require "cardboard/engine" module Cardboard autoload :Application, 'cardboard/application' class << self attr_accessor :application, :resource_controllers def resource_controllers @resource_controllers ||= Cardboard::ResourceController.descendants end def application @application ||= end def user_class return false unless application.user_class @user_class ||= application.user_class.to_s.camelize.constantize end def used_as_cms? @used_as_cms = Cardboard::Template.count > 0 if @used_as_cms.nil? #handle false @used_as_cms end def used_with_pages? @used_with_pages = Cardboard::Template.where("is_page = ?", true).count > 0 if @used_with_pages.nil? #handle false @used_with_pages end def used_with_templates? @used_with_templates = Cardboard::Template.where("is_page = ? OR is_page IS NULL", false).count > 0 if @used_with_templates.nil? #handle false @used_with_templates end def used_with_settings? @used_with_settings = Cardboard::Setting.count > 0 if @used_with_settings.nil? #handle false @used_with_settings end def set_resource_controllers # might not be needed in production Dir[Rails.root.join('app/controllers/cardboard/*_controller.rb')].map.each do |controller| require_dependency controller end end # Gets called within the initializer def setup yield(application) end end end