# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ditty/services/pagination_wrapper' module Ditty module Helpers module Views def layout return :embedded if request.params['layout'] == 'embedded' :layout end def with_layout(url) uri = URI.parse(url) # Don't set the layout if there's none. Don't set the layout for external URIs return url if params['layout'].nil? || uri.host qs = { 'layout' => params['layout'] }.merge(uri.query ? CGI.parse(uri.query) : {}) uri.query = Rack::Utils.build_query qs uri.to_s end def form_control(name, model, opts = {}) label = opts.delete(:label) || name.to_s.titlecase klass = opts.delete(:class) || 'form-control' unless opts[:type] == 'file' klass = "#{klass} is-invalid" if model.errors[name] group = opts.delete(:group) || model.class.to_s.demodulize.underscore field = opts.delete(:field) || name default = opts.delete(:default) || nil help_text = opts.delete(:help_text) || nil attributes = { type: 'text', id: name, name: "#{group}[#{name}]", class: klass }.merge(opts) haml :'partials/form_control', locals: { model: model, label: label, attributes: attributes, name: name, group: group, field: field, default: default, help_text: help_text } end def filter_control(filter, opts = {}) meth = "#{filter[:name]}_options".to_sym return unless respond_to? meth haml :'partials/filter_control', locals: { name: filter[:name], label: opts[:label] || filter[:name].to_s.titlecase, options: send(meth), total_filters: opts[:filters] } end def flash_messages(key = :flash) return '' if flash(key).empty? id = (key == :flash ? 'flash' : "flash_#{key}") messages = flash(key).collect do |message| " \n" end "
\n" + messages.join + '
' end def query_string(add = {}) qs = params.clone.merge(add) qs.delete('captures') Rack::Utils.build_query qs end def delete_form(entity, label = 'Delete') locals = { delete_label: label, entity: entity } haml :'partials/delete_form', locals: locals end def delete_form_tag(url, options = {}, &block) options[:form_verb] = :delete form_tag(url, options, &block) end def edit_form_tag(url, options = {}, &block) options[:form_verb] = :put form_tag(url, options, &block) end def new_form_tag(url, options = {}, &block) options[:form_verb] = :post form_tag(url, options, &block) end def form_tag(url, options = {}, &block) options[:form_verb] ||= :post options[:attributes] ||= {} options[:attributes] = { 'class': 'form-horizontal' }.merge options[:attributes] options[:url] = options[:form_verb].to_sym == :get ? url : with_layout(url) haml :'partials/form_tag', locals: options.merge(block: block) end def pagination(list, base_path, qp = {}) return unless list.respond_to?(:pagination_record_count) || list.respond_to?(:total_entries) list = ::Ditty::Services::PaginationWrapper.new(list) locals = { first_link: "#{base_path}?" + query_string(qp.merge(page: 1)), next_link: list.last_page? ? '#' : "#{base_path}?" + query_string(qp.merge(page: list.next_page)), prev_link: list.first_page? ? '#' : "#{base_path}?" + query_string(qp.merge(page: list.prev_page)), last_link: "#{base_path}?" + query_string(qp.merge(page: list.page_count)), base_path: base_path, list: list } haml :'partials/pager', locals: locals end def display(value, type = :string) if [true, false].include?(value) || type.to_sym == :boolean value ? 'Yes' : 'No' elsif value.nil? || type.to_sym == :nil '(Empty)' else value end end def url_for(options = nil) return options if options.is_a? String return request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] if options == :back && request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] raise 'Unimplemented' end def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = {}) html_options[:href] ||= url_for(options) capture_haml do haml_tag :a, name, html_options end end end end end