# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "fileutils" require "shellwords" require "zip/zip" module TreasureData module Updater # # Toolbelt upgrade # module ModuleDefinition def raise_error(message) # TODO: Replace better Exception class raise Command::UpdateError, message end # copied from TreasureData::Helpers to avoid load issue. def home_directory on_windows? ? ENV['USERPROFILE'].gsub("\\","/") : ENV['HOME'] end def on_windows? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|mingw32/ end def on_mac? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /-darwin\d/ end def updating_lock_path File.join(home_directory, ".td", "updating") end def installed_client_path File.expand_path("../../../../../..", __FILE__) end def updated_client_path File.join(home_directory, ".td", "updated") end def latest_local_version installed_version = client_version_from_path(installed_client_path) updated_version = client_version_from_path(updated_client_path) if compare_versions(updated_version, installed_version) > 0 updated_version else installed_version end end def get_client_version_file(path) td_gems = Dir[File.join(path, "vendor/gems/td-*")] td_gems.each { |td_gem| if /[\/\\]td-\d+.\d+.\d+\z/ =~ td_gem return File.join(td_gem, "/lib/td/version.rb") end } nil end def client_version_from_path(path) if version_file = get_client_version_file(path) File.read(version_file).match(/TOOLBELT_VERSION = '([^']+)'/)[1] else '0.0.0' end end def disable(message) @disable = message end def disable? !@disable.nil? end def disable_message @disable end def wait_for_lock(path, wait_for = 5, check_every = 0.5) start = Time.now.to_i while File.exists?(path) sleep check_every if (Time.now.to_i - start) > wait_for raise_error "Unable to acquire update lock" end end begin FileUtils.touch(path) ret = yield ensure FileUtils.rm_f(path) end ret end def package_category case when on_windows? 'exe' when on_mac? 'pkg' else raise_error "Environment not supported" end end def fetch(url) require 'net/http' require 'openssl' http_class = Command.get_http_class # open-uri can't treat 'http -> https' redirection and # Net::HTTP.get_response can't get response from HTTPS endpoint. # So we use following code to avoid these issues. uri = URI(url) response = if uri.scheme == 'https' http = http_class.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path)) else http_class.get_response(uri) end case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then response.body when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['Location']) else raise_error "An error occurred when fetching from '#{url}'." response.error! end end def endpoint_root ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_UPDATE_ROOT'] || "http://toolbelt.treasuredata.com" end def version_endpoint "#{endpoint_root}/latest_version.#{package_category}" end def update_package_endpoint "#{endpoint_root}/td-update-#{package_category}.zip" end def update(autoupdate = false) wait_for_lock(updating_lock_path, 5) do require "td" require 'open-uri' require "tmpdir" require "zip/zip" latest_version = fetch(version_endpoint) if compare_versions(latest_version, latest_local_version) > 0 Dir.mktmpdir do |download_dir| indicator = Command::TimeBasedDownloadProgressIndicator.new( "Downloading updated toolbelt package", Time.new.to_i, 2) # downloading the update compressed file File.open("#{download_dir}/td-update.zip", "wb") do |file| endpoint = update_package_endpoint $stdout.puts "\npackage '#{endpoint}'... " unless ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG'].nil? stream_fetch(endpoint, file) { indicator.update } end indicator.finish $stdout.print "Unpacking updated toolbelt package..." Zip::ZipFile.open("#{download_dir}/td-update.zip") do |zip| zip.each do |entry| target = File.join(download_dir, entry.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(target)) zip.extract(entry, target) { true } end end $stdout.print "done\n" FileUtils.rm "#{download_dir}/td-update.zip" old_version = latest_local_version new_version = client_version_from_path(download_dir) if compare_versions(new_version, old_version) < 0 && !autoupdate raise_error "Installed version (#{old_version}) is newer than the latest available update (#{new_version})" end FileUtils.rm_rf updated_client_path FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(updated_client_path) FileUtils.cp_r(download_dir, updated_client_path) new_version end else false # already up to date end end ensure FileUtils.rm_f(updating_lock_path) end def compare_versions(first_version, second_version) first_version.split('.').map { |part| Integer(part) rescue part } <=> second_version.split('.').map { |part| Integer(part) rescue part } end def inject_libpath old_version = client_version_from_path(installed_client_path) new_version = client_version_from_path(updated_client_path) if compare_versions(new_version, old_version) > 0 vendored_gems = Dir[File.join(updated_client_path, "vendor", "gems", "*")] vendored_gems.each do |vendored_gem| $:.unshift File.join(vendored_gem, "lib") end load('td/updater.rb') # reload updated updater end # check every hour if the toolbelt can be updated. # => If so, update in the background if File.exists?(last_toolbelt_autoupdate_timestamp) return if (Time.now.to_i - File.mtime(last_toolbelt_autoupdate_timestamp).to_i) < 60 * 60 * 1 # every 1 hours end log_path = File.join(home_directory, '.td', 'autoupdate.log') FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(log_path) td_binary = File.expand_path($0) pid = if defined?(RUBY_VERSION) and RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\.