import { moduleFor, ApplicationTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { EMBER_ROUTING_ROUTER_SERVICE } from '@ember/canary-features'; if (EMBER_ROUTING_ROUTER_SERVICE) { moduleFor( 'Deprecated HandlerInfos', class extends ApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); { this.route('parent', function() { this.route('child'); this.route('sibling'); }); }); } get routerOptions() { return { willTransition(oldHandlers, newHandlers, transition) { expectDeprecation(() => { this._routerMicrolib.currentHandlerInfos; }, 'You attempted to use "_routerMicrolib.currentHandlerInfos" which is a private API that will be removed.'); expectDeprecation(() => { this._routerMicrolib.getHandler('parent'); }, 'You attempted to use "_routerMicrolib.getHandler" which is a private API that will be removed.'); oldHandlers.forEach(handler => { expectDeprecation(() => { handler.handler; }, 'You attempted to read "handlerInfo.handler" which is a private API that will be removed.'); }); newHandlers.forEach(handler => { expectDeprecation(() => { handler.handler; }, 'You attempted to read "handlerInfo.handler" which is a private API that will be removed.'); }); expectDeprecation(() => { transition.handlerInfos; }, 'You attempted to use "transition.handlerInfos" which is a private API that will be removed.'); expectDeprecation(() => { transition.state.handlerInfos; }, 'You attempted to use "transition.state.handlerInfos" which is a private API that will be removed.'); QUnit.assert.ok(true, 'willTransition'); }, didTransition(newHandlers) { newHandlers.forEach(handler => { expectDeprecation(() => { handler.handler; }, 'You attempted to read "handlerInfo.handler" which is a private API that will be removed.'); }); QUnit.assert.ok(true, 'didTransition'); }, }; } '@test handlerInfos are deprecated and associated private apis'(assert) { let done = assert.async(); expectDeprecation(() => { return this.visit('/parent').then(() => { done(); }); }, /You attempted to override the \"(willTransition|didTransition)\" method which is deprecated. Please inject the router service and listen to the \"(routeWillChange|routeDidChange)\" event\./); } } ); }