# frozen_string_literal: true

module Karafka
  # Module containing all Karafka setup related elements like configuration settings,
  # config validations and configurators for external gems integration
  module Setup
    # Configurator for setting up all the framework details that are required to make it work
    # @note If you want to do some configurations after all of this is done, please add to
    #   karafka/config a proper file (needs to inherit from Karafka::Setup::Configurators::Base
    #   and implement setup method) after that everything will happen automatically
    # @note This config object allows to create a 1 level nesting (nodes) only. This should be
    #   enough and will still keep the code simple
    # @see Karafka::Setup::Configurators::Base for more details about configurators api
    class Config
      extend ::Karafka::Core::Configurable

      # Defaults for kafka settings, that will be overwritten only if not present already
        'client.id': 'karafka',
        # We emit the statistics by default, so all the instrumentation and web-ui work out of
        # the box, without requiring users to take any extra actions aside from enabling.
        'statistics.interval.ms': 5_000

      # Contains settings that should not be used in production but make life easier in dev
        # Will create non-existing topics automatically.
        # Note that the broker needs to be configured with `auto.create.topics.enable=true`
        # While it is not recommended in prod, it simplifies work in dev
        'allow.auto.create.topics': 'true',
        # We refresh the cluster state often as newly created topics in dev may not be detected
        # fast enough. Fast enough means within reasonable time to provide decent user experience
        # While it's only a one time thing for new topics, it can still be irritating to have to
        # restart the process.
        'topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms': 5_000

      private_constant :KAFKA_DEFAULTS, :KAFKA_DEV_DEFAULTS

      # Available settings

      # Namespace for Pro version related license management. If you use LGPL, no need to worry
      #   about any of this
      setting :license do
        # option token [String, false] - license token issued when you acquire a Pro license
        # Leave false if using the LGPL version and all is going to work just fine :)
        # @note By using the commercial components, you accept the LICENSE-COMM commercial license
        #   terms and conditions
        setting :token, default: false
        # option entity [String] for whom we did issue the license
        setting :entity, default: ''

      # option client_id [String] kafka client_id - used to provide
      #   default Kafka groups namespaces and identify that app in kafka
      setting :client_id, default: 'karafka'
      # option logger [Instance] logger that we want to use
      setting :logger, default: ::Karafka::Instrumentation::Logger.new
      # option monitor [Instance] monitor that we will to use (defaults to Karafka::Monitor)
      setting :monitor, default: ::Karafka::Instrumentation::Monitor.new
      # Mapper used to remap consumer groups ids, so in case users migrate from other tools
      # or they need to maintain their own internal consumer group naming conventions, they
      # can easily do it, replacing the default client_id + consumer name pattern concept
      setting :consumer_mapper, default: Routing::ConsumerMapper.new
      # option [Boolean] should we reload consumers with each incoming batch thus effectively
      # supporting code reload (if someone reloads code) or should we keep the persistence
      setting :consumer_persistence, default: true
      # Default deserializer for converting incoming data into ruby objects
      setting :deserializer, default: Karafka::Serialization::Json::Deserializer.new
      # option [String] should we start with the earliest possible offset or latest
      # This will set the `auto.offset.reset` value unless present in the kafka scope
      setting :initial_offset, default: 'earliest'
      # options max_messages [Integer] how many messages do we want to fetch from Kafka in one go
      setting :max_messages, default: 100
      # option [Integer] number of milliseconds we can wait while fetching data
      setting :max_wait_time, default: 1_000
      # option shutdown_timeout [Integer] the number of milliseconds after which Karafka no
      #   longer waits for the consumers to stop gracefully but instead we force terminate
      #   everything.
      setting :shutdown_timeout, default: 60_000
      # option [Integer] number of threads in which we want to do parallel processing
      setting :concurrency, default: 5
      # option [Integer] how long should we wait upon processing error (milliseconds)
      setting :pause_timeout, default: 1_000
      # option [Integer] what is the max timeout in case of an exponential backoff (milliseconds)
      setting :pause_max_timeout, default: 30_000
      # option [Boolean] should we use exponential backoff
      setting :pause_with_exponential_backoff, default: true
      # option [::WaterDrop::Producer, nil]
      # Unless configured, will be created once Karafka is configured based on user Karafka setup
      setting :producer, default: nil

