### Changelog ### 6.2.2 - Removed `rjust` from `generate_otp` in favor of more time constant version ### 6.2.1 - Removed old rdoc folder that was triggering a security warning due to an old version of JQuery being included in the HTML docs. This has no impact on the Ruby library. ### 6.2.0 - Update to expand compatibility with Ruby 3. This was only a change to the gemspec, no code changes were necessary. ### 6.1.0 - Fixing URI encoding issues again, breaking out into it's own module due to the complexity - closes #100 (@atcruice) - Add docker-compose.yml to help with easier testing ### 6.0.0 - Dropping support for Ruby <2.3 (Major version bump) - Fix issue when using --enable-frozen-string-literal Ruby option #95 (jeremyevans) - URI Encoding fix #94 (ksuh90) - Update gems (rake, addressable) - Update Travis tests to include Ruby 2.7 ### 5.1.0 - Create `random_base32` to perform `random` to avoid breaking changes - Still needed to bump to 5.x due to Base32 cleanup ### 5.0.0 - Clean up base32 implementation to match Google Autheticator - BREAKING `Base32.random_base32` renamed to random - The argument is now byte length vs output string length for more precise bit strengths ### 4.1.0 - Add a digest option to the CLI #83 - Fix provisioning URI is README #82 - Improvements to docs ### 4.0.2 - Fix gemspec requirment for Addressable ### 4.0.1 - Rubocop for style fixes - Replace deprecated URI.encode with Addressable's version #### 4.0.0 - Simplify API - Remove support for Ruby < 2.0 - BREAKING CHANGE: Removed optional second argument (`padding`) from: - `HOTP#at` - `OTP#generate_otp` - `TOTP#at` - `TOTP#now` (first argument) #### 3.3.1 - Add OpenSSL as a requirement for Ruby 2.5. Fixes #70 & #64 - Allow Base32 with padding. #71 - Prevent verify with drift being negative #69 #### 3.3.0 - Add digest algorithm parameter for non SHA1 digests - #62 from @btalbot #### 3.2.0 - Add 'verify_with_drift_and_prior' to prevent prior token use - #58 from @jlfaber #### 3.1.0 - Add Add digits paramater to provisioning URI. #54 from @sbc100 #### 3.0.1 - Use SecureRandom. See mdp/rotp/pull/52 #### 3.0.0 - Provisioning URL includes issuer label per RFC 5234 See mdp/rotp/pull/51 #### 2.1.2 - Remove string literals to prepare immutable strings in Ruby 3.0 #### 2.1.1 - Reorder the params for Windows Phone Authenticator - #43 #### 2.1.0 - Add a CLI for generating OTP's mdp/rotp/pull/35 #### 2.0.0 - Move to only comparing string OTP's. #### 1.7.0 - Move to only comparing string OTP's. See mdp/rotp/issues/32 - Moved to 2.0.0 - yanked from RubyGems #### 1.6.1 - Remove deprecation warning in Ruby 2.1.0 (@ylansegal) - Add Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 to Travis #### 1.6.0 - Add verify_with_retries to HOTP - Fix 'cgi' require and global DEFAULT_INTERVAL #### 1.5.0 - Add support for "issuer" parameter on provisioning url - Add support for "period/interval" parameter on provisioning url #### 1.4.6 - Revert to previous Base32 #### 1.4.5 - Fix and test correct implementation of Base32 #### 1.4.4 - Fix issue with base32 decoding of strings in a length that's not a multiple of 8 #### 1.4.3 - Bugfix on padding #### 1.4.2 - Better padding options (Pad the output with leading 0's) #### 1.4.1 - Clean up drift logic #### 1.4.0 - Added clock drift support via 'verify_with_drift' for TOTP ####1.3.0 - Added support for Ruby 1.9.x - Removed dependency on Base32