module Sequel module SqlAnywhere @convert_smallint_to_bool = true class << self # Whether to convert smallint values to bool, false by default. # Can also be overridden per dataset. attr_accessor :convert_smallint_to_bool end module DatabaseMethods extend Sequel::Database::ResetIdentifierMangling attr_reader :conversion_procs # Override the default SqlAnywhere.convert_smallint_to_bool setting for this database. attr_writer :convert_smallint_to_bool AUTO_INCREMENT = 'IDENTITY'.freeze SQL_BEGIN = "BEGIN TRANSACTION".freeze SQL_COMMIT = "COMMIT TRANSACTION".freeze SQL_ROLLBACK = "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION".freeze TEMPORARY = "GLOBAL TEMPORARY ".freeze SMALLINT_RE = /smallint/i.freeze DECIMAL_TYPE_RE = /numeric/io # Whether to convert smallint to boolean arguments for this dataset. # Defaults to the SqlAnywhere module setting. def convert_smallint_to_bool defined?(@convert_smallint_to_bool) ? @convert_smallint_to_bool : (@convert_smallint_to_bool = ::Sequel::SqlAnywhere.convert_smallint_to_bool) end # Sysbase Server uses the :sqlanywhere type. def database_type :sqlanywhere end def to_application_timestamp_sa(v) to_application_timestamp(v.to_s) if v end # Convert smallint type to boolean if convert_smallint_to_bool is true def schema_column_type(db_type) if convert_smallint_to_bool && db_type =~ SMALLINT_RE :boolean else super end end def schema_parse_table(table, opts) m = output_identifier_meth(opts[:dataset]) im = input_identifier_meth(opts[:dataset]) metadata_dataset. from{sa_describe_query("select * from #{}").as(:a)}. join(:syscolumn___b, :table_id=>:base_table_id, :column_id=>:base_column_id). order(:a__column_number). map do |row| auto_increment = row.delete(:is_autoincrement) row[:auto_increment] = auto_increment == 1 || auto_increment == true row[:primary_key] = row.delete(:pkey) == 'Y' row[:allow_null] = row[:nulls_allowed].is_a?(Fixnum) ? row.delete(:nulls_allowed) == 1 : row.delete(:nulls_allowed) row[:db_type] = row.delete(:domain_name) row[:type] = if row[:db_type] =~ DECIMAL_TYPE_RE and (row[:scale].is_a?(Fixnum) ? row[:scale] == 0 : !row[:scale]) :integer else schema_column_type(row[:db_type]) end row[:max_length] = row[:width] if row[:type] == :string [, row] end end def indexes(table, opts = OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth im = input_identifier_meth indexes = {} metadata_dataset. from(:dbo__sysobjects___z). select(:z__name___table_name, :i__name___index_name, :si__indextype___type, :si__colnames___columns). join(:dbo__sysindexes___i, :id___i=> :id___z). join(:sys__sysindexes___si, :iname=> :name___i). where(:z__type => 'U', :table_name=> each do |r| indexes[[:index_name])] = {:unique=>(r[:type].downcase=='unique'), :columns=>r[:columns].split(',').map{|v|' ').first)}} unless r[:type].downcase == 'primary key' end indexes end def foreign_key_list(table, opts=OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth im = input_identifier_meth fk_indexes = {} metadata_dataset. from(:sys__sysforeignkey___fk). select(:fk__role___name, :fks__columns___column_map, :si__indextype___type, :si__colnames___columns, :fks__primary_tname___table_name). join(:sys__sysforeignkeys___fks, :role => :role). join_table(:inner, :sys__sysindexes___si, [:iname=> :fk__role], {:implicit_qualifier => :fk}). where(:fks__foreign_tname=> each do |r| unless r[:type].downcase == 'primary key' fk_indexes[r[:name]] = {:name=>[:name]), :columns=>r[:columns].split(',').map{|v|' ').first)}, :table=>[:table_name]), :key=>r[:column_map].split(',').map{|v|' IS ').last)}} end end fk_indexes.values end def tables(opts=OPTS) tables_and_views('U', opts) end def views(opts=OPTS) tables_and_views('V', opts) end private DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS = { /would not be unique|Primary key for table.+is not unique/ => Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation, /Column .* in table .* cannot be NULL/ => Sequel::NotNullConstraintViolation, /Constraint .* violated: Invalid value in table .*/ => Sequel::CheckConstraintViolation, /No primary key value for foreign key .* in table .*/ => Sequel::ForeignKeyConstraintViolation, /Primary key for row in table .