\d+/ fork do exec("#{Shellwords.escape(td_binary)} update &> #{Shellwords.escape(log_path)} 2>&1") end else log_file = File.open(log_path, "w") spawn(td_binary, 'update', :err => log_file, :out => log_file) end Process.detach(pid) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(last_toolbelt_autoupdate_timestamp) FileUtils.touch last_toolbelt_autoupdate_timestamp end def last_toolbelt_autoupdate_timestamp File.join(home_directory, ".td", "autoupdate.last") end # # td-import.jar upgrade # # locate the root of the td package which is 3 folders up from the location of this file def jarfile_dest_path File.join(home_directory, ".td", "java") end def stream_fetch(url, binfile, &progress) require 'net/http' require 'openssl' uri = URI(url) http_class = Command.get_http_class http = http_class.new(uri.host, uri.port) if uri.scheme == 'https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end http.request_get(uri.path + (uri.query ? '?' + uri.query : '')) {|response| if response.class == Net::HTTPOK # $stdout.print a . every tick_period seconds response.read_body do |chunk| binfile.write chunk progress.call unless progress.nil? end return true elsif response.is_a?(Net::HTTPRedirection) unless ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG'].nil? $stdout.puts "redirect '#{url}' to '#{response['Location']}'... " end return stream_fetch(response['Location'], binfile, &progress) else raise_error "An error occurred when fetching from '#{uri}' " + "(#{response.class.to_s}: #{response.message})." return false end } end end # module ModuleDefinition extend ModuleDefinition def maven_repo_root ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_JARUPDATE_ROOT'] || "http://central.maven.org" end private def jar_update(hourly = false) require 'rexml/document' require 'open-uri' require 'fileutils' maven_repo = "#{maven_repo_root}/maven2/com/treasuredata/td-import" begin xml = Updater.fetch("#{maven_repo}/maven-metadata.xml") rescue Exception => exc raise Command::UpdateError, "There was a problem accessing the remote XML resource " + "'#{maven_repo}/maven-metadata.xml' (#{exc.class.to_s}: #{exc.message})" end if xml.nil? || xml.empty? raise Command::UpdateError, "The remote XML resource '#{maven_repo}/maven-metadata.xml' " + "returned an empty file." end # read version and update date from the xml file doc = REXML::Document.new(xml) updated = Time.strptime(REXML::XPath.match(doc, '/metadata/versioning/lastUpdated').first.text, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") version = REXML::XPath.match(doc, '/metadata/versioning/release').first.text # Convert into UTF to compare time correctly updated = (updated + updated.gmt_offset).utc unless updated.gmt? last_updated = existent_jar_updated_time if updated > last_updated FileUtils.mkdir_p(Updater.jarfile_dest_path) unless File.exists?(Updater.jarfile_dest_path) Dir.chdir(Updater.jarfile_dest_path) do status = nil indicator = Command::TimeBasedDownloadProgressIndicator.new( "Updating td-import.jar", Time.new.to_i, 2) File.open('td-import.jar.new', 'wb') {|binfile| status = Updater.stream_fetch("#{maven_repo}/#{version}/td-import-#{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar", binfile) { indicator.update } } indicator.finish() if status $stdout.puts "Installed td-import.jar v#{version} in '#{Updater.jarfile_dest_path}'.\n" File.rename 'td-import.jar.new', 'td-import.jar' File.open('VERSION', 'w') {|f| if hourly f.print "#{version} via hourly jar auto-update" else f.print "#{version} via import:jar_update command" end } File.open('td-import-java.version', 'w') {|f| f.print "#{version} #{updated}" } else $stdout.puts "Update of td-import.jar failed." $stdout.puts "Please execute 'td import:jar_update' later to update td-import.jar correctly." File.delete 'td-import.jar.new' if File.exists? 'td-import.jar.new' end end else $stdout.puts 'Installed td-import.jar is already at the latest version.' unless hourly end end def check_n_update_jar(hourly = false) if !File.exist?(File.join(Updater.jarfile_dest_path, 'td-import.jar')) || !File.exist?(File.join(Updater.jarfile_dest_path, 'VERSION')) # remove all file to install cleanly if a file is missing FileUtils.rm_rf(Updater.jarfile_dest_path) elsif hourly if !ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE'].nil? # also validates the TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE environment variable value if ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE'] == "0" $stdout.puts "Warning: Bulk Import JAR auto-update disabled by TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE=0" return elsif ENV['TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE'] != "1" raise UpdateError, "Invalid value for TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE environment variable. Only 0 and 1 are allowed." end end if File.exists?(last_jar_autoupdate_timestamp) && \ (Time.now - File.mtime(last_jar_autoupdate_timestamp)).to_i < (60 * 60 * 1) # every hour return end end jar_update(hourly) FileUtils.touch last_jar_autoupdate_timestamp end private def last_jar_autoupdate_timestamp File.join(Updater.jarfile_dest_path, "td-import-java.version") end private def existent_jar_updated_time files = Command.find_files("td-import-java.version", [Updater.jarfile_dest_path]) if files.empty? return Time.at(0) end content = File.read(files.first) index = content.index(' ') time = nil if index.nil? time = Time.at(0).utc else time = Time.parse(content[index+1..-1].strip).utc end time end end # module Updater end # module TreasureData