class ProtocAdapter attr_reader :src_path, :dst_path, :swagger_out_path attr_reader :twirp_plugin_path, :swagger_plugin_path, :protoc_path def initialize(src_path, dst_path, swagger_out_path = nil) @src_path = src_path @dst_path = dst_path @swagger_out_path = swagger_out_path go_path = ENV.fetch('GOPATH') { File.expand_path('~/go') } go_bin_path = File.join(go_path, 'bin') @twirp_plugin_path = ENV.fetch('TWIRP_PLUGIN_PATH') { File.join(go_bin_path, 'protoc-gen-twirp_ruby') } @swagger_plugin_path = ENV.fetch('SWAGGER_PLUGIN_PATH') { File.join(go_bin_path, 'protoc-gen-twirp_swagger') } @protoc_path = `which protoc`.chomp end def rm_old_twirp_files return unless File.exists? dst_path remove_mask = File.join dst_path, '**/*_{twirp,pb}.rb' files_to_remove = Dir.glob remove_mask return if files_to_remove.empty? files_to_remove.each do |file| File.unlink file end end def cmd(files, gen_swagger) "#{protoc_path} #{flags(gen_swagger)} #{files}" end def check_requirements(check_swagger: false) unless File.exist?(protoc_path) yield 'protoc not found - install protobuf (brew/apt/yum install protobuf)' end unless File.exist?(twirp_plugin_path) yield <<~TEXT protoc-gen-twirp_ruby not found - install go (brew install go) and run "go get or set TWIRP_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to right location. TEXT end if check_swagger && !File.exist?(swagger_plugin_path) yield <<~TEXT protoc-gen-twirp_swagger not found - install go (brew install go) and run "go get or set SWAGGER_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to right location. TEXT end end private def flags(gen_swagger) [].tap do |flags| flags << "--proto_path=#{src_path}" flags << "--ruby_out=#{dst_path}" flags << "--twirp_ruby_out=#{dst_path}" flags << "--plugin=#{twirp_plugin_path}" if gen_swagger flags << "--plugin=#{swagger_plugin_path}" flags << "--twirp_swagger_out=#{swagger_out_path}" end end.join(' ') end end