// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @class SC.Page A Page object is used to store a set of views that can be lazily configured as needed. The page object works by overloading the get() method. The first time you try to get the page @extends SC.Object */ SC.Page = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.Page.prototype */ { /** When you create a page, you can set it's "owner" property to an object outside the page definition. This allows views in the page to use the owner object as a target, (as well as other objects accessible through the owner object). E.g. {{{ myButton: SC.ButtonView.design({ title: 'Click me', target: SC.outlet('page.owner'), action: 'buttonClicked' }) }}} Usually, you'll set 'owner' to the object defined in core.js. */ owner: null, get: function(key) { var value = this[key] ; if (value && value.isClass) { this[key] = value = value.create({ page: this }) ; if (!this.get('inDesignMode')) value.awake() ; return value ; } else return sc_super(); }, /** Finds all views defined on this page instances and builds them. This is a quick, brute force way to wake up all of the views in a page object. It is not generally recommended. Instead, you should use get() or getPath() to retrieve views and rely on the lazy creation process to set them up. @return {SC.Page} receiver */ awake: function() { // step through all views and build them var value, key; for(key in this) { if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue ; value = this[key] ; if (value && value.isViewClass) { this[key] = value = value.create({ page: this }) ; } } return this; }, /** Returns the named property unless the property is a view that has not yet been configured. In that case it will return undefined. You can use this method to safely get a view without waking it up. */ getIfConfigured: function(key) { var ret = this[key] ; return (ret && ret.isViewClass) ? null : this.get(key); }, /** Applies a localization to every view builder defined on the page. You must call this before you construct a view to apply the localization. */ loc: function(locs) { var view, key; for(key in locs) { if (!locs.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue ; view = this[key] ; if (!view || !view.isViewClass) continue ; view.loc(locs[key]); } return this ; } //needsDesigner: YES, //inDesignMode: YES }) ; // .......................................................... // SUPPORT FOR LOADING PAGE DESIGNS // /** Calling design() on a page is the same as calling create() */ SC.Page.design = SC.Page.create ; /** Calling localization returns passed attrs. */ SC.Page.localization = function(attrs) { return attrs; };