module Boilerman module Actions METADATA_KEYS = [:_non_existant_route, :_method_conditionals, :_proc_conditionals, :_weird_controller] def self.get_action_hash(filters={}) controller_filters = filters[:controller_filters] || [] with_actions = filters[:with_actions] || [] without_actions = filters[:without_actions] || [] with_filters = filters[:with_filters] || [] without_filters = filters[:without_filters] || [] ignore_filters = filters[:ignore_filters] || [] ignore_actions = filters[:ignore_actions] || [] # Biggie Smalls... Biggie Smalls... Biggie Smalls.... routes = do |route| # Select routes that point to a specific controller and action. Also # ignore routes that just redirect route.defaults.key?(:controller) && !route.defaults.empty? && != ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirect end # We only care about the defaults which will give us an array of # controller/action hashes. We're also going to rearrange things a bit so # that the controller is the key and the value is another hash that # represent each action and it's corresponding filters. This will look # like: # # {:controler_name1 => {"action1" => [filter1, filter2, ... , filterN]}} controller_action_hash = build_controller_action_list(routes) filter_list = build_filter_list(controller_action_hash) # controller_filters unless controller_filters.empty?! do |controller, _| METADATA_KEYS.include?(controller) || include_controller?(controller_filters, controller.to_s) end end # ignore_actions unless ignore_actions.empty? filter_list = filter_list.inject( do |new_results, (controller, actions)| new_results[controller] = actions.reject{|action, filter| ignore_actions.include?(action) } new_results end end # ignore_filters unless ignore_filters.empty? filter_list = filter_list.inject( do |new_results, (controller, actions)| # FIXME Is this idiomatic Ruby code? Feels a bit icky to me. # Mapping over a hash turns it into a 2D array so we need to # turn it back into a hash using the Hash[] syntax. new_results[controller] = Hash[ do |action, filters| [action, filters.reject{|filter| ignore_filters.include?(filter.to_s)}] end] new_results end end # without_filters unless without_filters.empty? filter_list = filter_list.inject( do |new_results, (controller, actions)| new_results[controller] ={|action, filters| (without_filters & filters).empty? } new_results end end # with_filters unless with_filters.empty? filter_list = filter_list.inject( do |new_results, (controller, actions)| new_results[controller] ={|action, filters| (with_filters - filters).empty? } new_results end end filter_list #if !with_actions.empty? && !without_actions.empty? ## This means that both with_actions AND without_actions were specified #next route_hash if without_actions.include?(defaults[:action]) #next route_hash if !with_actions.include?(defaults[:action]) #elsif with_actions.empty? ## This means that just without_actions filtering was specified #next route_hash if without_actions.include?(defaults[:action]) #elsif without_actions.empty? ## This means that just with_action filtering was specified #next route_hash if !with_actions.include?(defaults[:action]) #end end private # Returns an array of strings as controller actions def self.actions_from_conditional(conditionals) unless conditionals.empty? do |conditional| conditional.scan(/'(.+?)'/).flatten end.flatten else return end end # Only skip and call next if the controller_filters list isn't empty # AND the controller we're looking at is NOT in the filters. def self.include_controller?(filters, controller) return true if filters.empty? filters.each do |filter| # check if the provided filter is a substring of the controller return true if controller.downcase.include?(filter.downcase) end return false end def self.build_controller_action_list(routes) routes.inject( do |route_hash, route| defaults = route.defaults begin # This is what Rails does to get from a String to an object we can # call methods on. Note that a NameError will get thrown if the class # doesn't exist in the app. # # See actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:67 # # Progression goes something like this: # bank_accounts => BankAccounts => BankAccountsController controller = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constantize("#{ defaults[:controller].camelize }Controller") rescue NameError # This error will get thrown if there is a route in config/routes.rb # that points to a controller that doesn't