module Rip module Commands x 'Display libraries installed in the current ripenv.' def list(*args) ui.puts 'ripenv: ' +, '' if manager.packages.any? ui.puts manager.packages else ui.puts "nothing installed" end end def help(options = {}, command = nil, *args) command = command.to_s if !command.empty? && respond_to?(command) ui.puts "Usage: %s" % (@usage[command] || "rip #{command.downcase}") if @help[command] ui.puts ui.puts(*@help[command]) end else show_general_help end end o 'rip env COMMAND' x 'Commands for managing your ripenvs.' x 'Type rip env to see valid options.' def env(options = {}, command = nil, *args) if command && Rip::Env.commands.include?(command) args.push(options) ui.puts 'ripenv: ' +, *args).to_s else Rip::Env.show_help :env ui.puts '', "current ripenv: #{}" end end o 'rip use RIPENV' x 'Activates a ripenv. Shortcut for `rip env use`.' def use(options = {}, ripenv = nil, *args) puts 'ripenv: ' + Rip::Env.use(ripenv.to_s) end x 'Outputs all installed libraries (and their versions) for the active env.' x 'Can be saved as a .rip and installed by other rip users with:' x ' rip install' def freeze(options = {}, env = nil, *args) manager(env).packages.each do |package| ui.puts "#{package.source} #{package.version}" end end x 'Prints the current version and exits.' def version(options = {}, *args) ui.puts "Rip #{Rip::Version}" end private def show_general_help commands = public_instance_methods.reject do |method| method =~ /-/ || %w( help version ).include?(method) end show_help nil, commands.sort ui.puts ui.puts "For more information on a a command use:" ui.puts " rip help COMMAND" ui.puts ui.puts "Options: " ui.puts " -h, --help show this help message and exit" ui.puts " -v, --version show the current version and exit" end end end