# Sunlight::Congress This is a wrapper for the [Sunlight Foundation's Congress API](http://sunlightlabs.github.io/congress/). It is very much a work in progress, and only supports part of the API. Any assistance with implementing extra calls would be appreciated! ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'sunlight-congress' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install sunlight-congress ## Usage The first thing you need to do is set up an API key. You can apply for one [here](http://services.sunlightlabs.com/accounts/register/). They're free and have no usage limits. Once you have your key: ```ruby Sunlight::Congress.api_key = "lolthisisnotarealkey" ``` Then, you can build various objects relating to the API. For example: ```ruby Sunlight::Congress::Legislator.for_zip("90210") => [#