require 'websocket' require 'eventmachine' module WebSocket # Duplicate EventMachine constant with silenced warnings. begin old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil EventMachine = ::EventMachine.dup ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end module EventMachine # WebSocket Base for Client and Server (using EventMachine) class Base < Connection ########### ### API ### ########### # Called when connection is opened. # No parameters are passed to block def onopen(&blk); @onopen = blk; end # Called when connection is closed. # Two parameters are passed to block: # code - status code # reason - optional reason for closure def onclose(&blk); @onclose = blk; end # Called when error occurs. # One parameter passed to block: # error - string with error message def onerror(&blk); @onerror = blk; end # Called when message is received. # Two parameters passed to block: # message - string with received message # type - type of message. Valid values are :text and :binary def onmessage(&blk); @onmessage = blk; end # Called when ping message is received # One parameter passed to block: # message - string with ping message def onping(&blk); @onping = blk; end # Called when pond message is received # One parameter passed to block: # message - string with pong message def onpong(&blk); @onpong = blk; end # Send data # @param data [String] Data to send # @param args [Hash] Arguments for send # @option args [String] :type Type of frame to send - available types are "text", "binary", "ping", "pong" and "close" # @option args [Integer] :code Code for close frame # @return [Boolean] true if data was send, otherwise call on_error if needed def send(data, args = {}) type = args[:type] || :text return if @state == :closed || (@state == :closing && type != :close) unless type == :plain frame = => @handshake.version, :data => data, :type => type.to_s, :code => args[:code]) if !frame.supported? trigger_onerror("Frame type '#{type}' is not supported in protocol version #{@handshake.version}") return false elsif !frame.require_sending? return false end data = frame.to_s end debug "Sending raw: ", data send_data(data) true end # Close connection # @return [Boolean] true if connection is closed immediately, false if waiting for other side to close connection def close(code = 1000, data = nil) if @state == :open @state = :closing return false if send(data, :type => :close, :code => code) else send(data, :type => :close) if @state == :closing @state = :closed end close_connection_after_writing true end # Send ping message # @return [Boolean] false if protocol version is not supporting ping requests def ping(data = '') send(data, :type => :ping) end # Send pong message # @return [Boolean] false if protocol version is not supporting pong requests def pong(data = '') send(data, :type => :pong) end ############################ ### EventMachine methods ### ############################ # Eventmachine internal # @private def receive_data(data) debug "Received raw: ", data case @state when :connecting then handle_connecting(data) when :open then handle_open(data) when :closing then handle_closing(data) end end # Eventmachine internal # @private def unbind unless @state == :closed @state = :closed close trigger_onclose(1002, '') unless @state == :connecting end end ####################### ### Private methods ### ####################### private def trigger_onopen(handshake) if @onopen end def trigger_onmessage(data, type), type) if @onmessage end def trigger_onclose(code, reason), reason) if @onclose end ['onerror', 'onping', 'onpong'].each do |m| define_method "trigger_#{m}" do |data| callback = instance_variable_get("@#{m}") if callback end end def handle_connecting(data) @handshake << data return unless @handshake.finished? if @handshake.valid? send(@handshake.to_s, :type => :plain) if @handshake.should_respond? @frame = => @handshake.version) @state = :open trigger_onopen(@handshake) handle_open(@handshake.leftovers) if @handshake.leftovers else trigger_onerror(@handshake.error.to_s) close end end def handle_open(data) @frame << data while frame = if @state == :open case frame.type when :close @state = :closing close trigger_onclose(frame.code, when :ping pong(frame.to_s) trigger_onping(frame.to_s) when :pong trigger_onpong(frame.to_s) when :text trigger_onmessage(frame.to_s, :text) when :binary trigger_onmessage(frame.to_s, :binary) end else break end end handle_error(@frame.error) if @frame.error? end def handle_error(error) error_code = case error when :invalid_payload_encoding then 1007 else 1002 end trigger_onerror(error.to_s) close(error_code) unbind end def handle_closing(data) unless @state == :closed @state = :closed close trigger_onclose(1000, '') end end def debug(description, data) return unless @debug puts(description + data.bytes.to_a.collect{|b| '\x' + b.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0')}.join) unless @state == :connecting end end end end