module Wovnrb class ImageReplacer < ReplacerBase def initialize(url, text_index, src_index, img_src_prefix, host_aliases) @url = url @text_index = text_index @src_index = src_index @img_src_prefix = img_src_prefix @host_aliases = host_aliases end def replace(dom, lang) dom.xpath('//img').each do |node| next if wovn_ignore?(node) # use regular expressions to support case insensitivity (right?) if node.to_html =~ /src=['"][^'"]*['"]/i src = node.to_html.match(/src=['"]([^'"]*)['"]/i)[1] # THIS SRC CORRECTION DOES NOT HANDLE ONE IMPORTANT CASE # 1) "../path/with/ellipse" # if this is not an absolute src if src !~ /:\/\// # if this is a path with a leading slash if src =~ /^\// src = join_path("#{@url[:protocol]}://#{@url[:host]}", src) else src = join_path("#{@url[:protocol]}://#{@url[:host]}#{@url[:path]}", src) end end unless replace_src_if_match(node, lang, src) # host name exclude port number host_match = %r!://([^/:]+)!.match(src) host_name = host_match ? host_match[1] : '' # replace image if match host alias if host_match and @host_aliases.include?(host_name) @host_aliases.find do |host_alias| src_alias = src.gsub(host_name, host_alias) replace_src_if_match(node, lang, src_alias) end end end end if node.get_attribute('alt') alt = node.get_attribute('alt').strip if @text_index[alt] && @text_index[alt][lang.lang_code] && @text_index[alt][lang.lang_code].size > 0 add_comment_node(node, alt) node.attribute('alt').value = replace_text(alt, @text_index[alt][lang.lang_code][0]['data']) end end end end private def replace_src_if_match(node, lang, src) # shouldn't need size check, but for now... if @src_index[src] && @src_index[src][lang.lang_code] && @src_index[src][lang.lang_code].size > 0 node.attribute('src').value = "#{@img_src_prefix}#{@src_index[src][lang.lang_code][0]['data']}" end end def join_path(x, y) separator = (x[-1] != '/' and y[0] != '/') ? '/' : '' "#{x}#{separator}#{y}" end end end