# daru - Data Analysis in RUby [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/daru.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/daru) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/v0dro/daru.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/v0dro/daru) ## Introduction daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for storage, analysis, manipulation and visualization of data in Ruby. daru makes it easy and intuituive to process data predominantly through 2 data structures: `Daru::DataFrame` and `Daru::Vector`. Written in pure Ruby works with all ruby implementations. Tested with MRI 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. ## Features * Data structures: - Vector - A basic 1-D vector. - DataFrame - A 2-D spreadsheet-like structure for manipulating and storing data sets. This is daru's primary data structure. * Compatible with [IRuby notebook](https://github.com/SciRuby/iruby), [statsample](https://github.com/SciRuby/statsample), [statsample-glm](https://github.com/SciRuby/statsample-glm) and [statsample-timeseries](https://github.com/SciRuby/statsample-timeseries). * Support for time series. * Singly and hierarchially indexed data structures. * Flexible and intuitive API for manipulation and analysis of data. * Easy plotting, statistics and arithmetic. * Plentiful iterators. * Optional speed and space optimization on MRI with [NMatrix](https://github.com/SciRuby/nmatrix) and GSL. * Easy splitting, aggregation and grouping of data. * Quickly reducing data with pivot tables for quick data summary. * Import and export data from and to Excel, CSV, SQL Databases, ActiveRecord and plain text files. ## Notebooks #### Notebooks on most use cases * [Overview of most daru functions](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Daru%20Demo.ipynb) * [Basic Creation of Vectors and DataFrame](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Creation%20of%20Vector%20and%20DataFrame.ipynb) * [Detailed Usage of Daru::Vector](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Usage%20of%20Vector.ipynb) * [Detailed Usage of Daru::DataFrame](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Usage%20of%20DataFrame.ipynb) * [Visualizing Data With Daru::DataFrame](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Visualization/Visualizing%20data%20with%20daru%20DataFrame.ipynb) * [Searching and combining data in daru](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Searching%20and%20Combining%20Data.ipynb) * [Grouping, Splitting and Pivoting Data](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Grouping%2C%20Splitting%20and%20Pivoting.ipynb) #### Notebooks on Time series * [Basic Time Series](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Basic%20Time%20Series.ipynb) * [Time Series Analysis and Plotting](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Time%20Series%20Functions.ipynb) ### Case Studies * [Logistic Regression Analysis with daru and statsample-glm](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Logistic%20Regression%20with%20daru%20and%20statsample-glm.ipynb) * [Finding and Plotting most heard artists from a Last.fm dataset](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Finding%20and%20plotting%20the%20most%20heard%20artists%20on%20last%20fm.ipynb) * [Analyzing baby names with daru](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/SciRuby/sciruby-notebooks/blob/master/Data%20Analysis/Analyzing%20baby%20names/Use%20Case%20-%20Daru%20for%20analyzing%20baby%20names%20data.ipynb) ## Blog Posts * [Data Analysis in RUby: Basic data manipulation and plotting](http://v0dro.github.io/blog/2014/11/25/data-analysis-in-ruby-basic-data-manipulation-and-plotting/) * [Data Analysis in RUby: Splitting, sorting, aggregating data and data types](http://v0dro.github.io/blog/2015/02/24/data-analysis-in-ruby-part-2/) * [Finding and Combining data in daru](http://v0dro.github.io/blog/2015/08/03/finding-and-combining-data-in-daru/) ### Time series * [Analysis of Time Series in daru](http://v0dro.github.io/blog/2015/07/31/analysis-of-time-series-in-daru/) * [Date Offsets in Daru](http://v0dro.github.io/blog/2015/07/27/date-offsets-in-daru/) ## Basic Usage daru exposes two major data structures: `DataFrame` and `Vector`. The Vector is a basic 1-D structure corresponding to a labelled Array, while the `DataFrame` - daru's primary data structure - is 2-D spreadsheet-like structure for manipulating and storing data sets. Basic DataFrame intitialization. ``` ruby data_frame = Daru::DataFrame.new( { 'Beer' => ['Kingfisher', 'Snow', 'Bud Light', 'Tiger Beer', 'Budweiser'], 'Gallons sold' => [500, 400, 450, 200, 250] }, index: ['India', 'China', 'USA', 'Malaysia', 'Canada'] ) data_frame ``` ![init0](images/init0.png) Load data from CSV files. ``` ruby df = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv('TradeoffData.csv') ``` ![init1](images/init1.png) *Basic Data Manipulation* Selecting rows. ``` ruby data_frame.row['USA'] ``` ![man0](images/man0.png) Selecting columns. ``` ruby data_frame['Beer'] ``` ![man1](images/man1.png) A range of rows. ``` ruby data_frame.row['India'..'USA'] ``` ![man2](images/man2.png) The first 2 rows. ``` ruby data_frame.first(2) ``` ![man3](images/man3.png) The last 2 rows. ``` ruby data_frame.last(2) ``` ![man4](images/man4.png) Adding a new column. ``` ruby data_frame['Gallons produced'] = [550, 500, 600, 210, 240] ``` ![man5](images/man5.png) Creating a new column based on data in other columns. ``` ruby data_frame['Demand supply gap'] = data_frame['Gallons produced'] - data_frame['Gallons sold'] ``` ![man6](images/man6.png) *Condition based selection* Selecting countries based on the number of gallons sold in each. We use a syntax similar to that defined by [Arel](https://github.com/rails/arel), i.e. by using the `where` clause. ``` ruby data_frame.where(data_frame['Gallons sold'].lt(300)) ``` ![con0](images/con0.png) You can pass a combination of boolean operations into the `#where` method and it should work fine: ``` ruby data_frame.where( data_frame['Beer'] .in(['Snow', 'Kingfisher','Tiger Beer']) .and( data_frame['Gallons produced'].gt(520).or(data_frame['Gallons produced'].lt(250)) ) ) ``` ![con1](images/con1.png) *Plotting* Daru supports plotting of interactive graphs with [nyaplot](). You can easily create a plot with the `#plot` method. Here we plot the gallons sold on the Y axis and name of the brand on the X axis in a bar graph. ``` ruby data_frame.plot type: :bar, x: 'Beer', y: 'Gallons sold' do |plot, diagram| plot.x_label "Beer" plot.y_label "Gallons Sold" plot.yrange [0,600] plot.width 500 plot.height 400 end ``` ![plot0](images/plot0.png) In addition to nyaplot, daru also supports plotting out of the box with [gnuplotrb](https://github.com/SciRuby/gnuplotrb). ## Documentation Docs can be found [here](https://rubygems.org/gems/daru). ## Roadmap * Enable creation of DataFrame by only specifying an NMatrix/MDArray in initialize. Vector naming happens automatically (alphabetic) or is specified in an Array. * Assignment of a column to a single number should set the entire column to that number. * Multiple column assignment with []= * Multiple value assignment for vectors with []=. * #find\_max function which will evaluate a block and return the row for the value of the block is max. * Sort by index. * Statistics on DataFrame over rows. * Calculate percentage change. * Have some sample data sets for users to play around with. Should be able to load these from the code itself. * Sorting with missing data present. ## Contributing Pick a feature from the Roadmap or the issue tracker or think of your own and send me a Pull Request! For details see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/v0dro/daru/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Acknowledgements * Google and the Ruby Science Foundation for the Google Summer of Code 2015 grant for further developing daru and integrating it with other ruby gems. * Thank you [last.fm](http://www.last.fm/) for making user data accessible to the public. Copyright (c) 2015, Sameer Deshmukh All rights reserved