# encoding: UTF-8 # Link to Thomson JCR impact report for journal title. # # # REQUIREMENTS: You must be an ISI customer if you want these links to actually # work for your users. Off-campus users should be sent through EZProxy, see # the EZProxy plug-in. # # You need to register for the the Thomson 'Links Article Match Retrieval' # (LAMR) service api, which is used here (and also in the Isi plugin). To # register, see: # http://wokinfo.com/products_tools/products/related/amr/ # # You register by IP address, so no auth info is needed once your registration # goes through -- or you can receive a username and password, in which case # you should configure keys 'username' and 'password' # # If you later need to change the IP addresses entitled to use this API, use # http://scientific.thomson.com/scientific/techsupport/cpe/form.html. # to request a change. class Jcr < Service require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' require 'net/http' require 'builder' include MetadataHelper def service_types_generated return [ServiceTypeValue[:highlighted_link]] end def initialize(config) #defaults @wos_app_name = "Umlaut" @display_name = "Journal Citation Reports\xc2\xae" # trademark symbol, utf-8 @link_text = "Journal impact factor" @api_url = "https://ws.isiknowledge.com/cps/xrpc" @include_for_article_level = true @credits = { @display_name => "http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/science_products/a-z/journal_citation_reports/" } super(config) end def handle(request) unless ( sufficient_metadata?(request.referent)) return request.dispatched(self, true) end xml = gen_lamr_request(request) isi_response = do_lamr_request(xml) add_responses( request, isi_response ) return request.dispatched(self, true) end # Need an ISSN. def sufficient_metadata?(referent) return ! referent.issn.blank? end # produces XML to be posted to Thomson 'Links Article Match Retrieval' service api. def gen_lamr_request(request) output = "" builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => output, :indent => 2) builder.instruct!(:xml, :encoding => "UTF-8") builder.request(:xmlns => "http://www.isinet.com/xrpc41", :src => "app.id=Umlaut") do builder.fn(:name => "LinksAMR.retrieve") do builder.list do # first map is authentication info. empty 'map' element if we are IP authenticated. if @username && @password builder.map do builder.val(@username, :name => "username") builder.val(@password, :name => "password") end else builder.map end # specify what we're requesting builder.map do builder.list(:name=>"JCR") do builder.val("impactGraphURL") end end # specify our query builder.map do builder.map(:name => "cite_id") do metadata = request.referent.metadata if (issn = request.referent.issn) issn = issn[0,4] + '-' + issn[4,7] unless issn =~ /\-/ builder.val(issn, :name => "issn") end # Journal title. if (! metadata['jtitle'].blank? ) builder.val(metadata['jtitle'], :name => "stitle" ) elsif (! metadata['title'].blank? ) builder.val(metadata['title'], :name => 'stitle' ) end end end end end end return output end def do_lamr_request(xml) uri = URI.parse(@api_url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true if (uri.scheme == 'https') headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/xml'} return http.post(uri.request_uri, xml, headers) end def add_responses(request, isi_response) # raise if it's an HTTP error code isi_response.value nokogiri = Nokogiri::XML(isi_response.body) # Check for errors. if (error = (nokogiri.at('val[@name = "error"]') || nokogiri.at('error') || nokogiri.at('null[@name = "error"]'))) raise Exception.new("Third party service error: #{error.inner_text}") end results = nokogiri.at('map[@name ="cite_id"] map[@name="JCR"]') impact_url = results.at('val[@name ="impactGraphURL"]') if (impact_url ) request.add_service_response(:service=>self, :display_text => @link_text, :url => impact_url.inner_text, :service_type_value => :highlighted_link, :debug_info => "url: #{impact_url.inner_text}") end end end