module Clearance module Test module Unit module ClearanceMailerTest def self.included(mailer_test) mailer_test.class_eval do context "A change password email" do setup do @user = Factory(:user) @email = ClearanceMailer.create_change_password @user end should "set its from address to DO_NOT_REPLY" do assert_equal DO_NOT_REPLY, @email.from[0] end should "contain a link to edit the user's password" do host = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] regexp = %r{http://#{host}/users/#{}/password/edit\?token=#{@user.token}} assert_match regexp, @email.body end should "be sent to the user" do assert_equal [], end should "set its subject" do assert_match /Change your password/, @email.subject end end context "A confirmation email" do setup do @user = Factory(:user) @email = ClearanceMailer.create_confirmation @user end should "set its recipient to the given user" do assert_equal,[0] end should "set its subject" do assert_match /Account confirmation/, @email.subject end should "set its from address to DO_NOT_REPLY" do assert_equal DO_NOT_REPLY, @email.from[0] end should "contain a link to confirm the user's account" do host = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] regexp = %r{http://#{host}/users/#{}/confirmation/new\?token=#{@user.token}} assert_match regexp, @email.body end end end end end end end end