class DashboardChart extends BaseChart { constructor(el, options) { super(el, { ...options, chartType: "line" }); this.init(); } get data() { return [this.options.processed, this.options.failed]; } get datasets() { return [ { label: this.options.processedLabel, data:[0], borderColor: this.colors.success, backgroundColor: this.colors.success, borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 2, }, { label: this.options.failedLabel, data:[1], borderColor: this.colors.failure, backgroundColor: this.colors.failure, borderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 2, }, ]; } get chartOptions() { return { ...super.chartOptions, aspectRatio: 4, scales: { ...super.chartOptions.scales, x: { ...super.chartOptions.scales.x, ticks: { ...super.chartOptions.scales.x.ticks, callback: function (value, index, ticks) { // Remove the year from the date string return this.getLabelForValue(value).split("-").slice(1).join("-"); }, }, }, y: { ...super.chartOptions.scales.y, beginAtZero: true, }, }, }; } } class RealtimeChart extends DashboardChart { constructor(el, options) { super(el, options); let d = parseInt(localStorage.sidekiqTimeInterval) || 5000; if (d < 2000) { d = 2000; } this.delay = d this.startPolling(); document.addEventListener("interval:update", this.handleUpdate.bind(this)); } async startPolling() { // Fetch initial values so we can show diffs moving forward this.stats = await this.fetchStats(); this._interval = setInterval(this.poll.bind(this), this.delay); } async poll() { const stats = await this.fetchStats(); const processed = stats.sidekiq.processed - this.stats.sidekiq.processed; const failed = stats.sidekiq.failed - this.stats.sidekiq.failed;;[0].data.shift();[1].data.shift(); Date().toUTCString().split(" ")[4]);[0].data.push(processed);[1].data.push(failed); this.chart.update(); updateStatsSummary(this.stats.sidekiq); updateRedisStats(this.stats.redis); updateFooterUTCTime(this.stats.server_utc_time); pulseBeacon(); this.stats = stats; } async fetchStats() { const response = await fetch(this.options.updateUrl); return await response.json(); } handleUpdate(e) { this.delay = parseInt(e.detail); clearInterval(this._interval); this.startPolling(); } registerLegend(el) { this.legend = el; } renderLegend(dp) { this.legend.innerHTML = ` <span> <span class="swatch" style="background-color: ${dp[0].dataset.borderColor};"></span> <span>${dp[0].dataset.label}: ${dp[0].formattedValue}</span> </span> <span> <span class="swatch" style="background-color: ${dp[1].dataset.borderColor};"></span> <span>${dp[1].dataset.label}: ${dp[1].formattedValue}</span> </span> <span class="time">${dp[0].label}</span> `; } renderCursor(dp) { if (this.cursorX != dp[0].label) { this.cursorX = dp[0].label; this.update() } } get chartOptions() { return { ...super.chartOptions, scales: { ...super.chartOptions.scales, x: { ...super.chartOptions.scales.x, display: false, }, }, plugins: { ...super.chartOptions.plugins, tooltip: { ...super.chartOptions.plugins.tooltip, enabled: false, external: (context) => { const dp = context.tooltip.dataPoints; if (dp && dp.length == 2 && this.legend) { this.renderLegend(dp); this.renderCursor(dp); } }, }, annotation: { annotations: { ...super.chartOptions.plugins.annotation.annotations, cursor: this.cursorX && { type: "line", borderColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", xMin: this.cursorX, xMax: this.cursorX, borderWidth: 1, }, }, }, }, }; } }