# encoding: utf-8 module Ayadn class Status def self.done "\nDone.\n".color(:green) end def self.downloaded(name) "\nFile downloaded in #{Settings.config[:paths][:downloads]}/#{name}\n".color(:green) end def self.downloading "Downloading from ADN...\n\n".inverse end def self.uploading files files.length > 1 ? pl = "s" : pl = "" "\nUploading file#{pl} to ADN...".color(:cyan) end def self.posting "Posting to ADN...\n\n".inverse end def self.deleting_post(post_id) "\nDeleting post #{post_id}\n".inverse end def self.deleting_message(message_id) "\nDeleting message #{message_id}\n".inverse end def self.unfollowing(username) "\nUnfollowing #{username}".inverse end def self.following(username) "\nFollowing #{username}".inverse end def self.unmuting(username) "\nUnmuting #{username}".inverse end def self.muting(username) "\nMuting #{username}".inverse end def self.unblocking(username) "\nUnblocking #{username}".inverse end def self.blocking(username) "\nBlocking #{username}".inverse end def self.unreposting(post_id) "\nUnreposting #{post_id}".inverse end def self.reposting(post_id) "\nReposting #{post_id}".inverse end def self.unstarring(post_id) "\nUnstarring #{post_id}".inverse end def self.starring(post_id) "\nStarring #{post_id}".inverse end def self.not_deleted(post_id) "\nCould not delete post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, or is already deleted)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_starred(post_id) "\nCould not star post #{post_id} (post doesn't exist, or is already starred)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_unreposted(post_id) "\nCould not unrepost post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't a repost, or has been deleted)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_reposted(post_id) "\nCould not repost post #{post_id} (post has been deleted?)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_unstarred(post_id) "\nCould not unstar post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't starred, or has been deleted)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_unfollowed(post_id) "\nCould not unfollow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already followed)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_followed(post_id) "\nCould not follow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or you already follow)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_unmuted(post_id) "\nCould not unmute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already muted)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_muted(post_id) "\nCould not mute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already muted)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_unblocked(post_id) "\nCould not unblock user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already blocked)\n".color(:red) end def self.not_blocked(post_id) "\nCould not block user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already blocked)\n".color(:red) end def self.deleted(post_id) "\nPost #{post_id} has been deleted.\n".color(:green) end def self.deleted_m(message_id) "\nMessage #{message_id} has been deleted.\n".color(:green) end def self.starred(post_id) "\nPost #{post_id} has been starred.\n".color(:green) end def self.unreposted(post_id) "\nPost #{post_id} has been unreposted.\n".color(:green) end def self.reposted(post_id) "\nPost #{post_id} has been reposted.\n".color(:green) end def self.unstarred(post_id) "\nPost #{post_id} has been unstarred.\n".color(:green) end def self.unfollowed(username) "\nUser #{username} has been unfollowed.\n".color(:green) end def self.followed(username) "\nUser #{username} has been followed.\n".color(:green) end def self.unmuted(username) "\nUser #{username} has been unmuted.\n".color(:green) end def self.muted(username) "\nUser #{username} has been muted.\n".color(:green) end def self.unblocked(username) "\nUser #{username} has been unblocked.\n".color(:green) end def self.blocked(username) "\nUser #{username} has been blocked.\n".color(:green) end def self.error_missing_title "\nYou have to specify (part of) a movie title.\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_username "\nYou have to specify a username.\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_post_id "\nYou have to specify a post id.\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_message_id "\nYou have to specify a message id.\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_channel_id "\nYou have to specify a channel id.\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_hashtag "\nYou have to specify one or more hashtag(s).\n".color(:red) end def self.error_missing_parameters "\nYou have to submit valid items. See 'ayadn -sg' for a list of valid parameters and values.\n".color(:red) end def self.empty_list "\n\nThe list is empty.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.not_found "\n\n404 NOT FOUND - Object does not exist or has been deleted\n\n" end def self.stopped "\n\nStopped.".color(:red) end def self.writing "\nPosting as ".color(:cyan) + "#{Settings.config[:identity][:handle]}".color(:green) + ".".color(:cyan) end def self.yourpost "Your post:\n\n".color(:cyan) end def self.yourmessage username = nil if username.nil? "Your message:\n\n".color(:cyan) else "Your message to ".color(:cyan) + username.color(:green) + ":\n\n".color(:cyan) end end def self.message_from(username) "\nMessage from ".color(:cyan) + "#{Settings.config[:identity][:handle]} ".color(:green) + "to ".color(:cyan) + "#{username[0]}".color(:yellow) + ".".color(:cyan) end def self.replying_to(post_id) "\nReplying to post #{post_id}...