* is referenced by foreign key .* in table .*/ => Sequel::ForeignKeyConstraintViolation }.freeze def database_error_regexps DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS end # Sybase uses the IDENTITY column for autoincrementing columns. def auto_increment_sql AUTO_INCREMENT end # SQL fragment for marking a table as temporary def temporary_table_sql TEMPORARY end # SQL to BEGIN a transaction. def begin_transaction_sql SQL_BEGIN end # SQL to ROLLBACK a transaction. def rollback_transaction_sql SQL_ROLLBACK end # SQL to COMMIT a transaction. def commit_transaction_sql SQL_COMMIT end # Sybase has both datetime and timestamp classes, most people are going # to want datetime def type_literal_generic_datetime(column) :datetime end # Sybase has both datetime and timestamp classes, most people are going # to want datetime def type_literal_generic_time(column) column[:only_time] ? :time : :datetime end # Sybase doesn't have a true boolean class, so it uses integer def type_literal_generic_trueclass(column) :smallint end # SQLAnywhere uses image type for blobs def type_literal_generic_file(column) :image end # Sybase specific syntax for altering tables. def alter_table_sql(table, op) case op[:op] when :add_column "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ADD #{column_definition_sql(op)}" when :drop_column "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} DROP #{column_definition_sql(op)}" when :drop_constraint case op[:type] when :primary_key "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} DROP PRIMARY KEY" when :foreign_key if op[:name] || op[:columns] name = op[:name] || foreign_key_name(table, op[:columns]) if name "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} DROP FOREIGN KEY #{quote_identifier(name)}" end end else super end when :rename_column "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} RENAME #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} TO #{quote_identifier(op[:new_name].to_s)}" when :set_column_type "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} #{type_literal(op)}" when :set_column_null "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} #{'NOT ' unless op[:null]}NULL" when :set_column_default "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} DEFAULT #{literal(op[:default])}" else super(table, op) end end # SqlAnywhere doesn't support CREATE TABLE AS, it only supports SELECT INTO. # Emulating CREATE TABLE AS using SELECT INTO is only possible if a dataset # is given as the argument, it can't work with a string, so raise an # Error if a string is given. def create_table_as(name, ds, options) raise(Error, "must provide dataset instance as value of create_table :as option on SqlAnywhere") unless ds.is_a?(Sequel::Dataset) run(ds.into(name).sql) end # Use SP_RENAME to rename the table def rename_table_sql(name, new_name) "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(name)} RENAME #{quote_schema_table(new_name)}" end def tables_and_views(type, opts=OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth metadata_dataset. from(:sysobjects___a). where(:a__type=>type). select_map(:a__name). map{|n|} end # SQLAnywhere supports views with check option, but not local. def view_with_check_option_support true end end module DatasetMethods BOOL_TRUE = '1'.freeze BOOL_FALSE = '0'.freeze WILDCARD ='%').freeze TOP = " TOP ".freeze START_AT = " START AT ".freeze SQL_WITH_RECURSIVE = "WITH RECURSIVE ".freeze DATE_FUNCTION = 'today()'.freeze NOW_FUNCTION = 'now()'.freeze DATEPART = 'datepart'.freeze REGEXP = 'REGEXP'.freeze NOT_REGEXP = 'NOT REGEXP'.freeze APOS = Dataset::APOS APOS_RE = Dataset::APOS_RE DOUBLE_APOS = Dataset::DOUBLE_APOS BACKSLASH_RE = /\\/.freeze QUAD_BACKSLASH = "\\\\\\\\".freeze BLOB_START = "0x".freeze HSTAR = "H*".freeze CROSS_APPLY = 'CROSS APPLY'.freeze OUTER_APPLY = 'OUTER APPLY'.freeze ONLY_OFFSET = " TOP 2147483647".freeze Dataset.def_sql_method(self, :insert, %w'with insert into columns values') Dataset.def_sql_method(self, :select, %w'with select distinct limit columns into from join where group having order compounds lock') # Whether to convert smallint to boolean arguments for this dataset. # Defaults to the SqlAnywhere module setting. def convert_smallint_to_bool defined?