# frozen_string_literal: true require "net/http" require "json" require_relative "../../gitlab/dangerfiles/changes" require_relative "../../gitlab/dangerfiles/config" require_relative "../../gitlab/dangerfiles/teammate" require_relative "../../gitlab/dangerfiles/title_linting" module Danger # Common helper functions for our danger scripts. class Helper < Danger::Plugin RELEASE_TOOLS_BOT = "gitlab-release-tools-bot" CATEGORY_LABELS = { docs: "~documentation", # Docs are reviewed along DevOps stages, so don't need roulette for now. none: "", qa: "~QA", test: "~test ~Quality for `spec/features/*`", # Deprecated as of 2.3.0 in favor of tooling engineering_productivity: '~"Engineering Productivity" for CI, Danger', tooling: "~tooling for CI, Danger", ci_template: '~"ci::templates"', product_intelligence: '~"product intelligence"', }.freeze # Allows to set specific rule's configuration by passing a block. # # @yield [c] Yield a Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config object # # @yieldparam [Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config] The Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config object # @yieldreturn [Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config] The Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config object # # @example # helper.config do |config| # config.code_size_thresholds = { high: 42, medium: 12 } # end # # @return [Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config] def config (@config ||= Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Config.new).tap do |c| yield c if block_given? end end # @example # <a href='https://gitlab.com/artsy/eigen/blob/561827e46167077b5e53515b4b7349b8ae04610b/file.txt'>file.txt</a> # # @param [String, Array<String>] paths # A list of strings to convert to gitlab anchors # @param [Boolean] full_path # Shows the full path as the link's text, defaults to +true+. # # @see https://danger.systems/reference.html Danger reference where #html_link is described # @see https://github.com/danger/danger/blob/eca19719d3e585fe1cc46bc5377f9aa955ebf609/lib/danger/danger_core/plugins/dangerfile_gitlab_plugin.rb#L216 Danger reference where #html_link is implemented # # @return [String] a list of HTML anchors for a file, or multiple files def html_link(paths, full_path: true) ci? ? gitlab_helper.html_link(paths, full_path: full_path) : paths end # @return [Boolean] whether we're in the CI context or not. def ci? !gitlab_helper.nil? end # @return [Array<String>] a list of filenames added in this MR. def added_files @added_files ||= if changes_from_api changes_from_api.select { |file| file["new_file"] }.map { |file| file["new_path"] } else git.added_files.to_a end end # @return [Array<String>] a list of filenames modifier in this MR. def modified_files @modified_files ||= if changes_from_api changes_from_api.select { |file| !file["new_file"] && !file["deleted_file"] && !file["renamed_file"] }.map { |file| file["new_path"] } else git.modified_files.to_a end end # @return [Array<String>] a list of filenames renamed in this MR. def renamed_files @renamed_files ||= if changes_from_api changes_from_api.select { |file| file["renamed_file"] }.each_with_object([]) do |file, memo| memo << { before: file["old_path"], after: file["new_path"] } end else git.renamed_files.to_a end end # @return [Array<String>] a list of filenames deleted in this MR. def deleted_files @deleted_files ||= if changes_from_api changes_from_api.select { |file| file["deleted_file"] }.map { |file| file["new_path"] } else git.deleted_files.to_a end end # @example # # Considering these changes: # # - A new_file.rb # # - D deleted_file.rb # # - M modified_file.rb # # - R renamed_file_before.rb -> renamed_file_after.rb # # it will return: # # #=> ['new_file.rb', 'modified_file.rb', 'renamed_file_after.rb'] # # # @return [Array<String>] a list of all files that have been added, modified or renamed. # +modified_files+ might contain paths that already have been renamed, # so we need to remove them from the list. def all_changed_files Set.new .merge(added_files) .merge(modified_files) .merge(renamed_files.map { |x| x[:after] }) .subtract(renamed_files.map { |x| x[:before] }) .to_a .sort end # @param filename [String] A file name for which we want the diff. # # @example # # Considering changing a line in lib/gitlab/usage_data.rb, it will return: # # ["--- a/lib/gitlab/usage_data.rb", # "+++ b/lib/gitlab/usage_data.rb", # "+ # Test change", # "- # Old change"] # # @return [Array<String>] an array of changed lines in Git diff format. def changed_lines(filename) diff = diff_for_file(filename) return [] unless diff diff.split("\n").select { |line| %r{^[+-]}.match?