DC386FCB-1430-4E7A-898C-51522E4D705F eng utf8 dataset dataset Stanford Geospatial Center Metadata Analyst 650-723-2746
Branner Earth Sciences Library Mitchell Building, 2nd Floor 397 Panama Mall Stanford California 94305 US brannerlibrary@stanford.edu
2013-11-14 ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification 2007 2 column 43200 0.008333 row 20880 0.008333 area true false -180.000000 -90.000000 -180.000000 84.000000 180.000000 84.000000 180.000000 -90.000000 -0.000000 -3.000000 center 4326 EPSG 7.9.4 <gco:CharacterString>LandScan 2011 Level 1 World Administrative Boundaries</gco:CharacterString> 2012-06-29 publication 2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory originator Bright, Edward A. originator Coleman, Philip R. originator Rose, Amy N. originator Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831 US
mapDigital East View LandScan Global Population Database 2011 This release represents the thirteenth version of LandScan and succeeds all previous versions. It is recommended that users of previous versions of LandScan replace any earlier version with LandScan 2011. Improvements that have been incorporated into the LandScan 2011 Global Population Database are outlined below: Updated results from the 2010 and 2011 rounds of census activities for numerous countries have been released and were integrated into this version of LandScan. These new data allow for significant refinements in the population distribution. For temporal consistency, all census counts were normalized to match the July 2011 national population estimates provided by the CIA World Factbook. Output from ORNL’s “Settlement Mapper Tool” (which rapidly delineates and characterizes settlements using high-resolution imagery) was incorporated in this version of LandScan. NGA’s Controlled Image Base (CIB) imagery and other high-resolution imagery sources were used extensively for verification and validation, for refining urban built-up areas, for adding thousands of smaller villages and populated places, and for the identification and mitigation of input data anomalies to improve the spatial precision and values of the population distribution. The population distribution for the United States was based on calculations derived from the sixth edition of ORNL’s LandScan USA product [a very high resolution (3 arc-second ~90 meter resolution) population database of nighttime and daytime population distribution made available to qualified users of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/NGA Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) data]. This year, U.S. Census boundary geometry for the 2010 Census was incorporated, as were 2010 baseline block-level population counts and 2011 Census estimates. In this version, changes to the population distribution for Japan include impacts due to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant incident. Resultant population displacements including shelters and temporary housing were integrated into the distribution. Updates were made to the country grid to reflect changes in global political boundaries and sovereignty. These changes include the division of Sudan and South Sudan, creating separate entities for Akrotiri and Dhekelia, and permanently dissolving Netherlands Antilles in so that Curacao and Sint Maarten are now constituent countries and Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius are special municipalities. LandScan 2011 Global Population June 29, 2012 Because of these refinements we advise against cell-by-cell comparison between LandScan 2011 and earlier versions of LandScan. The enclosed LandScan 2011 CD-ROM contains the following files: The LandScan 2011 Global Population Database at 30 arc seconds (1 km. or finer) in the following formats: 1. Raster GIS: ESRI Grid format. [Note: the Spatial Analyst extension for ArcGIS or ArcView (3.x) is required for analyzing the LandScan data.] 2. HPAC Binary: Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability compressed binary format. 3. Binary raster: ESRI binary raster format (see included documentation). Almost any high level programming language can read this file directly. Two raster boundary files defining assignments of LandScan cells to 1) country, and 2) sub-country Level 1 Administrative areas. [Note: These sub-national areas were not used for the actual population modeling process.]
