require "spec_helper" describe Conekta::Order do include_context "API 2.0.0" let(:customer_info) do { name: "John Constantine", phone: "3353319758", email: "", } end let(:customer_data) do { email: "", name: "John Constantine", cards: ["tok_test_visa_4242"], } end let(:charges) do [{ payment_method: { type: "oxxo_cash", expires_at: ( + 3600).to_i, }, amount: 35000, }] end let(:card_charges) do [{ payment_method: { type: "card", token_id: "tok_test_visa_4242", }, amount: 35000, }] end let(:line_items) do [{ name: "Box of Cohiba S1s", description: "Imported From Mex.", unit_price: 35000, quantity: 1, tags: ["food", "mexican food"], }] end let(:msi_enabled) do { monthly_installments_enabled: true, monthly_installments_options: [3, 6, 12], } end let(:save_card_in_checkout) do { on_demand_enabled: true, } end let(:checkout_data) do { expired_at: ( + 259200).to_i, allowed_payment_methods: ["cash", "card", "bank_transfer"], } end let(:checkout_msi) do checkout_data.merge(msi_enabled) end let(:checkout_save_card) do checkout_data.merge(save_card_in_checkout) end let(:order_data) do { currency: "mxn", line_items: line_items, metadata: { test: true, }, } end let(:order_data_with_charges) do order_data.merge(charges: charges) end let(:order_data_with_card_charges) do order_data.merge(charges: card_charges) end let(:order_data_with_checkout) do order_data.merge(checkout: checkout_data) end let(:order_data_with_checkout_msi) do order_data.merge(checkout: checkout_msi) end let(:order_data_with_checkout_save_card) do order_data.merge(checkout: checkout_save_card) end context "creating orders" do it "successful order create" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) expect(order.metadata["test"]).to eq(true) end it "unsuccessful order create" do expect { Conekta::Order.create({}) }.to raise_error(Conekta::ParameterValidationError) end context "with charges" do it "successful order create" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_charges. merge(customer_info: customer_info)) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) end context "unsuccessful order create" do it "with missing customer_info and customer_id" do expect { Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_charges) }.to raise_error(Conekta::ParameterValidationError) end end end context "with checkout components" do before(:each) do if Conekta.api_base == "" skip("This test should be run in staging.") end end it "successful order create" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_checkout. merge(customer_info: customer_info)) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) expect(order.checkout.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::Checkout") expect( eq("") expect(order.checkout.type).to eq("Integration") expect(order.checkout.monthly_installments_enabled).to eq(false) end context "with checkout components monthly installments create" do it "with missing customer_info and customer_id" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_checkout_msi. merge(customer_info: customer_info)) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) expect(order.checkout.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::Checkout") expect( eq("") expect(order.checkout.type).to eq("Integration") expect(order.checkout.monthly_installments_enabled).to eq(true) end end context "with checkout components save card create" do it "with missing customer_info and customer_id" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_checkout_save_card. merge(customer_info: customer_info)) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) expect(order.checkout.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::Checkout") expect( eq("") expect(order.checkout.type).to eq("Integration") expect(order.checkout.on_demand_enabled).to eq(true) end end end end context "updating orders" do let(:order) { Conekta::Order.create(order_data) } it "successful order update" do order.update(charges: charges, customer_info: customer_info) expect(order.charges).not_to be_empty end it "unsuccessful order update" do expect { order.update(charges: charges) }.to raise_error(Conekta::ParameterValidationError) end end context "creating submodels" do let(:line_item_params) do { name: "Box of Cohiba S1s", description: "Imported From Mex.", unit_price: 35000, quantity: 1, tags: ["food", "mexican food"], } end let(:tax_line_params) do { description: "IVA", amount: 600, } end let(:shipping_line_params) do { description: "Otro Shipping", amount: 40, tracking_number: "TRACK124", carrier: "USPS", method: "Train", } end let(:discount_line_params) do { code: "Cupon de descuento", type: "loyalty", amount: 10, } end let(:charge_params) do { payment_method: { type: "oxxo_cash", expires_at: ( + 3600).to_i, }, amount: 35000, } end let(:shipping_contact_params) do { id: "1jap4jmcjnwh34", email: "", phone: "+5213353319758", receiver: "Marvin Fuller", between_streets: "Ackerman Crescent", address: { street1: "250 Alexis St", city: "Red Deer", state: "Alberta", country: "MX", postal_code: "78219", residential: true, }, } end let(:order) { Conekta::Order.create(order_data) } it "successfully creates charge for order" do other_params = { currency: "mxn", customer_info: { name: "John Constantine", phone: "+5213353319758", email: "", }, } order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data.merge(other_params)) charge = order.create_charge(charge_params) expect(charge.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::Charge") expect(order.charges.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::List") end it "successfully creates line item for order" do line_item = order.create_line_item(line_item_params) expect(line_item.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::LineItem") expect(order.line_items.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::List") end it "successfully creates tax line for order" do tax_line = order.create_tax_line(tax_line_params) new_tax_line = order.create_tax_line(description: "ISR", amount: 2) expect(tax_line.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::TaxLine") expect(order.tax_lines.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::List") expect( eq(2) end it "successfully creates shipping line for order" do shipping_line = order.create_shipping_line(shipping_line_params) expect(shipping_line.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::ShippingLine") expect(order.shipping_lines.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::List") end it "successfully creates discount line for order" do discount_line = order.create_discount_line(discount_line_params) discount_line.update({ amount: 1000 }) expect(discount_line.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::DiscountLine") expect(order.discount_lines.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::List") end it "successfully create shipping contact for order" do shipping_contact = order.create_shipping_contact(shipping_contact_params) expect(shipping_contact.class.to_s).to eq("Conekta::ShippingContact") end end context "get" do it "successfully gets order" do id = Conekta::Order.create(order_data).id order = Conekta::Order.find(id) expect(order).to be_a(Conekta::Order) end it "test successful where" do orders = Conekta::Order.where expect(orders).to be_a(Conekta::List) expect(orders.elements_type).to eq("Order") expect(orders.first).to be_a(Conekta::Order) end end it "successfully captures an order" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_card_charges. merge(customer_info: customer_info, pre_authorize: true)) expect(order.payment_status).to eq("pre_authorized") order.authorize_capture expect(order.payment_status).to eq("paid") end context "refund" do let(:order_refund) do { amount: 35000, reason: "requested_by_client", } end it "test successful refund" do order = Conekta::Order.create(order_data_with_card_charges. merge(customer_info: customer_info). merge(line_items: line_items)) begin order.refund(order_refund) rescue Exception => e puts { |d| d.message } end refunded_order = Conekta::Order.find( expect(refunded_order.payment_status).to eq("refunded") end end end