(line) } end def release_automation? gitlab_helper&.mr_author == RELEASE_TOOLS_BOT end # @param items [Array<String>] An array of items to transform into a bullet list. # # @example # markdown_list(%w[foo bar]) # # => * foo # * bar # # @return [String] a bullet list for the given +items+. If there are more than 10 items, wrap the list in a +<details></details>+ block. def markdown_list(items) list = items.map { |item| "* `#{item}`" }.join("\n") if items.size > 10 "\n<details>\n\n#{list}\n\n</details>\n" else list end end # @param categories [{Regexp => Array<Symbol>}, {Array<Regexp> => Array<Symbol>}] A hash of the form +{ filename_regex => categories, [filename_regex, changes_regex] => categories }+. # +filename_regex+ is the regex pattern to match file names. +changes_regex+ is the regex pattern to # match changed lines in files that match +filename_regex+ # # @return [{Symbol => Array<String>}] a hash of the type +{ category1: ["file1", "file2"], category2: ["file3", "file4"] }+ # using filename regex (+filename_regex+) and specific change regex (+changes_regex+) from the given +categories+ hash. def changes_by_category(categories) all_changed_files.each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) do |file, hash| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| hash[category] << file } end end # @param categories [{Regexp => Array<Symbol>}, {Array<Regexp> => Array<Symbol>}] A hash of the form +{ filename_regex => categories, [filename_regex, changes_regex] => categories }+. # +filename_regex+ is the regex pattern to match file names. +changes_regex+ is the regex pattern to # match changed lines in files that match +filename_regex+ # # @return [Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Changes] a +Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Changes+ object that represents the changes of an MR # using filename regex (+filename_regex+) and specific change regex (+changes_regex+) from the given +categories+ hash. def changes(categories) Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Changes.new([]).tap do |changes| added_files.each do |file| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| changes << Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Change.new(file, :added, category) } end modified_files.each do |file| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| changes << Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Change.new(file, :modified, category) } end deleted_files.each do |file| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| changes << Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Change.new(file, :deleted, category) } end renamed_files.map { |x| x[:before] }.each do |file| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| changes << Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Change.new(file, :renamed_before, category) } end renamed_files.map { |x| x[:after] }.each do |file| categories_for_file(file, categories).each { |category| changes << Gitlab::Dangerfiles::Change.new(file, :renamed_after, category) } end end end # @param filename [String] A file name. # @param categories [{Regexp => Array<Symbol>}, {Array<Regexp> => Array<Symbol>}] A hash of the form +{ filename_regex => categories, [filename_regex, changes_regex] => categories }+. # +filename_regex+ is the regex pattern to match file names. +changes_regex+ is the regex pattern to # match changed lines in files that match +filename_regex+ # # @return [Array<Symbol>] the categories a file is in, e.g., +[:frontend]+, +[:backend]+, or +%i[frontend tooling]+ # using filename regex (+filename_regex+) and specific change regex (+changes_regex+) from the given +categories+ hash. def categories_for_file(filename, categories) _, categories = categories.find do |key, _| filename_regex, changes_regex = Array(key) found = filename_regex.match?(filename) found &&= changed_lines(filename).any? { |changed_line| changes_regex.match?(changed_line) } if changes_regex found end Array(categories || :unknown) end # @param category [Symbol] A category. # # @return [String] the GFM for a category label, making its best guess if it's not # a category we know about. def label_for_category(category) CATEGORY_LABELS.fetch(category, "~#{category}") end # @return [String] +""+ when not in the CI context, and the MR IID as a string otherwise. def mr_iid return "" unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_json["iid"].to_s end # @return [String] +`whoami`+ when not in the CI context, and the MR author username otherwise. def mr_author return `whoami`.strip unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_author end # @return [String] +""+ when not in the CI context, and the MR title otherwise. def mr_title return "" unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_json["title"] end # @return [String] +""+ when not in the CI context, and the MR URL otherwise. def mr_web_url return "" unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_json["web_url"] end # @return [Array<String>] +[]+ when not in the CI context, and the MR labels otherwise. def mr_labels return [] unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_labels end # @return [String] +`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`+ when not in the CI context, and the MR source branch otherwise. def mr_source_branch return `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_json["source_branch"] end # @return [String] +""+ when not in the CI context, and the MR target branch otherwise. def mr_target_branch return "" unless ci? gitlab_helper.mr_json["target_branch"] end # @return [Boolean] +true+ when not in the CI context, and whether the MR is set to be squashed otherwise. def squash_mr? return true unless ci? gitlab.mr_json["squash"] end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR is a Draft or not. def draft_mr? return false unless ci? gitlab.mr_json["work_in_progress"] end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR is opened in the security mirror or not. def security_mr? mr_web_url.include?("/gitlab-org/security/") end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR title includes "cherry-pick" or not. def cherry_pick_mr? Gitlab::Dangerfiles::TitleLinting.has_cherry_pick_flag?(mr_title) end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR title includes "RUN ALL RSPEC" or not. def run_all_rspec_mr? Gitlab::Dangerfiles::TitleLinting.has_run_all_rspec_flag?(mr_title) end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR title includes "RUN AS-IF-FOSS" or not. def run_as_if_foss_mr? Gitlab::Dangerfiles::TitleLinting.has_run_as_if_foss_flag?(mr_title) end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR targets a stable branch or not. def stable_branch? /\A\d+-\d+-stable-ee/i.match?(mr_target_branch) end # Whether a MR has any database-scoped labels (i.e. +"database::*"+) set or not. # # @return [Boolean] def has_database_scoped_labels? mr_labels.any? { |label| label.start_with?("database::") } end # @return [Boolean] whether a MR has any CI-related changes (i.e. +".gitlab-ci.yml"+ or +".gitlab/ci/*"+) or not. def has_ci_changes? changed_files(%r{\A(\.gitlab-ci\.yml|\.gitlab/ci/)}).any? end # @param labels [Array<String>] An array of labels. # # @return [Boolean] whether a MR has the given +labels+ set or not. def mr_has_labels?(*labels) labels = labels.flatten.uniq (labels & mr_labels) == labels end # @param labels [Array<String>] An array of labels. # @param sep [String] A separator. # # @example # labels_list(["foo", "bar baz"], sep: "; ") # # => '~"foo"; ~"bar baz"' # # @return [String] the list of +labels+ ready for being used in a Markdown comment, separated by +sep+. def labels_list(labels, sep: ", ") labels.map { |label| %Q{~"#{label}"} }.join(sep) end # @deprecated Use {#quick_action_label} instead. def prepare_labels_for_mr(labels) quick_action_label(labels) end # @param labels [Array<String>] An array of labels. # # @example # quick_action_label(["foo", "bar baz"]) # # => '/label ~"foo" ~"bar baz"' # # @return [String] a quick action to set the +given+ labels. Returns +""+ if +labels+ is empty. def quick_action_label(labels) return "" unless labels.any? "/label #{labels_list(labels, sep: " ")}" end # @param regex [Regexp] A Regexp to match against. # # @return [Array<String>] changed files matching the given +regex+. def changed_files(regex) all_changed_files.grep(regex) end # @return [Array<String>] the group labels (i.e. +"group::*"+) set on the MR. def group_label mr_labels.find { |label| label.start_with?("group::") } end private # @return [Danger::RequestSources::GitLab, nil] the +gitlab+ helper, or +nil+ when it's not available. def gitlab_helper # Unfortunately the following does not work: # - respond_to?(:gitlab) # - respond_to?(:gitlab, true) gitlab rescue NoMethodError nil end # @param filename [String] A filename for which we want the diff. # # @return [String] the raw diff as a string for the given +filename+. def diff_for_file(filename) if changes_from_api changes_hash = changes_from_api.find { |file| file["new_path"] == filename } changes_hash["diff"] if changes_hash else git.diff_for_file(filename)&.patch end end # Fetches MR changes from the API instead of Git (default). # # @return [Array<Hash>, nil] def changes_from_api return nil unless ci? return nil if defined?(@force_changes_from_git) @changes_from_api ||= gitlab_helper.mr_changes rescue # Fallback to the Git strategy in any case @force_changes_from_git = true nil end end end