(@convert_smallint_to_bool) ? @convert_smallint_to_bool : (@convert_smallint_to_bool = @db.convert_smallint_to_bool) end # Override the default SqlAnywhere.convert_smallint_to_bool setting for this dataset. attr_writer :convert_smallint_to_bool def supports_cte?(type=:select) type == :select || type == :insert end def supports_multiple_column_in? false end def supports_where_true? false end def supports_is_true? false end def supports_join_using? false end def supports_timestamp_usecs? false end # Uses CROSS APPLY to join the given table into the current dataset. def cross_apply(table) join_table(:cross_apply, table) end # SqlAnywhere requires recursive CTEs to have column aliases. def recursive_cte_requires_column_aliases? true end # SQLAnywhere uses + for string concatenation, and LIKE is case insensitive by default. def complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args) case op when :'||' super(sql, :+, args) when :<<, :>> complex_expression_emulate_append(sql, op, args) when :LIKE, :"NOT LIKE" sql << Sequel::Dataset::PAREN_OPEN literal_append(sql, sql << Sequel::Dataset::SPACE << (op == :LIKE ? REGEXP : NOT_REGEXP) << Sequel::Dataset::SPACE pattern = '' last_c = '' do |c| if c == '_' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '.' elsif c == '%' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '.*' elsif c == '[' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '\[' elsif c == ']' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '\]' elsif c == '*' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '\*' elsif c == '?' and not pattern.end_with?('\\') and last_c != '\\' pattern << '\?' else pattern << c end if c == '\\' and last_c == '\\' last_c = '' else last_c = c end end literal_append(sql, pattern) sql << Sequel::Dataset::ESCAPE literal_append(sql, Sequel::Dataset::BACKSLASH) sql << Sequel::Dataset::PAREN_CLOSE when :ILIKE, :"NOT ILIKE" super(sql, (op == :ILIKE ? :LIKE : :"NOT LIKE"), args) when :extract sql << DATEPART + Sequel::Dataset::PAREN_OPEN literal_append(sql, sql << ',' literal_append(sql, sql << Sequel::Dataset::PAREN_CLOSE else super end end # SqlAnywhere uses \\ to escape metacharacters, but a ']' should not be escaped def escape_like(string) string.gsub(/[\\%_\[]/){|m| "\\#{m}"} end # Use Date() and Now() for CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP def constant_sql_append(sql, constant) case constant when :CURRENT_DATE sql << DATE_FUNCTION when :CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, :CURRENT_TIME sql << NOW_FUNCTION else super end end # Specify a table for a SELECT ... INTO query. def into(table) clone(:into => table) end private # Use 1 for true on Sybase def literal_true BOOL_TRUE end # Use 0 for false on Sybase def literal_false BOOL_FALSE end # SQL fragment for String. Doubles \ and ' by default. def literal_string_append(sql, v) sql << APOS << v.gsub(BACKSLASH_RE, QUAD_BACKSLASH).gsub(APOS_RE, DOUBLE_APOS) << APOS end # SqlAnywhere uses a preceding X for hex escaping strings def literal_blob_append(sql, v) if v.empty? literal_append(sql, "") else sql << BLOB_START << v.unpack(HSTAR).first end end # Sybase supports multiple rows in INSERT. def multi_insert_sql_strategy :values end def select_into_sql(sql) if i = @opts[:into] sql << Sequel::Dataset::INTO identifier_append(sql, i) end end # Sybase uses TOP N for limit. For Sybase TOP (N) is used # to allow the limit to be a bound variable. def select_limit_sql(sql) l = @opts[:limit] o = @opts[:offset] if l || o if l sql << TOP literal_append(sql, l) else sql << ONLY_OFFSET end if o sql << START_AT + "(" literal_append(sql, o) sql << " + 1)" end end end # Use WITH RECURSIVE instead of WITH if any of the CTEs is recursive def select_with_sql_base opts[:with].any?{|w| w[:recursive]} ? SQL_WITH_RECURSIVE : super end def join_type_sql(join_type) case join_type when :cross_apply CROSS_APPLY when :outer_apply OUTER_APPLY else super end end # SQLAnywhere supports millisecond timestamp precision. def timestamp_precision 3 end end end end