\n".color(:green) end def self.readline "\nType your text. ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+D] ".color(:green) + "to validate, ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+C] ".color(:red) + "to cancel.\n".color(:cyan) end # def self.classic # "\nType your text. ".color(:cyan) + "[ENTER] ".color(:green) + "to validate, ".color(:cyan) + "[CTRL+C] ".color(:red) + "to cancel.\n\n".color(:cyan) # end def self.reply "\n#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum.\n" end def self.post "\n#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum.\n" end def self.message "\n#{Settings.config[:message_max_length]} ".color(:yellow) + "characters maximum.\n" end # def self.method_missing(meth, args) # "\nThe command '#{meth} #{args}' doesn't exist.\n".color(:red) # end def self.valid_colors(colors_list) "\nThe valid colors are: #{colors_list}\n".color(:cyan) end def self.not_mutable "\nThis parameter is not modifiable for the time being, sorry.\n".color(:red) end def self.must_be_integer "\nThis paramater must be an integer between 1 and 200.\n".color(:red) end def self.no_new_posts "\nNo new posts since your last visit.\n\n".color(:cyan) end def self.type_and_target_missing "\nYou have to submit a TYPE (mention, hashtag, client name) and a TARGET (a @username, a hashtag, a client name)\n\n".color(:red) end def self.wrong_arguments "\nYou have to submit valid arguments.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.no_pin_creds "\nAyadn couldn't find your Pinboard credentials.\n".color(:red) end def self.pin_creds_saved "\n\nCredentials successfully encoded and saved in database.\n\n".color(:green) end def self.saving_pin "\nSaving post text and links to Pinboard...\n\n".color(:yellow) end def self.error_only_osx "\nThis feature only works with iTunes by default. If you've got a Last.fm account, add the option:\n\n`ayadn -np --lastfm` (short: `-l`).\n\n".color(:red) end def self.empty_fields "\nCanceled: couldn't get enough information (empty field).\n\n".color(:red) end def self.canceled "\n\nCanceled.\n\n".color(:cyan) end def self.not_authorized "\nYou need to authorize Ayadn before using it.\n\nPlease run 'ayadn -auth' :)\n\n".color(:red) end def self.wtf "\nSomething wrong happened. :(\n\n".color(:red) end def self.redirecting "\nPost is a repost. Redirecting...\n".color(:cyan) end def self.nobody_reposted "\nNobody reposted this post.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.nobody_starred "\nNobody starred this post.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.not_your_repost "\nThis post isn't one of your reposts.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.not_your_starred "\nThis isn't one of your starred posts.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.auto view = "\nEntering the auto posting mode.\n\n".color(:cyan) view << "In this mode, each line you type (each time you hit ENTER!) is automatically posted to ADN.\n\n".color(:cyan) view << "At any moment, starting now, hit CTRL+C to exit.\n\n".color(:yellow) view << "\n\t--AUTO POSTING MODE ACTIVATED--\n\n".color(:red) end def self.reducing db "\nPlease wait while Ayadn is pruning and compacting the #{db} database...\n".color(:cyan) end def self.cache_range "\nPlease enter a number of hours between 1 and 168.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.threshold "\nPlease enter a value between 0.1 and 3.5, example: 2.1\n\n".color(:red) end def self.must_be_in_index "\nNumber must be in the range of the indexed posts.\n".color(:red) end def self.user_404 username "\nUser #{username} doesn't exist. It could be a deleted account.\n".color(:red) end def self.post_404(post_id) "\nImpossible to find #{post_id}. This post may have been deleted.\n".color(:red) end def self.no_alias "\nThis alias doesn't exist.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.no_itunes "\nCanceled: unable to get info from iTunes.\n".color(:red) end def self.pin_username "Please enter your Pinboard username (CTRL+C to cancel): ".color(:green) end def self.pin_password "\nPlease enter your Pinboard password (invisible, CTRL+C to cancel): ".color(:green) end def self.too_long size, max_size "\n\nCanceled: too long. #{max_size} max, #{size - max_size} characters to remove.\n\n\n".color(:red) end def self.no_text "\n\nYou should provide some text.\n\n".color(:red) end def self.bad_path "\n\nCouldn't upload this file (path seems wrong).\n\n".color(:red) end def self.no_curl "\n\nAyadn needs 'curl' to upload files. Please install 'curl' (or check that it's properly declared in your $PATH).\n\n".color(:red) end def self.itunes_store "Fetching informations from the Itunes Store...\n".color(:green) end def self.fetching_from source "\nFetching informations from #{source}...\n".color(:green) end def self.no_movie "\nSorry, can't find this movie.\n".color(:blue) end def self.no_show "\nSorry, can't find this show.\n".color(:blue) end def self.no_show_infos "\nSorry, can't find informations about this show.\n".color(:blue) end end end