# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' class CsvRails::ArrayTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do I18n.locale = :ja @csv_rails_scope = {name: "名前", age: "年齢"} @human_scope = {sex: '性別'} I18n.backend.store_translations(:ja, :csv_rails => @csv_rails_scope, :human => @human_scope) end teardown do I18n.locale = :en end test ".to_csv with header option" do header = ['foo', 'bar'] assert_equal header.join(','), [].to_csv(:header => header).chomp end test ".to_csv using I18n csv_rails scope and accept i18n_scope option" do translations = @csv_rails_scope.merge(@human_scope) fields = translations.keys assert_equal translations.values.join(','), [].to_csv(:fields => fields, :i18n_scope => :human).chomp end test ".to_csv not stored i18n" do fields = [:sum, :max] assert_equal fields.join(','), [].to_csv(:fields => fields).chomp end test ".to_tsv not stored i18n" do fields = [:sum, :max] assert_equal fields.join("\t"), [].to_tsv(:fields => fields).chomp end test ".to_csv accept encoding" do name = "名前" assert_equal name.encode('SJIS'), [].to_csv(:header => [name], :encoding => 'SJIS').chomp end test ".to_csv only it includes ActiveRecord instance" do assert_nothing_raised do assert_match /^#{I18n.t("csv_rails.id")},#{User.human_attribute_name(:name)}/, [User.create(:name => 'satomicchy')].to_csv(:i18n_scope => 'csv_rails') end end test ".to_csv using empty array" do assert_equal "\n", [].to_csv end test ".to_csv only it includes Mongoid instance" do post = Post.create(:title => 'this is csv_rails', :body => "line\nline\nline\n") assert_equal " type,\"\",タイトル,本文\n#{post._type},#{post._id},#{post.title},\"#{post.body}\"\n", [post].to_csv end test ".to_tsv only it includes Mongoid instance" do post = Post.create(:title => 'this is csv_rails', :body => "line\nline\nline\n") assert_equal " type\t\"\"\tタイトル\t本文\n#{post._type}\t#{post._id}\t#{post.title}\t\"#{post.body}\"\n", [post].to_tsv end end