A subdirectory containing the ArcGIS grid (world_admin1) of the countries/sub-countries. These are the standard Level 1 Administrative Boundaries. ESRI grid of areas of 30 second cells. The data table (VAT) contains the cell areas in the field: [Area]. The units are square kilometers. Tha Value Field simply represents a row numberfor a specific Latitude. All cells on the same row have the same area. Cell areas are largest at the equator and smallest at the poles. Each year the models incorporate administrative boundary changes, refine the spatial precision of international and sub-national administrative boundaries, and reconcile temporal census information and administrative boundary inconsistencies. The administrative unit level by which the census data is distributed varies considerably in size and spatial precision from country to country. The number of administrative units per nation and spatial fidelity of the boundaries are considered in the model parameterization process. Nations with few, but very large administrative areas require different weights in the model parameters to allocate representative populations to their appropriate locations. Generally, smaller administrative boundaries lead to better population distribution – if the boundaries are spatially accurate. However, small administrative areas that are poorly geo-referenced or spatially characterized actually induce population distribution errors. To mitigate these errors, where possible, analysts will merge poor sub-province boundaries to the province level and distribute the entire province population according to the population likelihood locations determined by the model rather than constrict population distributions to incorrect locations. Very small administrative or enumeration areas equivalent to US census blocks or block groups have unintended consequences for modeling an ambient population. Since the populations associated with census tables are places of residence, commercial and industrial areas may have zero or very low populations associated with them. Thus the output would be reflective of a residential only population distribution instead of an ambient population distribution. This dataset is part of the LandScan 2011 Global Population Database. Accurate administrative boundary attributes are essential to the LandScan models since the population projections are joined to the boundaries which act as spatial controls for the population totals. The LandScan 2011 Global Population Database was developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the United States Department of Defense (DoD). Bright, Edward A., Coleman, Phillip R., Rose, Amy N., and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (2012) LandScan 2011 Level 1 World Administrative Boundaries. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT-Battelle, LLC. completed Oak Ridge National Laboratory (+1) 865.576.7658
P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831 US
annually Earth place <gco:CharacterString>GeoNames</gco:CharacterString> 2012-11-01 revision 3.1 http://www.geonames.org 2011 temporal Boundaries Administrative and political divisions theme <gco:CharacterString>lcsh</gco:CharacterString> 2011-04-26 revision http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects.html Downloadable Data restricted restricted Licensee agrees to use its best efforts to provide UT-Batelle information on an annual basis about its utilization of the Data Set including a list of publications or presentations wherein the Data Set is used. If this dataset is used in a publication or presentation, please notify the distributor so that information can be shared with the dataset originator.Licensee agrees to apply the following notice to all tangible forms of products, including graphs or pictorial presentations, which are produced or generated utilizing the licensed LandScan 2010 High Resolution Global Population Data Set, or to the packaging thereof if direct application to products is not feasible: When using the LandScan data in publications, please insert this statement as appropriate: "This product was made utilizing the LandScan 2011 -- High Resolution global Population Data Set copyrighted by UT-Battelle, LLC, operator of Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the United States Department of Energy. The United States Government has certain rights in this Data Set. Neither UT-BATTELLE, LLC NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF THE DATA SET."If the product is a single image or something similar where space does not permit use of the entire notice shown above, Licensee shall apply the following credit line to such images or similar products: Source: LandScan 2011, ORNL, UT-Battelle, LLC. <gco:CharacterString>LandScan 2011 Global Population Database</gco:CharacterString> 2012-06-29 publication 2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory originator Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831 US
Bright, Edward A. originator Coleman, Philip R. originator Rose, Amy N. originator mapDigital East View LandScan Global Population Database 2011
grid eng utf8 boundaries society imageryBaseMapsEarthCover Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS true -180 180 -90 84 ground condition 2011-01-01T00:00:00 2011-12-31T00:00:00 For correct population analysis using ESRI products assure that the following parameters are set: Use ONLY Geographic, WGS84 projection parameters. Spatial Analysis cell size is 0.008333333333333 (double precision) Spatial Analysis extent should be set to an exact multiple of the cell size (for example 35.25, 35.50, 35.0) Converting (including on-the-fly projections) a grid to other projections or coordinate systems causes population cells to be re-sampled, and hence population counts will be incorrect. In ESRI ArcMap, load the LandScan grid first in order to maintain the original geographic (lat-lon) projection.
physicalMeasurement world_admin1 3750 1 Unified Code of Units of Measure 16 false eng true <gco:CharacterString>Feature Catalog for LandScan 2011 Level 1 World Administrative Boundaries</gco:CharacterString> 2012-06-29 publication ba127f7e-09f5-4ed1-888f-58076236a9f0 Oak Ridge National Laboratory originator Bright, Edward A. originator Coleman, Philip R. originator Rose, Amy N. originator Raster Dataset Stanford Geospatial Center 650-723-2746
Branner Earth Sciences Library Mitchell Building, 2nd Floor 397 Panama Mall Stanford California 94305 US brannerlibrary@stanford.edu
http://wms.cartographic.com/landscan LandScan Global Web Applications East View Geospatial LandScan Global Archive Web Applications page information