require 'capistrano/all' require 'capistrano/setup' require 'capistrano/deploy' # Load applications deploy config if it exists require './config/deploy' if File.exists? "./config/deploy.rb" require 'gli' require 'inquirer' require 'negroku/i18n' require 'negroku/version' require 'negroku/cli/bootstrap' require 'negroku/cli/stage' require 'negroku/cli/env' require 'negroku/helpers/app_directory' require 'negroku/helpers/templates' require 'capistrano/rbenv' require 'negroku/deploy' module Negroku::CLI extend GLI::App # Set th version version Negroku::VERSION # Negroku commands will manage the interactive cli ui default_command :negroku # Don't show the negroku commands in the help hide_commands_without_desc true # Use the gemspec summary to describe the cli program_desc Gem::Specification.find_by_name('negroku').summary # Load all the commands in the negroku/cli/command folder commands_from 'negroku/cli/commands' # Initialize GLI app exit end