# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/config/error' unless {}.respond_to?(:dig) begin # backport_dig is faster than dig_rb so prefer backport_dig. require 'backport_dig' rescue LoadError require 'dig_rb' end end module Fluent module PluginHelper module RecordAccessor def record_accessor_create(param) Accessor.new(param) end def record_accessor_nested?(param) Accessor.parse_parameter(param).is_a?(Array) end class Accessor attr_reader :keys def initialize(param) @keys = Accessor.parse_parameter(param) if @keys.is_a?(Array) @last_key = @keys.last @dig_keys = @keys[0..-2] if @dig_keys.empty? @keys = @keys.first else mcall = method(:call_dig) mdelete = method(:delete_nest) singleton_class.module_eval do define_method(:call, mcall) define_method(:delete, mdelete) end end end end def call(r) r[@keys] end # To optimize the performance, use class_eval with pre-expanding @keys # See https://gist.github.com/repeatedly/ab553ed260cd080bd01ec71da9427312 def call_dig(r) r.dig(*@keys) end def delete(r) r.delete(@keys) end def delete_nest(r) if target = r.dig(*@dig_keys) if target.is_a?(Array) target.delete_at(@last_key) else target.delete(@last_key) end end rescue nil end def self.parse_parameter(param) if param.start_with?('$.') parse_dot_notation(param) elsif param.start_with?('$[') parse_bracket_notation(param) else param end end def self.parse_dot_notation(param) result = [] keys = param[2..-1].split('.') keys.each { |key| if key.include?('[') result.concat(parse_dot_array_op(key, param)) else result << key end } raise Fluent::ConfigError, "empty keys in dot notation" if result.empty? validate_dot_keys(result) result end def self.validate_dot_keys(keys) keys.each { |key| next unless key.is_a?(String) if /\s+/.match(key) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "whitespace character is not allowed in dot notation. Use bracket notation: #{key}" end } end def self.parse_dot_array_op(key, param) start = key.index('[') result = if start.zero? [] else [key[0..start - 1]] end key = key[start + 1..-1] in_bracket = true until key.empty? if in_bracket if i = key.index(']') index_value = key[0..i - 1] raise Fluent::ConfigError, "missing array index in '[]'. Invalid syntax: #{param}" if index_value == ']' result << Integer(index_value) key = key[i + 1..-1] in_bracket = false else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "'[' found but ']' not found. Invalid syntax: #{param}" end else if i = key.index('[') key = key[i + 1..-1] in_bracket = true else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "found more characters after ']'. Invalid syntax: #{param}" end end end result end def self.parse_bracket_notation(param) orig_param = param result = [] param = param[1..-1] in_bracket = false until param.empty? if in_bracket if param[0] == "'" || param[0] == '"' if i = param.index("']") || param.index('"]') raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Mismatched quotes. Invalid syntax: #{orig_param}" unless param[0] == param[i] result << param[1..i - 1] param = param[i + 2..-1] in_bracket = false else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Incomplete bracket. Invalid syntax: #{orig_param}" end else if i = param.index(']') index_value = param[0..i - 1] raise Fluent::ConfigError, "missing array index in '[]'. Invalid syntax: #{param}" if index_value == ']' result << Integer(index_value) param = param[i + 1..-1] in_bracket = false else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "'[' found but ']' not found. Invalid syntax: #{orig_param}" end end else if i = param.index('[') param = param[i + 1..-1] in_bracket = true else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "found more characters after ']'. Invalid syntax: #{orig_param}" end end end raise Fluent::ConfigError, "empty keys in bracket notation" if result.empty? result end end end end end