(* camlexer - Lexical Analyzer for Gonzui ocamlsupport Copyright (C) 2005 Soutaro Matsumoto All rights reserved. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. *) (* $Id: lexer.mll,v 2005/09/15 19:38:39 bashi Exp $ *) { exception EOF open Types let lnum = ref 1 let inc_lnum () = begin lnum := !lnum+1; end let reset () = lnum := 1 let get_pos lexbuf = let pos = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in let boff = pos.Lexing.pos_bol in let cnum = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in !lnum,boff+cnum let str_lexbuf = ref (None: (Lexing.lexbuf) option) } let newline = ('\n' | '\r' | "\r\n") let blank = [' ' '\t'] let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z'] let num = ['0'-'9'] let ident = (letter | '_') (letter | num | '_' | '\'')* let int_lit = (('-')? num (num | '_')*) | (('-')? ("0x"|"0X") (num | ['A'-'F'] ['a'-'f']) (num | ['A'-'F'] ['a'-'f'] | '_')*) | (('-')? ("0o"|"0O") (['0'-'7']) (['0'-'7'] | '_')*) | (('-')? ("0b"|"0B") (['0'-'1']) (['0'-'1'] | '_')*) let float_lit = ('-')? num (num | '_')* ('.' (num | '_')*)? (("e"|"E") ('+'|'-')? num (num | '_')*)? let regular_char = [^ '\''] let escape_sequence = '\\' ['\\' '\"' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] | '\\' num num num | "\\x" (num | ['A'-'F'] | ['a'-'f']) (num | ['A'-'F'] | ['a'-'f']) let char_lit = '\'' regular_char '\'' | '\'' escape_sequence '\'' let label = ['a'-'z'] (letter | num | '_' | '\'')* let operator_char = ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] let infix_symbol = ['=' '<' '>' '@' '|' '&' '+' '-' '*' '/' '$' '%'] operator_char* let prefix_symbol = ['!' '?' '~'] operator_char* let keywords = "and" | "as" | "assert" | "asr" | "begin" | "class" | "constraint" | "do" | "done" | "downto" | "else" | "end" | "exception" | "external" | "false" | "for" | "fun" | "function" | "functor" | "if" | "in" | "include" | "inherit" | "initializer" | "land" | "lazy" | "let" | "lor" | "lsl" | "lsr" | "lxor" | "match" | "method" | "mod" | "module" | "mutable" | "new" | "object" | "of" | "open" | "or" | "private" | "rec" | "sig" | "struct" | "then" | "to" | "true" | "try" | "type" | "val" | "virtual" | "when" | "while" | "with" let puncts = "!=" | "#" | "&" | "&&" | "\'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | "-" | "-." | "->" | "." | ".." | ":" | "::" | ":=" | ":>" | ";" | ";;" | "<" | "<-" | "=" | ">" | ">]" | ">}" | "?" | "??" | "[" | "[<" | "[>" | "[|" | "]" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "{<" | "|" | "|]" | "}" | "~" let camlp4_keywords = "parser" let camlp4_puncts = "<<" | "<:" | ">>" | "$" | "$$" | "$:" let ocamlyacc_keywords = "%token" | "%start" | "%type" | "%left" | "%right" | "%nonassoc" | "%prec" let ocamlyacc_puncts = "%{" | "%}" | "%%" let ocamlyacc_ident = "$" num+ let linenum_directive = '#' ' ' num+ | '#' ' ' num+ ' ' '\"' [^ '\"']* '\"' let built_in_constants = "false" | "true" | "()" | "[]" rule token = parse | newline { begin inc_lnum(); token lexbuf; end } | blank + { token lexbuf } | linenum_directive { (get_pos lexbuf, Ttext, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); } | keywords | camlp4_keywords | ocamlyacc_keywords { (get_pos lexbuf, Tkeyword, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | built_in_constants { (get_pos lexbuf, Tkeyword, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | "/*" { let pos = get_pos lexbuf in (pos, Tcomment, ocamlyacc_comment 0 "/*" lexbuf); } | "(*" { let pos = get_pos lexbuf in (pos, Tcomment, comment 0 "(*" lexbuf) } | '\"' { let pos = get_pos lexbuf in (pos, Tstring, string "\"" lexbuf) } | puncts | camlp4_puncts | ocamlyacc_puncts { (get_pos lexbuf, Tpunct, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | infix_symbol | prefix_symbol { (get_pos lexbuf, Tident, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | ('~'|'?') label ':' { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in let name = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) in (get_pos lexbuf, Tident, s) } | ident | ocamlyacc_ident { (get_pos lexbuf, Tident, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | char_lit { (get_pos lexbuf, Tchar, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | int_lit { (get_pos lexbuf, Tint, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | float_lit { (get_pos lexbuf, Tfloat, Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | eof { raise EOF } | _ { token lexbuf } and comment lv acc = parse | newline { begin inc_lnum(); comment lv (acc ^ "\\o") lexbuf; end } | "(*" { comment (lv+1) (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | "*)" { if lv = 0 then acc ^ "*)" else comment (lv-1) (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | ([^ '\\'] as c1) "\"" { let s = string "\"" lexbuf in match !str_lexbuf with Some lexbuf -> comment lv (acc ^ Printf.sprintf "%c" c1 ^ s) lexbuf } | char_lit { comment lv (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | _ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in comment lv (acc^s) lexbuf } and string acc = parse | newline { begin inc_lnum(); string (acc ^ "\\o") lexbuf; end } | '\"' { begin str_lexbuf := Some lexbuf; acc ^ "\""; end } | escape_sequence { string (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | char_lit { string (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | _ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in string (acc^s) lexbuf } and ocamlyacc_comment lv acc = parse | newline { begin inc_lnum(); ocamlyacc_comment lv (acc ^ "\\o") lexbuf; end } | "/*" { ocamlyacc_comment (lv+1) (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | "*/" { if lv = 0 then acc ^ "*/" else ocamlyacc_comment (lv-1) (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | "\"" { let s = string "\"" lexbuf in match !str_lexbuf with Some lexbuf -> ocamlyacc_comment lv (acc ^ s) lexbuf } | char_lit { ocamlyacc_comment lv (acc ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf } | _ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in ocamlyacc_comment lv (acc^s) lexbuf }