module Picky Infinity = 1.0/0 # Handles processing over multiple cores. # class Cores # :nodoc:all # Pass it an ary. # # ary = (1..10).to_a # forked ary, :max => 5 do |element| # # end # # Options include: # * max: Maximum # of processors to use. Default is all it can get. # * amount: An exactly defined amount of processors to use. # * randomly: Whether to use random order or not. # def self.forked elements, options = {}, &block return if elements.empty? raise "Block argument needed when running Cores.forked" unless block_given? # Note: Not using a generator because Enumerator#each # is exhibiting problems in some Rubies on some OSs # (see e.g. # elements = elements.dup elements = elements.sort_by { rand } if options[:randomly] # Get the maximum number of processors. # max = max_processors options # Decide whether to use forking. # if fork?(max) processing = 0 loop do while processing < max # Get the next element # element = elements.shift break unless element processing += 1 # Fork and yield. # Process.fork do sleep 0.05*processing element end end # Block and wait for any child to finish. # begin Process.wait 0 rescue Errno::ECHILD => e break ensure processing -= 1 end end else elements.each &block end end # Do not fork if there is just one processor, # or as in Windows, if there isn't the # possibility of forking. # def self.fork? max_processors max_processors > 1 && Process.respond_to?(:fork) end # Return the number of maximum usable processors. # # Options # max: The maximum amount of cores used. # def self.max_processors options = {} options[:amount] || [number_of_cores, (options[:max] || Infinity)].min end # Gets the number of cores depending on OS. # def self.number_of_cores extract_cores_for actual_platform end # Extracts the platform os from the platform. # # Note: Could also use 'rbconfig'. # def self.actual_platform matched = platform.match(/-\b([a-z]*)/) matched && matched[1] end # Returns a mapping # os_name => lambda_which_returns_a_number_of_cores # @@number_of_cores = { 'darwin' => lambda { `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i 'Total Number [oO]f Cores'`.gsub(/[^\d]/, '') }, 'linux' => lambda { `grep -ci ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` } } def self.os_to_core_mapping @@number_of_cores end # Extracts the number of cores for the given os name. # # Note: Default is 1. # def self.extract_cores_for os code_to_execute = os_to_core_mapping[os] code_to_execute && || 1 end def self.platform RUBY_PLATFORM end end end