module Kitsune # Inspector is a proxy for adding additional methods. These should only be # available within the Kitsune admin. class Inspector attr_reader :object def initialize(object) @object = object @collection_label_methods = %w[to_label display_name full_name name title username login value to_s] end def admin_name kitsune_admin[:name] || @object.to_s.pluralize end def order_by order_by_hash ?{|k,v| "#{k} #{v}"}.join(' ') : nil end def order_by_hash kitsune_admin[:order_by] || nil end def category kitsune_admin[:category] || nil end def versioned? !!kitsune_admin[:versioned] end def disabled?(type) kitsune_admin[:disabled].include?(type.to_sym) end def is_sti? kitsune_admin[:is_sti] end def is_sti_child? if defined? ::ActiveRecord @object.ancestors[1] != ::ActiveRecord::Base else false end end def sti_column kitsune_admin[:sti_column] end def tabs kitsune_admin[:tabs] end def object_class @object.to_s end def new_record(*args)*args) end def columns(type = nil, include_pk = false) unless type kolumns = @object.columns.dup else kolumns = send("columns_for_#{type}") if respond_to?("columns_for_#{type}") end include_pk ? kolumns : kolumns.reject{|c| c.primary } end def columns_for_edit kolumns = @object.columns.dup if kitsune_admin[:no_edit] && kitsune_admin[:no_edit][:fields] kolumns.reject{|c| kitsune_admin[:no_edit][:fields].include?(} elsif kitsune_admin[:edit] && kitsune_admin[:edit][:fields] kolumns ={|c| kitsune_admin[:edit][:fields].include?(} kolumn_names ={|c|} fields_to_add = kitsune_admin[:edit][:fields].reject{|f| kolumn_names.include?(f)} fields_to_add.each do |field| kolumns <<, :string) end kolumns else kolumns end end def columns_for_display columns = @object.columns.dup if kitsune_admin[:display] && kitsune_admin[:display][:fields] columns ={|c| kitsune_admin[:display][:fields].include?(} column_names ={|c|} fields_to_add = kitsune_admin[:display][:fields].reject{|f| column_names.include?(f)} fields_to_add.each do |field| columns <<, :string) end columns else columns end end def columns_for_reflections if kitsune_admin[:reflections] && kitsune_admin[:reflections][:fields] kitsune_admin[:reflections][:fields].map do |field|, :string) end else [] end end def column_sortable(column) # move to column proxy kitsune_admin[:sortable] && kitsune_admin[:sortable].include?( end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @object.send(method, *args, &block) end def form_type(column) field = if type = field_type( case type when :sti if (options = field_options(field)) && options[:classes] :select else :text_field end when :image_field :file_field else kitsune_admin[:fields][][:type] end elsif =~ /._id$/ :select else case column.type when :text then :text_area when :datetime then :datetime_select when :date then :date_select when :time then :time_select when :boolean then :check_box else :text_field end end end def detect_label(collection) @collection_label_methods.each do |label_name| return label_name if [collection].flatten.first.respond_to?(label_name) end 'to_s' end def find_association_class(column) if @object.reflections[$/,'').to_sym] if @object.reflections[$/,'').to_sym].options && @object.reflections[$/,'').to_sym].options[:class_name] @object.reflections[$/,'').to_sym].options[:class_name].constantize else return$/,'').classify.constantize end else # foreign key @object.reflections.each do |key, reflection| if reflection.options && reflection.options[:foreign_key] && reflection.options[:foreign_key] == if reflection.options && reflection.options[:class_name] reflection.options[:class_name].constantize else return key.to_s.classify.constantize end end end end end def display_for(record, method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /._id$/ associated_record = record.send(method.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, '').to_sym, *args, &block) label_method = detect_label(associated_record) associated_record.send(label_method.to_sym) else record.send(method.to_sym, *args, &block) end end def form_options_for(record) options = {:method => method_for_record(record)} if kitsune_admin[:multipart] options.merge!({:html => {:multipart => true}}) end options end def method_for_record(record) record.new_record? ? :post : :put end def options_for(column) field = if field_type(field) == :select [field_options(field), {:include_blank => true}] elsif =~ /._id$/ id = :id collection = find_association_class(column).all name = detect_label(collection) [ { |element| [ element.send(name), element.send(id) ] }, {:include_blank => true}] elsif field_type(field) == :sti && (options = field_options(field)) && options[:classes] [options[:classes].map {|element| [element.to_s, element.to_s]}, {:include_blank => true}] else options = field_options(field) || {} options[:size] = '80x10' if [:text_area, :wysiwyg].include?(form_type(column)) [options] end end def field_type(field) return kitsune_admin[:fields][field.to_sym][:type] if field_defined(field) return nil end private def field_defined(field) !!kitsune_admin[:fields][field.to_sym] end def field_options(field) options = kitsune_admin[:fields][field.to_sym][:options] if field_defined(field) return (options.is_a?(Proc) ? : options) if options return nil end end end