# encoding: utf-8
require "java"
require "logstash-filter-useragent_jars"
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
require "tempfile"
require "thread"
# Parse user agent strings into structured data based on BrowserScope data
# UserAgent filter, adds information about user agent like family, operating
# system, version, and device
# Logstash releases ship with the regexes.yaml database made available from
# ua-parser with an Apache 2.0 license. For more details on ua-parser, see
# .
class LogStash::Filters::UserAgent < LogStash::Filters::Base
config_name "useragent"
# The field containing the user agent string. If this field is an
# array, only the first value will be used.
config :source, :validate => :string, :required => true
# The name of the field to assign user agent data into.
# If not specified user agent data will be stored in the root of the event.
config :target, :validate => :string
# `regexes.yaml` file to use
# If not specified, this will default to the `regexes.yaml` that ships
# with logstash.
# You can find the latest version of this here:
config :regexes, :validate => :string
# A string to prepend to all of the extracted keys
config :prefix, :validate => :string, :default => ''
# UA parsing is surprisingly expensive. This filter uses an LRU cache to take advantage of the fact that
# user agents are often found adjacent to one another in log files and rarely have a random distribution.
# The higher you set this the more likely an item is to be in the cache and the faster this filter will run.
# However, if you set this too high you can use more memory than desired.
# Experiment with different values for this option to find the best performance for your dataset.
# This MUST be set to a value > 0. There is really no reason to not want this behavior, the overhead is minimal
# and the speed gains are large.
# It is important to note that this config value is global. That is to say all instances of the user agent filter
# share the same cache. The last declared cache size will 'win'. The reason for this is that there would be no benefit
# to having multiple caches for different instances at different points in the pipeline, that would just increase the
# number of cache misses and waste memory.
config :lru_cache_size, :validate => :number, :default => 100_000
def register
if @regexes.nil?
@parser = org.logstash.uaparser.CachingParser.new(lru_cache_size)
@logger.debug("Using user agent regexes", :regexes => @regexes)
@parser = org.logstash.uaparser.CachingParser.new(@regexes, lru_cache_size)
# make @target in the format [field name] if defined, i.e. surrounded by brakets
normalized_target = (@target && @target !~ /^\[[^\[\]]+\]$/) ? "[#{@target}]" : ""
# predefine prefixed field names
@prefixed_name = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}name]"
@prefixed_os = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}os]"
@prefixed_os_name = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}os_name]"
@prefixed_os_major = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}os_major]"
@prefixed_os_minor = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}os_minor]"
@prefixed_device = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}device]"
@prefixed_major = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}major]"
@prefixed_minor = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}minor]"
@prefixed_patch = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}patch]"
@prefixed_build = "#{normalized_target}[#{@prefix}build]"
def filter(event)
useragent = event.get(@source)
useragent = useragent.first if useragent.is_a?(Array)
return if useragent.nil? || useragent.empty?
ua_data = lookup_useragent(useragent)
rescue StandardError => e
@logger.error("Uknown error while parsing user agent data", :exception => e, :field => @source, :event => event)
return unless ua_data
event.remove(@source) if @target == @source
set_fields(event, ua_data)
# should be private but need to stay public for specs
# TODO: (colin) the related specs should be refactored to not rely on private methods.
def lookup_useragent(useragent)
return unless useragent
# the UserAgentParser::Parser class is not thread safe, indications are that it is probably
# caused by the underlying JRuby regex code that is not thread safe.
# see https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-useragent/issues/25
def set_fields(event, ua_data)
# UserAgentParser outputs as US-ASCII.
event.set(@prefixed_name, ua_data.userAgent.family.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8))
#OSX, Android and maybe iOS parse correctly, ua-agent parsing for Windows does not provide this level of detail
# Calls in here use #dup because there's potential for later filters to modify these values
# and corrupt the cache. See uap source here for details https://github.com/ua-parser/uap-ruby/tree/master/lib/user_agent_parser
if (os = ua_data.os)
# The OS is a rich object
event.set(@prefixed_os, ua_data.os.family.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8))
event.set(@prefixed_os_name, os.family.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if os.family
# These are all strings
if os.minor && os.major
event.set(@prefixed_os_major, os.major.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if os.major
event.set(@prefixed_os_minor, os.minor.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if os.minor
event.set(@prefixed_device, ua_data.device.to_s.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if ua_data.device
if (ua_version = ua_data.userAgent)
event.set(@prefixed_major, ua_version.major.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if ua_version.major
event.set(@prefixed_minor, ua_version.minor.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if ua_version.minor
event.set(@prefixed_patch, ua_version.patch.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if ua_version.patch
event.set(@prefixed_build, ua_version.patchMinor.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)) if ua_version.patchMinor