require 'spec_helper' describe Shoes::Configuration do after { Shoes.configuration.reset } describe "#logger" do describe ":ruby" do before { Shoes.configuration.logger = :ruby } it "uses the Ruby logger" do expect(Shoes.logger.instance_of?(Shoes::Logger::Ruby)).to eq(true) end end end describe "backend" do include_context "dsl app" let(:dsl_object) { app, parent } describe "#backend_for" do it "passes app.gui to backend" do expect(Shoes.configuration.backend::Shape).to receive(:new).with(an_instance_of(Shoes::Shape), app.gui).and_call_original dsl_object end it "returns shape backend object" do expect(Shoes.backend_for(dsl_object)).to be_instance_of(Shoes.configuration.backend::Shape) end it "raises ArgumentError for a non-Shoes object" do expect { Shoes.backend_for(1..100) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#backend_class' do it 'returns the backend class for a dsl object' do expect(Shoes.configuration.backend_class(dsl_object)).to eq(Shoes.configuration.backend::Shape) end it 'returns the backend class if fed with a class' do expect(Shoes.configuration.backend_class(Shoes::Shape)).to eq(Shoes.configuration .backend::Shape) end it 'raises an error when fed with a non existant class' do expect { Shoes.configuration.backend_class(Array) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end