# Spud Banners Spud Banners is an engine for creating and managing rotating banner sets, designed for use with [Spud][spud]. ## Installation/Usage 1. In your Gemfile add the following gem 'spud_banners' 2. Run bundle install 3. Copy in database migrations to your new rails project bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations rake db:migrate 4. Run a rails server instance and point your browser to /spud/admin ## Configuration Spud Banners accepts the following configuration options: Spud::Photos.configure do |config| config.paperclip_storage = :filesystem #use :s3 to use s3 storage (aws gem required) config.s3_credentials = "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml" config.storage_path = ":rails_root/public/system/spud_banners/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" config.storage_url = "/system/spud_banners/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" end ## Creating a Banner Set Banner Sets are created in the Spud admin. When creating a Set, you have the following options: - **Name:** The unique identifier used to render this set - **Width:** Maximum width of uploaded banners - **Height:** Maximum height of uploaded banners - **Cropped:** Whether or not banners should be cropped to fit into the above Width/Height constraints ## Managing Banners Once a Set has been created, you can begin adding banners to it. Banners contain optional `link_to`, `link_target`, `title`, and `alt` options. Banners are also sortable via drag-and-drop. ## View Helpers A number of view helpers are provided for displaying banners in your templates. `spud_banners_for_set(set_or_identifier)` Accepts the banner set name as a String or Symbol and returns an html template. Optionally takes a block argument for rendering custom html. `spud_banner_tag(banner)` Accepts a banner model object and returns a banner image wrapped in a link tag. Link tag is omitted if the `link_to` property of the banner is blank. `spud_banner_image_tag(banner)` Accepts a banner model and returns only the image tag, no link. ## Examples Displaying banners using the standard helper.
Displaying banners using the helper, with a block for custom html.