# # ActiveFacts Logical Data Model Generator # # This generator produces an HTML-formated Logical Data Model of a Vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2016 Infinuendo. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'digest/sha1' require 'activefacts/metamodel' require 'activefacts/compositions' require 'activefacts/generator' require 'activefacts/support' module ActiveFacts module Generators module Doc class LDM def self.options { underscore: [String, "Use 'str' instead of underscore between words in table names"] } end def self.compatibility [1, %i{relational}] # one relational composition end def initialize constellation, composition, options = {} @constellation = constellation @composition = [composition].flatten[0] @options = options @underscore = options.has_key?("underscore") ? (options['underscore'] || '_') : '' @vocabulary = composition.constellation.Vocabulary.values[0] # REVISIT when importing from other vocabularies # glossary_options = {"gen_bootstrap" => true} # @glossary = GLOSSARY.new(@vocabulary, glossary_options) end def generate @tables_emitted = {} # trace.enable 'ldm' generate_header + generate_definitions + generate_diagrams + generate_details + generate_footer end def table_name_max 60 end def column_name_max 40 end def index_name_max 60 end def schema_name_max 60 end def safe_table_name composite escape(table_name(composite), table_name_max) end def safe_column_name component escape(column_name(component), column_name_max) end def table_name composite composite.mapping.name.gsub(' ', @underscore) end def column_name component component.column_name.capcase end def generate_header css_file = "/css/ldm.css" "\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " Logical Data Model for " + @composition.name + "\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__)+css_file) do |f| " \n" end + " \n" + " \n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + h1("Logical Data Model for " + @composition.name) end def generate_definitions defns = @composition. all_composite. reject {|c| c.mapping.object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType)}. reject {|c| c.mapping.object_type.is_static}. reject {|c| c.mapping.object_type.fact_type}. map {|c| c.mapping.object_type} @definitions = {} defns.each do |o| @definitions[o] = true end defns.each do |o| ftm = relevant_fact_types(o) trace :ldm, "expanding #{o.name}" ftm.each do |r, ft| next if ft.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) ft.all_role.each do |ftr| next if @definitions[ftr.object_type] next if ftr.object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) trace :ldm, "adding #{ftr.object_type.name}" defns = defns << ftr.object_type @definitions[ftr.object_type] = true end end end "

Business Definitions and Relationships

\n" + defns.sort_by{|o| o.name.gsub(/ /, '').downcase}.map do |o| entity_type_dump(o, 0) end * "\n" + "\n" end def generate_diagrams '' end def generate_details h2("Logical Data Model Details") + @composition. all_composite. sort_by{|composite| composite.mapping.name}. map{|composite| generate_table(composite)}*"\n" + "\n" end def generate_footer "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + # @glossary.glossary_end + " \n" + "\n" end # # Standard document elements # def element(text, attrs, tag = 'span') "<#{tag}#{attrs.empty? ? '' : attrs.map{|k,v| " #{k}='#{v}'"}*''}>#{text}" end def span(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}) end def div(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'div') end def h1(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'h1') end def h2(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'h2') end def h3(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'h3') end def dl(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'dl') end # A definition of a term def termdef(name) element(name, {:name => name, :class => 'object_type'}, 'a') end # A reference to a defined term (excluding role adjectives) def termref(name, role_name = nil, o = nil) if o && !