{ "clc_group": { "full_properties": { "custom_fields": { "description": "See CustomFields below for details.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description for server group (visible in control portal only)", "required": false }, "location_id": { "description": "The datacenter location of both parent group and this group.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name (or GUID) of this server group. Will resolve to existing if present.", "required": false }, "parent": { "description": "The name or ID of the parent group. Will error if absent or unable to resolve.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/clc/r/group.html", "properties": [ "name", "parent", "location_id", "description", "custom_fields" ] }, "clc_load_balancer": { "full_properties": { "data_center": { "description": "The datacenter location of both parent group and this group.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description for server group (visible in control portal only)", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the load balancer.", "required": false }, "status": { "description": "Either \"enabled\" or \"disabled\"", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/clc/r/load_balancer.html", "properties": [ "name", "data_center", "status", "description" ] }, "clc_load_balancer_pool": { "full_properties": { "": { "description": "nodes - (Optional) See Nodes below for details.", "required": false }, "data_center": { "description": "The datacenter location for this pool.", "required": false }, "load_balancer": { "description": "The id of the load balancer.", "required": false }, "method": { "description": "The configured balancing method. Either", "required": false }, "persistence": { "description": "The configured persistence", "required": false }, "port": { "description": "Either 80 or 443", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/clc/r/load_balancer_pool.html", "properties": [ "load_balancer", "data_center", "port", "method", "persistence", "" ] }, "clc_public_ip": { "full_properties": { "internal_ip_address": { "description": "The internal IP of the", "required": false }, "ports": { "description": "See Ports below for details.", "required": false }, "server_id": { "description": "The name or ID of the server to bind IP to.", "required": false }, "source_restrictions": { "description": "See", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/clc/r/public_ip.html", "properties": [ "server_id", "internal_ip_address", "ports", "source_restrictions" ] }, "clc_server": { "full_properties": { "aa_policy_id": { "description": "Anti-Affinity policy ID", "required": false }, "additional_disks": { "description": "See Disks below for details.", "required": false }, "configuration_id": { "description": "Hardware configuration ID", "required": false }, "cpu": { "description": "The number of virtual cores", "required": false }, "custom_fields": { "description": "See CustomFields below for details.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description for server (visible in control portal only)", "required": false }, "group_id": { "description": "The name or ID of the server group to spawn server into.", "required": false }, "memory_mb": { "description": "Provisioned RAM", "required": false }, "metadata": { "description": "Misc state storage for non-CLC metadata.", "required": false }, "name_template": { "description": "The basename of the server. A unique name will be generated by the platform.", "required": false }, "network_id": { "description": "GUID of network to use. (Must be set up in advance from control portal.)", "required": false }, "os_type": { "description": "Operating system to install.", "required": false }, "password": { "description": "The root/administrator password. Will be generated by platform if not provided.", "required": false }, "power_state": { "description": "See PowerStates below for details.", "required": false }, "private_ip_address": { "description": "Set internal IP address. If absent, allocated and assigned from pool.", "required": false }, "source_server_id": { "description": "The name or ID of the base OS image.", "required": false }, "storage_type": { "description": "Backup and replication strategy for disks.", "required": false }, "type": { "description": "The virtualization type", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/clc/r/server.html", "properties": [ "name_template", "source_server_id", "group_id", "cpu", "memory_mb", "type", "password", "description", "power_state", "private_ip_address", "network_id", "storage_type", "aa_policy_id", "configuration_id", "os_type", "additional_disks", "custom_fields", "metadata" ] } }