actually exist. route_hash[:_non_existant_route] ||= [] # Keep a record of this in the form of "BankAccountsController#index" # so we can notify the user route_hash[:_non_existant_route] << "#{ defaults[:controller].camelize }Controller##{ defaults[:action] }" next route_hash # On to the next route since we don't have a controller to process end route_hash[controller] ||= [] # we don't want duplicate actions in our array (this happens for PUT/PATCH routes route_hash[controller] << defaults[:action] unless route_hash[controller].include? defaults[:action] route_hash end end def self.build_filter_list(controller_action_hash) controller_action_filter_hash = {} # Initialize the return hash controller_action_hash.each do |controller, actions| controller_action_filter_hash[controller] = {} # With our controller_action_filter_hash being a nested hash, we want # to initialize each action hash with an empty array so we can use << # in the upcoming code. actions.each do |action| controller_action_filter_hash[controller][action] = [] end end # Initialize metadata keys. # # _proc_conditionals: keeps track of filters that call Procs to # decide whether or not a filter will be applied to an action. # # _method_conditionals: keeps track of filters that call methods within # the controller to decide whether or not a filter will be applied to an # action. controller_action_filter_hash[:_proc_conditionals] = {} controller_action_filter_hash[:_method_conditionals] = {} # All right, now we have a mapping of routable controllers and actions in # the application. Let's collect the before_actions that get run on each # controller action. controller_action_hash.each do |controller, actions| unless controller.respond_to?(:_process_action_callbacks) #FIXME: change this metadata key name controller_action_filter_hash[:_weird_controller] ||= [] controller_action_filter_hash[:_weird_controller] << controller next end # We only care about before_actions{|c| c.kind == :before}.each do |callback| # There is a slight disparity in the way conditional before_actions # are handled between Rails 3.2 and 4.x so we need to take this into # consideration here. # RAILS 3.2 if callback.instance_variables.include?(:@options) options = callback.instance_variable_get(:@options) if_call, unless_call = options[:if], options[:unless] else # RAILS 4.x if_call, unless_call = callback.instance_variable_get(:@if), callback.instance_variable_get(:@unless) end # Keep track of before_actions that rely on Procs. Since we can't # really handle this in our code, we keep it in a metadata key and # present it to the user so they can check up on it themselves. if if_call.first.is_a?(Proc) || unless_call.first.is_a?(Proc) controller_action_filter_hash[:_proc_conditionals][controller] ||= [] controller_action_filter_hash[:_proc_conditionals][controller] << callback.filter.to_s next end # Go through and process each condition if if_call.empty? && unless_call.empty? actions.each do |action| controller_action_filter_hash[controller][action] << callback.filter.to_s end elsif !if_call.empty? # before_(filter|action) only: [:foo, :bar, :baz] actions_to_filter ={|call| call.is_a?(Symbol)} actions_to_filter << actions_from_conditional({|call| call.is_a?(String)}) actions_to_filter.flatten! unless actions_to_filter.empty? actions_to_filter.compact! unless actions_to_filter.empty? actions_to_filter.each do |action| next unless actions.include?(action) controller_action_filter_hash[controller][action] << callback.filter.to_s end elsif !unless_call.empty? # before_(filter|action) unless: [:qux] # Get all the symbols first unless_actions ={|call| call.is_a?(Symbol)} # Now process any Array based conditionas unless_actions << actions_from_conditional({|call| call.is_a?(String)}) unless_actions.flatten! unless unless_actions.empty? unless_actions.compact! unless unless_actions.empty? # If the unless conditional isn't an action we won't include it because # similar to the proces this filter relies on the true/false output of a # method if (actions & unless_actions).empty? controller_action_filter_hash[:_method_conditionals][controller] ||= [] controller_action_filter_hash[:_method_conditionals][controller] << {filter: callback.filter.to_s, conditional: unless_actions} next end actions.reject{|a| unless_actions.include?(a)}.each do |action| controller_action_filter_hash[controller][action] << callback.filter.to_s end end end end controller_action_filter_hash end end end