=begin Arachni Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end require 'base64' module Arachni require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['reports'] + '/xml/buffer.rb' module Reports # # Creates an XML report of the audit. # # @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> # <zapotek@segfault.gr> # @version: 0.2.1 # class XML < Arachni::Report::Base include Arachni::Reports::Buffer # # @param [AuditStore] audit_store # @param [Hash] options options passed to the report # def initialize( audit_store, options ) @audit_store = audit_store @outfile = options['outfile'] # XML buffer @__buffer = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" end def run( ) print_line( ) print_status( 'Creating XML report...' ) start_tag( 'arachni_report' ) simple_tag( 'title', 'Web Application Security Report - Arachni Framework' ) simple_tag( 'generated_on', Time.now.to_s ) simple_tag( 'report_false_positives', REPORT_FP ) start_tag( 'system' ) simple_tag( 'version', @audit_store.version ) simple_tag( 'revision', @audit_store.revision ) simple_tag( 'start_datetime', @audit_store.start_datetime ) simple_tag( 'finish_datetime', @audit_store.finish_datetime ) simple_tag( 'delta_time', @audit_store.delta_time ) simple_tag( 'url', @audit_store.options['url'] ) simple_tag( 'user_agent', @audit_store.options['user_agent'] ) start_tag( 'audited_elements' ) simple_tag( 'element', 'links' ) if @audit_store.options['audit_links'] simple_tag( 'element', 'forms' ) if @audit_store.options['audit_forms'] simple_tag( 'element', 'cookies' ) if @audit_store.options['audit_cookies'] simple_tag( 'element', 'headers' ) if @audit_store.options['audit_headers'] end_tag( 'audited_elements' ) start_tag( 'modules') @audit_store.options['mods'].each { |mod| add_mod( mod ) } end_tag( 'modules' ) start_tag( 'filters' ) if @audit_store.options['exclude'] start_tag( "exclude" ) @audit_store.options['exclude'].each { |ex| simple_tag( 'regexp', ex ) } end_tag( "exclude" ) end if @audit_store.options['include'] start_tag( "include" ) @audit_store.options['include'].each { |inc| simple_tag( 'regexp', inc ) } end_tag( "include" ) end if @audit_store.options['redundant'] start_tag( "redundant" ) @audit_store.options['redundant'].each { |red| simple_tag( 'filter', red['regexp'] + ':' + red['count'].to_s ) } end_tag( "redundant" ) end end_tag( 'filters' ) start_tag( 'cookies' ) if( @audit_store.options['cookies'] ) @audit_store.options['cookies'].each { |name, value| add_cookie( name, value ) } end end_tag( 'cookies' ) end_tag( 'system' ) start_tag( 'issues' ) @audit_store.issues.each { |issue| start_tag( 'issue' ) issue.each_pair { |k, v| next if !v.is_a?( String ) simple_tag( k, v ) } add_tags( [issue.tags].flatten.compact ) start_tag( 'references' ) issue.references.each{ |name, url| add_reference( name, url ) } end_tag( 'references' ) add_variations( issue ) end_tag( 'issue' ) } end_tag( 'issues' ) start_tag( 'plugins' ) # get XML formatted plugin data and append them to the XML buffer format_plugin_results( @audit_store.plugins ).values.compact.each { |xml| append( xml ) } end_tag( 'plugins' ) end_tag( 'arachni_report' ) xml_write( ) print_status( 'Saved in \'' + @outfile + '\'.' ) end def xml_write( ) file = File.new( @outfile, 'w' ) file.write( @__buffer ) file.close end def self.info { :name => 'XML report', :description => %q{Exports a report as an XML file.}, :author => 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com>', :version => '0.2.1', :options => [ Arachni::Report::Options.outfile( '.xml' ) ] } end def add_variations( issue ) start_tag( 'variations' ) issue.variations.each_with_index { |var| start_tag( 'variation' ) simple_tag( 'url', var['url'] ) simple_tag( 'id', URI.encode( var['id'] ) ) if var['id'] simple_tag( 'injected', URI.encode( var['injected'] ) ) if var['injected'] simple_tag( 'regexp', var['regexp'].to_s ) if var['regexp'] simple_tag( 'regexp_match', var['regexp_match'] ) if var['regexp_match'] start_tag( 'headers' ) if var['headers']['request'].is_a?( Hash ) add_headers( 'request', var['headers']['request'] ) end response = {} if var['headers']['response'].is_a?( Hash ) response = var['headers']['response'] else var['headers']['response'].split( "\n" ).each { |line| field, value = line.split( ':', 2 ) next if !value response[field] = value } end if response.is_a?( Hash ) add_headers( 'response', response ) end end_tag( 'headers' ) if var['response'] && !var['response'].empty? simple_tag( 'html', Base64.encode64( var['response'] ) ) end end_tag( 'variation' ) } end_tag( 'variations' ) end end end end