# OpenapiClient::ClientRegistration ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **merchant_ref** | **String** | Merchant reference code. Used by FirstAPI and reflected in settlement records and webhook notifications. Typically, the merchantRef field is the purchase order number or unique sequence value associated to a given transaction. | [optional] **transaction_type** | **String** | Type of transaction merchant wants to process. | **customer** | [**Customer**](Customer.md) | | **merchant** | [**Merchant**](Merchant.md) | | **device** | [**FraudRegistrationDevice**](FraudRegistrationDevice.md) | | [optional] **user_defined** | [**Object**](.md) | A JSON object that can carry any additional information that might be helpful for fraud detection. | [optional] **original_transaction_type** | **String** | Defines the type of the original transaction that is being evaluated for the Fraud Score. | ## Code Sample ```ruby require 'OpenapiClient' instance = OpenapiClient::ClientRegistration.new(merchant_ref: ffd031516002, transaction_type: registration, customer: null, merchant: null, device: null, user_defined: {"inauthTransId":"1234"}, original_transaction_type: registration/client) ```