# frozen_string_literal: true require 'oauth2' require 'signet/oauth_2/client' module Hyrax module Analytics # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module Google extend ActiveSupport::Concern # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength class_methods do # Loads configuration options from config/analytics.yml. You only need PRIVATE_KEY_PATH or # PRIVATE_KEY_VALUE. VALUE takes precedence. # Expected structure: # `analytics:` # ` google:` # ` app_name: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_APP_NAME']` # ` app_version: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_APP_VERSION']` # ` privkey_path: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH']` # ` privkey_value: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_VALUE']` # ` privkey_secret: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_SECRET']` # ` client_email: <%= ENV['GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_EMAIL']` # @return [Config] def config @config ||= Config.load_from_yaml end class Config def self.load_from_yaml filename = Rails.root.join('config', 'analytics.yml') yaml = YAML.safe_load(ERB.new(File.read(filename)).result) unless yaml Rails.logger.error("Unable to fetch any keys from #{filename}.") return new({}) end config = yaml.fetch('analytics')&.fetch('google', nil) unless config Deprecation.warn("Deprecated analytics configuration format found. Please update config/analytics.yml.") config = yaml.fetch('analytics') # this has to exist here with a placeholder so it can be set in the Hyrax initializer # it is only for backward compatibility config['analytics_id'] = '-' end new config end KEYS = %w[analytics_id app_name app_version privkey_path privkey_value privkey_secret client_email].freeze REQUIRED_KEYS = %w[analytics_id app_name app_version privkey_secret client_email].freeze def initialize(config) @config = config end # @return [Boolean] are all the required values present? def valid? return false unless @config['privkey_value'].present? || @config['privkey_path'].present? REQUIRED_KEYS.all? { |required| @config[required].present? } end KEYS.each do |key| # rubocop:disable Style/EvalWithLocation class_eval %{ def #{key}; @config.fetch('#{key}'); end } class_eval %{ def #{key}=(value); @config['#{key}'] = value; end } # rubocop:enable Style/EvalWithLocation end end # Generate an OAuth2 token for Google Analytics # @return [OAuth2::AccessToken] An OAuth2 access token for GA def token(scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly') access_token = auth_client(scope).fetch_access_token! OAuth2::AccessToken.new(oauth_client, access_token['access_token'], expires_in: access_token['expires_in']) end def oauth_client OAuth2::Client.new('', '', authorize_url: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth', token_url: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token') end def auth_client(scope) private_key = Base64.decode64(config.privkey_value) if config.privkey_value.present? if private_key.blank? raise "Private key file for Google analytics was expected at '#{config.privkey_path}', but no file was found." unless File.exist?(config.privkey_path) private_key = File.read(config.privkey_path) end Signet::OAuth2::Client.new token_credential_uri: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token', audience: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token', scope: scope, issuer: config.client_email, signing_key: OpenSSL::PKCS12.new(private_key, config.privkey_secret).key, sub: config.client_email end # Return a user object linked to a Google Analytics account # @return [Legato::User] A user account with GA access def user Legato::User.new(token) end # Return a Google Analytics profile matching specified ID # @ return [Legato::Management::Profile] A user profile associated with GA def profile return unless config.valid? @profile = user.profiles.detect do |profile| profile.web_property_id == config.analytics_id end raise 'User does not have access to this property' unless @profile @profile end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def to_date_range(period) case period when "day" start_date = Time.zone.today end_date = Time.zone.today when "week" start_date = Time.zone.today - 7.days end_date = Time.zone.today when "month" start_date = Time.zone.today - 1.month end_date = Time.zone.today when "year" start_date = Time.zone.today - 1.year end_date = Time.zone.today end [start_date, end_date] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def keyword_conversion(date) case date when "last12" start_date = Time.zone.today - 11.months end_date = Time.zone.today [start_date, end_date] else date.split(",") end end def date_period(period, date) if period == "range" date.split(",") else to_date_range(period) end end # Configure analytics_start_date in ENV file def default_date_range "#{Hyrax.config.analytics_start_date},#{Time.zone.today + 1.day}" end # The number of events by day for an action def daily_events(action, date = default_date_range) date = date.split(",") EventsDaily.summary(profile, date[0], date[1], action) end # The number of events by day for an action and ID def daily_events_for_id(id, action, date = default_date_range) date = date.split(",") EventsDaily.by_id(profile, date[0], date[1], id, action) end # A list of events sorted by highest event count def top_events(action, date = default_date_range) date = date.split(",") Events.send('list', profile, date[0], date[1], action) end def unique_visitors(date = default_date_range); end def unique_visitors_for_id(id, date = default_date_range); end def new_visitors(period = 'month', date = default_date_range) date = date_period(period, date) Visits.new_visits(profile, date[0], date[1]) end def new_visits_by_day(date = default_date_range, _period = 'day') date = date.split(",") VisitsDaily.new_visits(profile, date[0], date[1]) end def returning_visitors(period = 'month', date = default_date_range) date = date_period(period, date) Visits.return_visits(profile, date[0], date[1]) end def returning_visits_by_day(date = default_date_range, _period = 'day') date = date.split(",") VisitsDaily.return_visits(profile, date[0], date[1]) end def total_visitors(period = 'month', date = default_date_range) date = date_period(period, date) Visits.total_visits(profile, date[0], date[1]) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ModuleLength end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ModuleLength