-day-of-yearget-days-in-month is-leap-yeardatetime Conversion E directory Directoryget-creation-timeget-current-directoryget-last-write-timeget-last-access-timeget-parent-directory get-directory-root existsdouble Conversion E environment Environmentget-folder-pathget-machine-nameget-operating-system get-user-name get-variablevariable-existsfileFile up-to-date  get-length  is-assemblyUfileversioninfoVersionget-version-infoget-company-nameget-file-version get-product-nameget-product-versionint ConversionElong Conversion EmathMath round floor ceilingabsnantNAntget-base-directory get-assembly projectNAntget-buildfile-uriget-buildfile-pathget-default-targettargetNAntget-current-targetd has-executeddtaskNAntlpropertyNAnt is-readonly is-dynamic frameworkNAnt sdk-existsget-target-frameworkget-runtime-framework get-familyget-descriptionget-clr-versionget-framework-directoryget-assembly-directoryget-sdk-directoryget-runtime-engineplatformNAnt is-win32 is-unix&operating-systemOperating System get-platform pathPath get-full-path combinechange-extensionget-directory-name get-extension get-file-name$get-file-name-without-extension get-path-rootget-temp-file-name get-temp-path has-extensionis-path-rooted pkg-config Unix/Cygwin get-link-flagsget-compile-flagsget-mod-versionis-atleast-versionis-exact-versionis-max-versionis-between-version al alI llUstringString substring starts-with i ends-with to-lower - to-upper replace contains m index-of last-index-of pad-left  pad-right trim trim-start  trim-endtimespan Date/Timeget-total-days get-total-hoursget-total-minutesget-total-secondsget-total-milliseconds get-days get-hours get-minutes get-secondsget-milliseconds from-days from-hours from-minutes from-secondsfrom-milliseconds from-tickstimespan ConversionversionVersion get-major get-minor get-build get-revisionversion ConversionL II'uui,Ie|u+&Deprecated- Use InitializeTask instead failonerror verboseWill be removed soon attribeI file fileset archive hidden normal readonly system availableUse functions instead.L L % %resourceTRequiredtypeTRequiredpropertyTRequired calldhddtargetTRequired forced^The task will now always force execution of the specified target, and its dependencies. cascade copyyy  'XXI=IA tofile todir overwrite flattenincludeemptydirs inputencodingoutputencoding deleteI II Idir description echo eI message append levelU }  I      I e @< exename timeoutarguseruntimeengine exec( 0programTRequired commandline environment workingdirresultproperty basediroutputTRequiredappendTRequired failget<       .II           IsrcTRequireddestTRequired httpproxy,&Use the child element instead. proxy credentials ignoreerrors-(Use the 'failonerror' attribute instead. usetimestamp certificates   i@@E I uptodatefileMGUse instead. comparefile comparefiles$Use task instead. uptodatefiles propertytrue.(Use instead.propertyexistsB instead. targetexists>8Use instead. test ifnot include I I buildfileTRequired loadfile QfileTRequired loadtasksII assembly path foreach x   5itemTRequiredinTRequired delimindo items mail E QIII tolist cclist bcclist mailhost subject format files attachments mkdirdirTRequired move=A nantschema ee  9ee ]]lt      iioutputTRequired target-nsTRequiredclassTRequired   i      - ]]eee  % %$!eee ) - E HeMeMAMLL$$ nant] XE buildfile target buildfiles inheritall inheritrefsC propertiespropertyTP ElementTypeNAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask property]nameTRequired*valueTRequiredTExpandPropertiesreadonlyTRequireddynamicTRequired overwriteTRequired regex  55 9 =%5patternTRequiredoptionsTRequiredinputTRequired setenv8 nameTRequired value?variableTP ElementType#NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable sleep hours  minutes seconds milliseconds styledX i`    UMU5EUIM`TQIh\  UdestdirTRequired extensionTRequiredstyleTRequiredoutTRequired infiles parameters parameter%extensionobjectsextensionobject sysinfo5 5I=AprefixTRequired tstamp  E $propertyTRequiredpatternTRequired formatter touch  I millis datetime uptodateE  sourcefiles targetfiles xmlpeekL I I ] ] mHIiP nodeindexTRequiredxpathTRequired namespaces namespace xmlpokemHIP I ivalueTRequired line  credential   domainTRequiredpasswordTRequiredusernameTRequiredL     IE  failonemptydefaultexcludes includes$Use element instead. excludes$Use element instead. exclude includesList!Use instead. includesfile excludesfile asis frompathEIE dirsetenv, option$Use element instead. variable   $( ((0 pathelementEEE E E4EEIE  hostTRequiredportTRequired bypassonlocalTRequired credentialsTRequiredifTRequiredunlessTRequiredkeyTRequired namespaceprefixTRequireduriTRequiredH HHPxsltextensionobject I namespaceuritypenameTRequiredassemblyTRequiredT TT\ xsltparameter` ``h i m u&MMAIMMIM5 =e Muey -5%MIeeMAeM&T AllowMultipleT Inheritedpppp| utu  E5ua}qy p| p|p| EE 9  pt     e ]] % %   %      e ee   -) EE e<PermissionSet class="System.Security.PermissionSet" version="1"> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="SerializationFormatter"/> </PermissionSet> ]TNametargetframeworkT ShortNametT Description!Specifies the framework to target^TNamedefaultframeworkT ShortNamekT Description!Specifies the framework to target0*Use the -[t]argetframework option instead.ITName buildfileT ShortNamefT DescriptionUse given buildfilebTNameverboseT ShortNamevT Description.Displays more information during build processSTNamedebugT Description/Displays debug information during build processnTNamequietT ShortNameqT DescriptionH 0H_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX`4VS_VERSION_INFOUU?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0<CommentsA .NET Build ToolXCompanyNamehttp://nant.sourceforge.net4FileDescriptionNAnt8 FileVersion0.85.1932.0<InternalNameNAnt.Core.dlll#LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw,LegalTrademarks DOriginalFilenameNAnt.Core.dll,ProductNameNAnt0ProductVersion0.85@ Assembly Version0.85.1932.0@ P8