# This is extended as class level into Datatable module Effective module EffectiveDatatable module Options def initialize_options @table_columns = initialize_column_options(@table_columns) end protected def initialize_column_options(cols) sql_table = (collection.table rescue nil) # Here we identify all belongs_to associations and build up a Hash like: # {user: {foreign_key: 'user_id', klass: User}, order: {foreign_key: 'order_id', klass: Effective::Order}} belong_tos = (collection.klass.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to) rescue []).inject({}) do |retval, bt| if bt.options[:polymorphic] retval[bt.name.to_s] = {foreign_key: bt.foreign_key, klass: bt.name, polymorphic: true} else klass = bt.klass || (bt.foreign_type.sub('_type', '').classify.constantize rescue nil) retval[bt.name.to_s] = {foreign_key: bt.foreign_key, klass: klass} if bt.foreign_key.present? && klass.present? end retval end # has_manys has_manys = (collection.klass.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many) rescue []).inject({}) do |retval, hm| klass = hm.klass || (hm.build_association({}).class) retval[hm.name.to_s] = {klass: klass} retval end table_columns = cols.each_with_index do |(name, _), index| # If this is a belongs_to, add an :if clause specifying a collection scope if if belong_tos.key?(name) cols[name][:if] ||= Proc.new { attributes[belong_tos[name][:foreign_key]].blank? } end sql_column = (collection.columns rescue []).find do |column| column.name == name.to_s || (belong_tos.key?(name) && column.name == belong_tos[name][:foreign_key]) end cols[name][:array_column] ||= false cols[name][:array_index] = index # The index of this column in the collection, regardless of hidden table_columns cols[name][:name] ||= name cols[name][:label] ||= name.titleize cols[name][:column] ||= (sql_table && sql_column) ? "\"#{sql_table.name}\".\"#{sql_column.name}\"" : name cols[name][:width] ||= nil cols[name][:sortable] = true if cols[name][:sortable].nil? cols[name][:visible] = true if cols[name][:visible].nil? # Type cols[name][:type] ||= cols[name][:as] # Use as: or type: interchangeably cols[name][:type] ||= ( if belong_tos.key?(name) if belong_tos[name][:polymorphic] :belongs_to_polymorphic else :belongs_to end elsif has_manys.key?(name) :has_many elsif name.include?('_address') && (collection_class.new rescue nil).respond_to?(:effective_addresses) :effective_address elsif sql_column.try(:type).present? sql_column.type else :string # When in doubt end ) cols[name][:class] = "col-#{cols[name][:type]} col-#{name} #{cols[name][:class]}".strip # We can't really sort a HasMany or EffectiveAddress field if [:has_many, :effective_address].include?(cols[name][:type]) cols[name][:sortable] = false end # EffectiveObfuscation if name == 'id' && defined?(EffectiveObfuscation) && collection.respond_to?(:deobfuscate) cols[name][:sortable] = false cols[name][:type] = :obfuscated_id end # EffectiveRoles, if you do table_column :roles, everything just works if name == 'roles' && defined?(EffectiveRoles) && collection.respond_to?(:with_role) cols[name][:sortable] = true cols[name][:column] = sql_table.present? ? "\"#{sql_table.name}\".\"roles_mask\"" : name cols[name][:type] = :effective_roles end if sql_table.present? && sql_column.blank? # This is a SELECT AS column cols[name][:sql_as_column] = true end cols[name][:filter] = initialize_table_column_filter(cols[name], belong_tos[name], has_manys[name]) if cols[name][:partial] cols[name][:partial_local] ||= (sql_table.try(:name) || cols[name][:partial].split('/').last(2).first.presence || 'obj').singularize.to_sym end end # After everything is initialized # Compute any col[:if] and assign an index table_columns.select do |_, col| col[:if] == nil || (col[:if].respond_to?(:call) ? (view || self).instance_exec(&col[:if]) : col[:if]) end.each_with_index { |(_, col), index| col[:index] = index } end def initialize_table_column_filter(column, belongs_to, has_many) filter = column[:filter] col_type = column[:type] sql_column = column[:column].to_s.upcase return {type: :null} if filter == false filter = {type: filter.to_sym} if filter.kind_of?(String) filter = {} unless filter.kind_of?(Hash) # This is a fix for passing filter[:selected] == false, it needs to be 'false' filter[:selected] = filter[:selected].to_s unless filter[:selected].nil? # If you pass values, just assume it's a select filter[:type] ||= :select if filter.key?(:values) && col_type != :belongs_to_polymorphic # Check if this is an aggregate column if ['SUM(', 'COUNT(', 'MAX(', 'MIN(', 'AVG('].any? { |str| sql_column.include?(str) } filter[:sql_operation] = :having end case col_type when :belongs_to { type: :select, values: ( if belongs_to[:klass].respond_to?(:datatables_filter) Proc.new { belongs_to[:klass].datatables_filter } else Proc.new { belongs_to[:klass].all.map { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.id] }.sort { |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } } end ) } when :belongs_to_polymorphic {type: :grouped_select, values: {}} when :has_many { type: :select, multiple: true, values: ( if has_many[:klass].respond_to?(:datatables_filter) Proc.new { has_many[:klass].datatables_filter } else Proc.new { has_many[:klass].all.map { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.id] }.sort { |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } } end ) } when :effective_address {type: :string} when :effective_roles {type: :select, values: EffectiveRoles.roles} when :integer {type: :number} when :boolean if EffectiveDatatables.boolean_format == :yes_no {type: :boolean, values: [['Yes', true], ['No', false]] } else {type: :boolean, values: [['true', true], ['false', false]] } end when :datetime {type: :datetime} when :date {type: :date} else {type: :string} end.merge(filter.symbolize_keys) end end end end