require "webmachine/adapters/rack_mapped" require "pact_broker/string_refinements" # Code to describe the routes in a Webmachine API, including # path, resource class, allowed methods, schemas, policy class. # Used in tests and in the pact_broker:routes task module Webmachine class DescribeRoutes using PactBroker::StringRefinements Route = :path, :path_spec, :resource_class, :resource_name, :resource_class_location, :allowed_methods, :policy_names, :policy_classes, # only used by pactflow :schemas, keyword_init: true) do def path_include?(component) path.include?(component) end def route_param_names { | component | component.is_a?(Symbol) } end # Creates a Webmachine Resource for the given route for use in tests. # @param [Hash] env the rack env from which to build the request # @param [PactBroker::ApplicationContext] application_context the application context # @param [Hash] path_param_values concrete parameter values from which to construct the path # @return [Webmachine::Resource] the webmachine resource for the request def build_resource(env, application_context, path_param_values) path = "/" + path_spec.collect{ | part | part.is_a?(Symbol) ? (path_param_values[part] || "missing-param") : part }.join("/") path_params = route_param_names.each_with_object({}){ | name, new_params | new_params[name] = path_param_values[name] } path_info = { application_context: application_context, resource_name: resource_name }.merge(path_params) rack_req ={ "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "rack.input" =>"") }.merge(env) ) request = rack_req.env["REQUEST_METHOD"], path, Webmachine::Headers.from_cgi({"HTTP_HOST" => ""}.merge(env)),, {}, {}, rack_req.env ) request.path_info = path_info, end end def, search_term: nil) path_mappings = webmachine_applications.flat_map { | webmachine_application | build_routes(webmachine_application) } if search_term path_mappings ={ |(route, _)| route[:path].include?(search_term) } end path_mappings.sort_by{ | mapping | mapping[:path] } end # Build a Route object to describe every Webmachine route defined in the app.routes block # @return [Array] def self.build_routes(webmachine_application) webmachine_routes_to_describe(webmachine_application).collect do | webmachine_route | resource_path_absolute ={ path: "/" + webmachine_route.path_spec.collect{ |part| part.is_a?(Symbol) ? ":#{part}" : part }.join("/"), path_spec: webmachine_route.path_spec, resource_class: webmachine_route.resource, resource_name: webmachine_route.instance_variable_get(:@bindings)[:resource_name], resource_class_location: resource_path_absolute.relative_path_from(Pathname.pwd).to_s }.merge(properties_for_webmachine_route(webmachine_route, webmachine_application.application_context))) end end def self.webmachine_routes_to_describe(webmachine_application) webmachine_application.routes.reject{ | route | route.resource == Webmachine::Trace::TraceResource }.collect end def self.properties_for_webmachine_route(webmachine_route, application_context) with_no_logging do path_info = { application_context: application_context, pacticipant_name: "foo", pacticipant_version_number: "1", resource_name: "foo" } path_info.default = "1" request = build_request(http_method: "GET", path_info: path_info) resource =, if resource properties_for_resource(resource.allowed_methods - ["OPTIONS"], webmachine_route, application_context) else {} end end rescue StandardError => e puts "Could not determine instance info for #{webmachine_route.resource}. #{e.class} - #{e.message}" {} end # Return the properties of the resource that can only be determined by instantiating the resource # @return [Hash] def self.properties_for_resource(allowed_methods, webmachine_route, application_context) schemas = [] policy_names = [] allowed_methods.each do | http_method | resource = build_resource(webmachine_route, http_method, application_context) if (schema_class = resource.respond_to?(:schema, true) && resource.send(:schema)) schemas << { http_method: http_method, class: schema_class, location: source_location_for(schema_class)} end policy_names << resource.policy_name end { allowed_methods: allowed_methods, schemas: schemas, policy_names: policy_names.uniq } end def self.build_resource(webmachine_route, http_method, application_context) path_info = { application_context: application_context, pacticipant_name: "foo", pacticipant_version_number: "1", resource_name: "foo" } path_info.default = "1" request = build_request(http_method: http_method, path_info: path_info), end def self.build_request(http_method: "GET", path_info: ) request =, "/", Webmachine::Headers["host" => ""], nil, {}, {}, { "REQUEST_METHOD" => http_method }) request.path_info = path_info request end def self.source_location_for(clazz) first_instance_method_name = (clazz.instance_methods(false) + clazz.private_instance_methods(false)).first if first_instance_method_name clazz.instance_method(first_instance_method_name).source_location.first else # have a guess! "lib/" +"::", "/") + ".rb" end end # If we don't turn off the logging, we get metrics logging due to the instantiation of the Webmachine::RackRequest class def self.with_no_logging original_default_level = SemanticLogger.default_level SemanticLogger.default_level = :fatal yield ensure SemanticLogger.default_level = original_default_level end end end