      # rdkafka default options
      # @see https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md
      setting :kafka, default: {}

      # Namespace for internal settings that should not be modified directly
      setting :internal do
        # option status [Karafka::Status] app status
        setting :status, default: Status.new
        # option process [Karafka::Process] process status
        # @note In the future, we need to have a single process representation for all the karafka
        #   instances
        setting :process, default: Process.new

        setting :routing do
          # option builder [Karafka::Routing::Builder] builder instance
          setting :builder, default: Routing::Builder.new
          # option subscription_groups_builder [Routing::SubscriptionGroupsBuilder] subscription
          #   group builder
          setting :subscription_groups_builder, default: Routing::SubscriptionGroupsBuilder.new

          # Internally assigned list of limits on routings active for the current process
          # This should be overwritten by the CLI command
          setting :active do
            setting :consumer_groups, default: [].freeze
            setting :subscription_groups, default: [].freeze
            setting :topics, default: [].freeze

        setting :processing do
          # option scheduler [Object] scheduler we will be using
          setting :scheduler, default: Processing::Scheduler.new
          # option jobs_builder [Object] jobs builder we want to use
          setting :jobs_builder, default: Processing::JobsBuilder.new
          # option coordinator [Class] work coordinator we want to user for processing coordination
          setting :coordinator_class, default: Processing::Coordinator
          # option partitioner_class [Class] partitioner we use against a batch of data
          setting :partitioner_class, default: Processing::Partitioner
          # option strategy_selector [Object] processing strategy selector to be used
          setting :strategy_selector, default: Processing::StrategySelector.new

        # Things related to operating on messages
        setting :messages do
          # Parser is used to convert raw payload prior to deserialization
          setting :parser, default: Messages::Parser.new

        # Karafka components for ActiveJob
        setting :active_job do
          # option dispatcher [Karafka::ActiveJob::Dispatcher] default dispatcher for ActiveJob
          setting :dispatcher, default: ActiveJob::Dispatcher.new
          # option job_options_contract [Karafka::Contracts::JobOptionsContract] contract for
          #   ensuring, that extra job options defined are valid
          setting :job_options_contract, default: ActiveJob::JobOptionsContract.new
          # option consumer [Class] consumer class that should be used to consume ActiveJob data
          setting :consumer_class, default: ActiveJob::Consumer

      # This will load all the defaults that can be later overwritten.
      # Thanks to that we have an initial state out of the box.

      class << self
        # Configuring method
        # @param block [Proc] block we want to execute with the config instance
        def setup(&block)
          # Will prepare and verify license if present
          # Will configure all the pro components
          # This needs to happen before end user configuration as the end user may overwrite some
          # of the pro defaults with custom components
          Pro::Loader.pre_setup(config) if Karafka.pro?




          # Runs things that need to be executed after config is defined and all the components
          # are also configured
          Pro::Loader.post_setup(config) if Karafka.pro?



        # Propagates the kafka setting defaults unless they are already present
        # This makes it easier to set some values that users usually don't change but still allows
        # them to overwrite the whole hash if they want to
        # @param config [Karafka::Core::Configurable::Node] config of this producer
        def merge_kafka_defaults!(config)
          KAFKA_DEFAULTS.each do |key, value|
            next if config.kafka.key?(key)

            config.kafka[key] = value

          return if Karafka::App.env.production?

          KAFKA_DEV_DEFAULTS.each do |key, value|
            next if config.kafka.key?(key)

            config.kafka[key] = value

        # Sets up all the components that are based on the user configuration
        # @note At the moment it is only WaterDrop
        def configure_components
          config.producer ||= ::WaterDrop::Producer.new do |producer_config|
            # In some cases WaterDrop updates the config and we don't want our consumer config to
            # be polluted by those updates, that's why we copy
            producer_config.kafka = AttributesMap.producer(config.kafka.dup)
            producer_config.logger = config.logger