module GitVersionBump def self.version git_ver = `git describe --dirty --match='v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.*[0-9]' 2>/dev/null`. strip. gsub(/^v/, ''). gsub('-', '.') # If git returned success, then it gave us a described version. # Success! return git_ver if $? == 0 # git failed us; we're either not in a git repo or else we've never # tagged anything before. # Are we in a git repo with no tags? If so, dump out our # super-special version and be done with it. system("git status >/dev/null 2>&1") return "" if $? == 0 # We're not in a git repo. This means that we need to get version # information out of rubygems, given only the filename of who called # us. This takes a little bit of effort. if spec = GVB.caller_gemspec return spec.version.to_s else # If we got here, something went *badly* wrong -- presumably, we # weren't called from within a loaded gem, and so we've got *no* # idea what's going on. Time to bail! raise RuntimeError, "GVB.version called from mysterious, non-gem location." end end def self.major_version ver = GVB.version v = ver.split('.')[0] unless v =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "#{v} (part of #{ver.inspect}) is not a numeric version component. Abandon ship!" end return v.to_i end def self.minor_version ver = GVB.version v = ver.split('.')[1] unless v =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "#{v} (part of #{ver.inspect}) is not a numeric version component. Abandon ship!" end return v.to_i end def self.patch_version ver = GVB.version v = ver.split('.')[2] unless v =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "#{v} (part of #{ver.inspect}) is not a numeric version component. Abandon ship!" end return v.to_i end def self.internal_revision GVB.version.split('.', 4)[3].to_s end def # Are we in a git tree? system("git status >/dev/null 2>&1") if $? == 0 # Yes, we're in git. if GVB.dirty_tree? return"%F") else # Clean tree. Date of last commit is needed. return `git show --format=format:%ad --date=short | head -n 1`.strip end else # Not in git; time to hit the gemspecs if spec = GVB.caller_gemspec return spec.version.to_s else raise RuntimeError, " called from mysterious, non-gem location." end end end def self.tag_version(v) if GVB.dirty_tree? puts "You have uncommitted files. Refusing to tag a dirty tree." else puts "Tagging version #{v}..." system("git tag -a -m 'Version v#{v}' v#{v}") end end def self.caller_gemspec # First up, who called us? Because this method gets called from other # methods within this file, we can't just look at Gem.location_of_caller, # but instead we need to parse the whole caller stack ourselves. caller_file = caller. map { |l| l.split(':')[0] }. find { |l| l != __FILE__ } # Next we grovel through all the loaded gems to try and find the gem # that contains the caller's file. Gem.loaded_specs.values.each do |spec| if Dir. glob(spec.lib_dirs_glob). find { |d| caller_file.index(d) == 0 } # The caller_file is in this # gem! Woohoo! return spec end end nil end def self.dirty_tree? # Are we in a dirty, dirty tree? system("! git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code || ! git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD") $? == 0 end end GVB = GitVersionBump