@definitions[o] element(name, :class=>:object_type) else role_name ||= name element(role_name, {:href=>'#'+name, :class=>:object_type}, 'a') end end # Text that should appear as part of a term (including role adjectives) def term(name) element(name, :class=>:object_type) end # # Dump functions # def entity_type_dump(o, level) pi = o.preferred_identifier supers = o.supertypes if (supers.size > 0) # Ignore identification by a supertype: pi = nil if pi && pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{ |rr| rr.role.fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) } end cn_array = o.concept.all_context_note_as_relevant_concept.map{|cn| [cn.context_note_kind, cn.discussion] } cn_hash = cn_array.inject({}) do |hash, value| hash[value.first] = value.last hash end informal_defn = cn_hash["because"] defn_term = "
\n" + "
\n" + " A #{termdef(o.name)} #{informal_defn ? 'is ' + informal_defn : ''}\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" defn_detail = "
\n" + "
\n" + (supers.size > 0 ? "#{span('Each', 'keyword')} #{termref(o.name, nil, o)} #{span('is a kind of', 'keyword')} #{supers.map{|s| termref(s.name, nil, s)}*', '}\n" : '' ) + if pi "#{span('Each', 'keyword')} #{termref(o.name, nil, o)} #{span('is identified by', 'keyword')} " + pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map do |rr| termref( rr.role.object_type.name, [ rr.leading_adjective, rr.role.role_name || rr.role.object_type.name, rr.trailing_adjective ].compact * '-', rr.role.object_type ) end * ", " + "\n" else '' end + fact_types_dump(o, relevant_fact_types(o)) + "\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" defn_term + defn_detail end def relevant_fact_types(o) o. all_role. map{|r| [r, r.fact_type]}. reject { |r, ft| ft.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::LinkFactType) }. select { |r, ft| ft.entity_type || has_another_nonstatic_role(ft, r) } end def has_another_nonstatic_role(ft, r) ft.all_role.detect do |rr| rr != r && rr.object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::EntityType) && !rr.object_type.is_static end end def fact_types_dump(o, ftm) ftm. map { |r, ft| [ft, " #{fact_type_dump(ft, o)}"] }. sort_by{|ft, text| [ ft.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) ? 0 : 1, text]}. map{|ft, text| text} * "\n" end def fact_type_dump(ft, wrt = nil) if ft.entity_type div( div(span('Each ', 'keyword') + termref(ft.entity_type.name, nil, ft.entity_type) + span(' is where ', 'keyword')) + div(expand_fact_type(ft, wrt, true, 'some')), 'glossary-objectification' ) else fact_type_block(ft, wrt) end end def fact_type_block(ft, wrt = nil, include_rolenames = true) div(expand_fact_type(ft, wrt, include_rolenames, ''), 'glossary-facttype') end def expand_fact_type(ft, wrt = nil, include_rolenames = true, wrt_qualifier = '') role = ft.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == wrt} preferred_reading = ft.reading_preferably_starting_with_role(role) alternate_readings = ft.all_reading.reject{|r| r == preferred_reading} div( expand_reading(preferred_reading, include_rolenames, wrt, wrt_qualifier), 'glossary-reading' ) end def role_ref(rr, freq_con, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal) term_parts = [l_adj, termref(name, nil, rr.role.object_type), t_adj].compact [ freq_con ? element(freq_con, :class=>:keyword) : nil, term_parts.size > 1 ? term([l_adj, termref(name, nil, rr.role.object_type), t_adj].compact*' ') : term_parts[0], role_name_def, literal ] end def expand_reading(reading, include_rolenames = true, wrt = nil, wrt_qualifier = '') role_refs = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|role_ref| role_ref.ordinal} lrr = role_refs[role_refs.size - 1] element( # element(rr.role.is_unique ? "one" : "some", :class=>:keyword) + reading.expand([], include_rolenames) do |rr, freq_con, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal| if role_name_def role_name_def = role_name_def.gsub(/\(as ([^)]+)\)/) { span("(as #{ termref(rr.role.object_type.name, $1, rr.role.object_type) })", 'keyword') } end # qualify the last role of the reading quantifier = '' if rr == lrr uniq = true (0 ... role_refs.size - 2).each{|i| uniq = uniq && role_refs[i].role.is_unique } quantifier = uniq ? "one" : "at least one" end role_ref(rr, quantifier, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal) end, {:class => 'reading'} ) end def generate_table(composite) @tables_emitted[composite] = true delayed_indices = [] table_defn = "


