require 'timezone/parser/zone' require 'timezone/parser/data' require 'time' module Timezone::Parser::Zone def self.generate(zones) ; DataGenerator.generate(zones) ; end def ; ; end # TODO [panthomakos] This needs refactoring. module DataGenerator @@data ={ |h,k| h[k] = [] } def ; @@data ; end class << self def generate(zone) zones = Timezone::Parser.zones[zone].to_a return if zones.empty? @@data[zone] = zones .each_cons(2) .inject(update(zones.first)) do |set, (previous, zone)| update(zone, set, previous && previous.end_date) end end private def update(zone, set = [], limit = nil) additions = [first_addition(zone, set)] zone.rules.each do |rule| data = additions.last if rule_applies?(rule, data, limit) Timezone::Parser.from_rule(zone, rule).tap do |insert| data.end_date = insert.start_date # We do this because the start date is always based on the # previous entry end date calculation. insert.start_date = data.end_date additions << insert end end end set + additions end # The rule has to fall within the time range (start_date..limit). def rule_applies?(rule, data, limit) rule.start_date > data.start_date && (!limit || rule.start_date > limit) end def first_addition(zone, set) previous = set.last if zone.rules.empty? # If there are no rules, generate a new entry for this time period. Timezone::Parser.from_zone(previous, zone) else if previous && previous.has_end_date? # If the last entry had a hard cutoff end date, create a new # addition that picks up from where the last entry left off. Timezone::Parser.extension(previous, zone) else # If the last entry did not have a hard cutoff end date, pop it off # the stack for use in these calculations. set.pop end end end end end end