# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' require_relative '../lib/ffaker' # Helpers for checking if a method is deterministic -- e.g., that the Random # results are repeatable given the same random seed. module DeterministicHelper def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # Accepts a block. Executes the block multiple times after resetting # the internal Random Number Generator state and compared the results of # each execution to make sure they are the same. def assert_deterministic(options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'Must pass a block' unless block_given? options = { message: 'Results are not repeatable' }.merge(options) returns = Array.new(2) do FFaker::Random.reset! Array.new(5) do yield end end assert(returns.uniq.length == 1, options[:message]) end %w[< > <= >=].each do |operator| operator_name = case operator[0] when '<' then 'less_than' when '>' then 'greater_than' else raise 'Unexpected operator' end operator_name += '_or_equal_to' if operator[1] == '=' define_method "assert_#{operator_name}" do |got, expected| assert( got.public_send(operator, expected), "Expected #{operator} \"#{expected}\", but got #{got}" ) end end def assert_between(got, range) assert_greater_than_or_equal_to got, range.begin public_send "assert_less_than#{'_or_equal_to' unless range.exclude_end?}", got, range.end end def assert_random(original_block, *args) 100.times do yield(*args) assert_deterministic(&original_block) end end %w[less_than_or_equal_to between].each do |method_name| define_method "assert_random_#{method_name}" do |*args, &block| assert_random(block) { send "assert_#{method_name}", block.call, *args } end end # Methods to be called outside of individual examples. module ClassMethods # Shorthand method to quickly test the determinability of multiple methods. # # assert_methods_are_deterministic( # , # # ) # # assert_methods_are_deterministic( # FFaker::SomeModule, # :some_method, :some_other_method # } def assert_methods_are_deterministic(klass, *methods) Array(methods).each do |meth| define_method "test_#{meth}_is_deterministic" do assert_deterministic(message: "Results from `#{klass}.#{meth}` are not repeatable") do klass.send(meth) end end end end end end