# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Lokalise::Error do include Lokalise::Request before { Lokalise.reset_client! } after { Lokalise.reset_client! } it 'raises a generic error when the code is unknown' do expect do VCR.use_cassette('error_unknown_code') do get 'projects', Lokalise.client('invalid') end end.to raise_error(described_class) end it 'handles an exception when the response does not contain an error key' do expect do VCR.use_cassette('error_no_error_key') do get 'projects', Lokalise.client('invalid') end end.to raise_error(Lokalise::Error::BadRequest) end it 'raises BadRequest when API token is invalid' do expect do VCR.use_cassette('error_invalid_token') do get 'projects', Lokalise.client('invalid') end end.to raise_error(Lokalise::Error::BadRequest) end it 'raises NotFound when the provided path cannot be found' do expect do VCR.use_cassette('error_not_found') do get 'invalid_path', test_client end end.to raise_error(Lokalise::Error::NotFound) end end