module ProperProperties module Parsing # Module to normalize the content of a properties file # # @example Normalizes: # # Comment 1 # ! Comment 2 # item0 # item1 = item1 # item2 : item2 # item3=line 1 \ # line 2 # # @example Into: # # item0 # item1=item1 # item2=item2 # item3=line 1 line 2 # module Normalizer # Describes a single normalization rule by replacing content class Rule # Initializes a new rules base on a matching regexp # and a replacement as substitution # @param matcher [Regexp] # @param replacement [String] def initialize(matcher, replacement = '') @matcher = matcher @replacement = replacement end # Apply the substitution to the text in place # @param text [string] # @return [String] def apply!(text) text.gsub!(@matcher, @replacement) end end # Collection of ordered rules RULES = [] # Removes leading whitespace RULES <<^\s+/) # Strings ending with \ are concatenated (only if the number is odd) RULES <<^(.*[^\\]((\\){2})*)\\$\s+/, '\1') # Removes comments (after the application of the logic line concatenation) RULES <<^\s*[!\#].*$/) # Removes empty lines RULES <<^$(\r\n?|\n)/) # Unescape double backslashes RULES <<\\\\/, '\\') # Remove whitespace around delimiters and replace with = RULES <<^((?:(?:\\[=: \t])|[^=: \t])+)[ \t]*[=: \t][ \t]*/, '\1=') RULES.freeze # Normalizes the content of a properties file content by applying the RULES # @param text [String] # @return [String] def self.normalize!(text) RULES.each do |rule| rule.apply!(text) end text end end end end