\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + ( composite.mapping.all_leaf.flat_map do |leaf| # Absorbed empty subtypes appear as leaves next if leaf.is_a?(MM::Absorption) && leaf.parent_role.fact_type.is_a?(MM::TypeInheritance) generate_column leaf, 11 end ).compact.flat_map{|f| "#{f}" }*"\n"+"\n" + " \n" + "
AttributeData TypeManDescription
\n" table_keys = ( composite.all_index.map do |index| generate_index index, delayed_indices, 9 end.compact.sort + composite.all_foreign_key_as_source_composite.map do |fk| # trace :ldm, "generate foreign key for #{fk.composite.mapping.name}" generate_foreign_key fk, 9 end.compact.sort ).compact.flat_map{|f| "#{f}" }*"
\n"+"\n" table_values = if composite.mapping.object_type.all_instance.size > 0 then table_values = " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + ( composite.mapping.all_leaf.flat_map do |leaf| # Absorbed empty subtypes appear as leaves next if leaf.is_a?(MM::Absorption) && leaf.parent_role.fact_type.is_a?(MM::TypeInheritance) column_name = safe_column_name(leaf) " " * 11 + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
#{column_name}\n" end ) * "\n" + "\n" + "
\n" else '' end table_defn + table_keys + table_values end def generate_column leaf, indent column_name = safe_column_name(leaf) padding = " "*(column_name.size >= column_name_max ? 1 : column_name_max-column_name.size) constraints = leaf.all_leaf_constraint identity = '' " " * indent + "\n" + " " * indent + " #{column_name}\n" + " " * indent + " #{component_type(leaf, column_name)}\n" + " " * indent + " #{leaf.path_mandatory ? 'Yes' : 'No'}\n" + " " * indent + " #{column_comment leaf}\n" + " " * indent + "" # "-- #{column_comment leaf}\n\t#{column_name}#{padding}#{component_type leaf, column_name}#{identity}" end def column_comment component return '' unless cp = component.parent prefix = column_comment(cp) name = component.name if component.is_a?(MM::Absorption) reading = component.parent_role.fact_type.reading_preferably_starting_with_role(component.parent_role).expand([], false) maybe = component.parent_role.is_mandatory ? '' : 'maybe ' cpname = cp.name if prefix[(-cpname.size-1)..-1] == ' '+cpname && reading[0..cpname.size] == cpname+' ' prefix+' that ' + maybe + reading[cpname.size+1..-1] else (prefix.empty? ? '' : prefix+' and ') + maybe + reading end else name end end def boolean_type 'boolean' end def surrogate_type 'bigint' end def component_type component, column_name case component when MM::Indicator boolean_type when MM::SurrogateKey surrogate_type when MM::ValueField, MM::Absorption object_type = component.object_type while object_type.is_a?(MM::EntityType) rr = object_type.preferred_identifier.role_sequence.all_role_ref.single raise "Can't produce a column for composite #{component.inspect}" unless rr object_type = rr.role.object_type end raise "A column can only be produced from a ValueType" unless object_type.is_a?(MM::ValueType) if component.is_a?(MM::Absorption) value_constraint ||= component.child_role.role_value_constraint end supertype = object_type begin object_type = supertype length ||= object_type.length scale ||= object_type.scale unless component.parent.parent and component.parent.foreign_key # No need to enforce value constraints that are already enforced by a foreign key value_constraint ||= object_type.value_constraint end end while supertype = object_type.supertype type, length = normalise_type(object_type.name, length) sql_type = "#{type}#{ if !length '' else '(' + length.to_s + (scale ? ", #{scale}" : '') + ')' end # }#{ # (component.path_mandatory ? '' : ' NOT') + ' NULL' # }#{ # # REVISIT: This is an SQL Server-ism. Replace with a standard SQL SEQUENCE/ # # Emit IDENTITY for columns auto-assigned on commit (except FKs) # if a = object_type.is_auto_assigned and a != 'assert' and # !component.all_foreign_key_field.detect{|fkf| fkf.foreign_key.source_composite == component.root} # ' IDENTITY' # else # '' # end }#{ value_constraint ? check_clause(column_name, value_constraint) : '' }" when MM::ValidFrom component.object_type.name else raise "Can't make a column from #{component}" end end def generate_index index, delayed_indices, indent nullable_columns = index.all_index_field.select do |ixf| !ixf.component.path_mandatory end contains_nullable_columns = nullable_columns.size > 0 primary = index.composite_as_primary_index && !contains_nullable_columns column_names = index.all_index_field.map do |ixf| column_name(ixf.component) end clustering = (index.composite_as_primary_index ? ' CLUSTERED' : ' NONCLUSTERED') if contains_nullable_columns table_name = safe_table_name(index.composite) delayed_indices << 'CREATE UNIQUE'+clustering+' INDEX '+ escape("#{table_name(index.composite)}By#{column_names*''}", index_name_max) + " ON #{table_name}("+column_names.map{|n| escape(n, column_name_max)}*', ' + ") WHERE #{ nullable_columns. map{|ixf| safe_column_name ixf.component}. map{|column_name| column_name + ' IS NOT NULL'} * ' AND ' }" nil else # '-- '+index.inspect " " * indent + (primary ? 'PRIMARY KEY' : 'UNIQUE') + clustering + "(#{column_names.map{|n| escape(n, column_name_max)}*', '})" end end def generate_foreign_key fk, indent # '-- '+fk.inspect " " * indent + "FOREIGN KEY (" + fk.all_foreign_key_field.map{|fkf| safe_column_name fkf.component}*", " + ") REFERENCES #{table_name fk.composite} (" + fk.all_index_field.map{|ixf| safe_column_name ixf.component}*", " + ")" end def reserved_words @reserved_words ||= %w{ } end def is_reserved_word w @reserved_word_hash ||= reserved_words.inject({}) do |h,w| h[w] = true h end @reserved_word_hash[w.upcase] end def go s = '' "#{s}\nGO\n" # REVISIT: This is an SQL-Serverism. Move it to a subclass. end def escape s, max = table_name_max # Escape SQL keywords and non-identifiers if s.size > max excess = s[max..-1] s = s[0...max-(excess.size/8)] + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(excess)[0...excess.size/8] end if s =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]/ || is_reserved_word(s) "[#{s}]" else s end end # Return SQL type and (modified?) length for the passed base type def normalise_type(type, length) sql_type = case type when /^Auto ?Counter$/ 'int' when /^Unsigned ?Integer$/, /^Signed ?Integer$/, /^Unsigned ?Small ?Integer$/, /^Signed ?Small ?Integer$/, /^Unsigned ?Tiny ?Integer$/ s = case when length == nil 'int' when length <= 8 'tinyint' when length <= 16 'smallint' when length <= 32 'int' else 'bigint' end length = nil s when /^Decimal$/ 'decimal' when /^Fixed ?Length ?Text$/, /^Char$/ 'char' when /^Variable ?Length ?Text$/, /^String$/ 'varchar' when /^Large ?Length ?Text$/, /^Text$/ 'text' when /^Date ?And ?Time$/, /^Date ?Time$/ 'datetime' when /^Date$/ 'datetime' # SQLSVR 2K5: 'date' when /^Time$/ 'datetime' # SQLSVR 2K5: 'time' when /^Auto ?Time ?Stamp$/ 'timestamp' when /^Guid$/ 'uniqueidentifier' when /^Money$/ 'decimal' when /^Picture ?Raw ?Data$/, /^Image$/ 'image' when /^Variable ?Length ?Raw ?Data$/, /^Blob$/ 'varbinary' when /^BIT$/ 'bit' when /^BOOLEAN$/ 'boolean' else type # raise "SQL type unknown for standard type #{type}" end [sql_type, length] end def sql_value(value) value.is_literal_string ? sql_string(value.literal) : value.literal end def sql_string(str) "'" + str.gsub(/'/,"''") + "'" end def check_clause column_name, value_constraint " CHECK(" + value_constraint.all_allowed_range_sorted.map do |ar| vr = ar.value_range min = vr.minimum_bound max = vr.maximum_bound if (min && max && max.value.literal == min.value.literal) "#{column_name} = #{sql_value(min.value)}" else inequalities = [ min && "#{column_name} >#{min.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(min.value)}", max && "#{column_name} <#{max.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(max.value)}" ].compact inequalities.size > 1 ? "(" + inequalities*" AND " + ")" : inequalities[0] end end*" OR " + ")" end MM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel unless const_defined?(:MM) end end publish_generator Doc::LDM, "Logical Data Model documentation in HTML. Use a relational compositor" end end