# CHROME driver
This driver supports an internet browser.
# Installing / Implementation
At the completion of the build, the driver directory, typically `products/$PLATFORM/driver` will contain a `chrome.js` file. This must be included
before your `application.js` file.
### HTML conventions
There is excatly (1) divider that is used to place everything inside of that is visible. This divider *must* have the following HTML code:
### Adding a surface prototype
You may add surface prototypes like so under your #surface-prototypes divider
### Binding a Controller to a view
You create a constructor for a controller
//Constructor for a controller that will automatically bind to a surface with the attribute 'data-name=tab_controller'
var TestController = function() {
this.base = FlokController; this.base(); var self = this;
self.init = function() {
//You have access to 'context' in here
self.action = function(from, to) {
var myH1Tag = self.$sel("h1"); //Example of a jQuery selector
self.send("spec", {from: from, to:to});
self.event = function(name, info) {
self.send("spec", {name:name, info:info})
//Register the new controller
$(document).ready(function() {
regController("__test__", TestController);
### DOM helpers
### ERB Compliation
The final `chrome.js` file is run through an `ERB` compiler that contains the variables:
* `@debug` - True if `FLOK_ENV=DEBUG`
* `@release` - True if `FLOK_ENV=RELEASE`
* `@mods` - A list of active kernel modules listed from `config.yml`
### Debug information
You may access the debug associated information via `debug_assoc` hash.
### Testing
All *js* files inside `./spec/spec` will be placed in one file under one document ready so QUnit will pick it up as one testing unit