require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Emites::Resources::Nfse do let(:http) {"7A75E575CFDEDB91FF7E2CE22089181A") } let(:entity_klass) { Emites::Entities::Nfse } let(:params) do { emitter_id: 4, rps_type: 1, serie: "a", emission_date:, operation_nature: 1, rps_situation: 1, service_values: { service_amount: 1000.0, deduction_amount: 0, retained_iss: false, calculation_base: 1000.0, iss_percentage: 5.00, iss_amount: 50.0, pis_amount: 0, cofins_amount: 0, inss_amount: 0, ir_amount: 0, csll_amount: 0, service_item_code: "0105", city_tax_code: "010501", description: "RSPEC Servicos de informatica", city_code: 3304557, nfse_liquid_amount: 1000.0, discount_conditioning_amount: 0 }, taker: { cpf: "83051507121", city_inscription: "92708711", social_reason: "Tomador RSPEC", address: { street: "Feijó Júnior", number: "535", neighborhood: "São Pelegrino", neighborhood_type: "COM", city_code: 4305108, state: "RS", zip_code: 95110550, city: "Caxias do Sul" }, contact: { phone: "32272144", ddd: 54 } } } end subject { } it "has a instance of Emites::Http" do expect(subject.http).to eq http end it_behaves_like "bound_notifiers", [:create, :update, :cancel, :destroy] describe "#list" do it "returns an array of Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/list/success") do nfses = subject.list expect(nfses).to be_a(Array) nfses.each do |e| expect(e).to be_a(entity_klass) end end end end describe "#info" do it "returns a Nfse instance where id is 456" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/info/success") do nfse = expect(nfse).to be_a(entity_klass) expect(nfse.serie). to eq("MYFC") expect(nfse.taker).to be_a(Emites::Entities::Taker) end end end describe "#status" do it "returns a Nfse instance status representation" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/status/success") do nfse_status = subject.status(456) expect(nfse_status).to be_a(Emites::Entities::NfseStatus) expect(nfse_status.status).to eq("accepted") expect(nfse_status.description).to eq("Processado pela Sefaz") end end end describe "#history" do it "returns a Nfse instance status history" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/history/success") do nfse_status_history = subject.history(456) expect(nfse_status_history).to be_a(Array) nfse_status_history.each do |e| expect(e).to be_a(Emites::Entities::NfseStatusTransition) end end end end describe "#pdf" do it "returns a Nfse pdf" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/pdf/success") do pdf_url = subject.pdf(456) expect(pdf_url).to be_a(String) expect(pdf_url).to match(/https?/) end end end describe "#xml" do it "returns a Nfse xml" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/xml/success") do xml_url = subject.xml(456) expect(xml_url).to be_a(String) expect(xml_url).to match(/https?/) end end end describe "#cancel" do it "cancels a Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/cancel/success") do nfse = subject.cancel(456) expect(nfse).to be_a(Emites::Entities::NfseStatus) expect(nfse.status).to eq("cancelling") end end end describe "#destroy" do it "deletes a Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/destroy/success") do result = subject.destroy(455) expect(result).to be_truthy end end end describe "#create" do it "creates a completely new Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/create/success") do nfse = subject.create(params) taker = nfse.taker values = nfse.service_values expect(nfse).to be_a(entity_klass) expect(taker).to be_a(Emites::Entities::Taker) expect(taker.social_reason).to eq(params[:taker][:social_reason]) expect(values).to be_a(Emites::Entities::NfseValues) expect(values.description).to eq(params[:service_values][:description]) end end it "creates a Nfse where taker already exists" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/create/given_taker") do params.delete(:taker) params[:taker_id] = 6 nfse = subject.create(params) expect(nfse.taker).to be_a(Emites::Entities::Taker) expect(nfse.taker.social_reason).to eq("Fulano de Tal") end end it "creates a Nfse without a taker" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/create/without_taker") do params.delete(:taker) nfse = subject.create(params) expect(nfse.taker).to be_nil end end it "creates an incomplete Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/create/incomplete") do params.delete(:taker) params.delete(:service_values) params[:allow_incomplete] = true nfse = subject.create(params) expect(nfse).to be_a(entity_klass) expect(nfse.status).to eq("created") end end end describe "#update" do it "updates a Nfse" do VCR.use_cassette("nfse/update/success") do nfse = subject.update(564, params) expect(nfse).to be_a(entity_klass) expect(nfse.status).to eq("scheduled") expect(nfse.service_values.service_amount).to eq(1000.0) end end end end